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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Reality Check! We had 4 surprises. 1 being the merge and 2,3, and 4 being Maylene, Blake, and Joss returning. Everyone was eager to find out who the моль was. In the end, it was Draven, using his cheating ways, who found out who the моль was make Cole, the phones stealer, saying goodbye. Who will Присоединиться Cole and the other losers? And who will not? Find out right now on Total.. Drama... Reality Check!

(Theme song)

(Outside of trailers)
Liza: So Joss, how does it fill to be back?
Joss: (shrugs)
Liza: Is everything alright?
Joss: Huh? Oh yeah. Everything's just great.
(Someone grabs Liza's and Joss's hand and get's pulled behind the trailers)
Liza: What the freak? What was that for?
Draven: We need to talk.
Chilly: What about?
Draven: the game. There is only 4 of us left.
Liza: No. I'm pretty sure there's 11.
Draven: I mean that were here last season. Think about. How bad would it be if we Остаться в живых to newbies?
Chilly: I'm guessing pretty bad?
Draven: Yeah. We'll never live it down. That's why we need to Присоединиться an alliance. Together. And vote off the newbies.
Liza: Why should we Присоединиться an alliance with you?
Draven: I know Ты guys don't really like me-
Joss: We hate you.
Draven: But, Ты still need to think about it. Dignity. или no Dignity.
Liza: What does that even mean?
Chris: (intercom) All contestants to the film lot! NOW!
Draven: Times up. Are Ты in? или are Ты out?
Chilly: (sigh) I guess I'm in.
Joss: Me too.
Liza: Joss?
Draven: Are Ты in Liza?
Liza: (looks at Draven, then at Joss, then back to Draven) (sigh) I guess.
Draven: Good. Now. let's go win this challenge!


Liza: I know I'm going to regret this!


(Film lot)
Chris: Today's challenge is based off of the reality show: Recuse 911. This is how it will good down. First, Ты will go throw an obstacle course. At the end, are 3 keys. 1 goes to a car.
Vincent: Sweet.
Chris: The 2nd goes to an electric scooter. And the 3rd goes to a box of roller skates. First one throw the obstacle, get's first pick.
May: How would we know which one's which? They all look the same.
Chris: That's the fun part. Ты don't know. You'll have to guess. Once Ты pick it up, Ты can't get another one. And if Ты don't like what Ты got, if I were you, I'd just do it. Roller skating is faster than walking или running. Oh and If Ты fall off the obstacle course, you'll have to run to the beginning of it. And if Ты do that, Ты will most likely not get very far in the race.
Mathew: What are we racing to exactly?
Chris: Oh right. To part 2. Ты will then race to a building at the end of the film set. There, Ты must save a trapped intern from a bomb explosion on the 20th floor.
Blake: 20 floors?!?!? How do we get up there? Are there stairs?
Chris: Yes. But the first one there get's the privilege to use the elevator.
Blake: Oh. Okay.
Chris: First one to save him wins. Oh and another thing. Just to add some fun. Chef here will try to prevent Ты from saving that poor intern.
Marissa: How is he going to do that?
Chris: Chef will try to drag Ты away and put Ты in jail. So if Ты fall off the obstacle course, Ты might wanna run before Chef get's you. Now get to the starting line so we can get throw the obstacle course.
(startling line)
Chris: First in the obstacle course, the rock climbing wall. Then the rope свинг, качели over the pool of doom.
Elisa: W- why is it called the pool of doom?
Chris: Because it has electric eels, piranhas, and and some other surprises. Then, you'll go to the spinning log, where Ты must try to stay on and walk trough it without falling off. There's where most of Ты will be sent to Chef jail. Finally, you'll go to the paper cut dodge.
Vincent: Paper cut dodge?
Chris: hehe. Yep. Ты heard me right. Giant pieces of paper will be swinging at you. Try not to get cut. Really. It hurts. A few interns got sent to the hospitable.... a few died.
Final 11: (gasp)
Chris: Cut the chit chat! BEGIN!
(The final 11 begin)
Chilly: (first one to climb the rock wall.)
Draven: (2nd one)
Maylene: (goes up to it) How do Ты climb up this thing?
Vincent: Like this. grab a rock. pull up. grab another. pull up. keep going until Ты get to the top. (3rd one)
Maylene: oh.... okay!
(Joss, Liza, Marissa, and Elisa are the 4th ones)
(Mathew, May, and Blake are the 5th)
(Rope swing)
(Chilly and Draven come up to it)
Draven: let me go first.
Chilly: what? Why? NO!
Draven: Just let me! (grabs rope and swings then Chilly grabs Draven's legs and Chilly get's dragged across the pool of doom)
Draven: What are Ты doing??!?!
Chilly: I don't know.
Draven: being stupid?
(The rope swings back and forth)
Chilly: I guess so.
Draven: Let go!
Chilly: My feet are already in the pool of doom! I'm not going to make my whole body be in it!
Draven: Well then I'll make it! Get off!
(Vincent runs up)
Vincent: What the? Just go already! stop fighting! Others want to win this too Ты know.
Chilly: Listen to him Draven!
Draven: Fine! (jumps off swing)
Chilly: Wait!
Draven: sorry man! (runs off)
Chilly: aggggghhh...
(rope swings back then back and Chilly jumps off)
Chilly: I'm going to get you!
(Vincent gets on свинг, качели and swings to the other side)
(Liza, Joss, and Marissa runs up)
Liza: Who wants to go first?
Liza and Marissa: Joss?
Joss: (sigh) (grabs свинг, качели and swings to the other side)
Liza and Marissa: Good job Joss!
(rope swings back to them)
Liza and Marissa: Me next! (grabs rope and they fight over it)
Marissa: I grabbed it first!
Liza: Yeah right! I did!
Marissa: No I-
(Liza and Marissa fall in the pool of doom)
(They comes out and Liza has a piranha in her hair and Marissa has an electric угорь on her chest.)
Joss: Guys! Ты have to go around! Don't let Chef get you!
Marissa and Liza: Okay!
(Marissa and Liza run to the starting line and Blake, Mathew and May run up)
Joss: (exits)
(Blake swings and then exits)
Mathew: May, Ты first!
May: No you. Ты need to win еще then me!
Mathew: But-
May: Go! (pushes Mathew so he would go but Mathew falls in pool of doom) Oops.
Mathew: (comes out with a Piranha on head) Really?
May: Sorry.
Mathew: (sigh) Wait for me.
May: Okay.
(Mathew runs to the starting line)
(Rock wall)
(Maylene is still trying to climb up)
Chris: Ummm... Maylene. Your way behind everyone else.
Maylene: How do Ты climb this thing?
Chris: Ummmm... Ты climb it?
Maylene: Oh okay. (stills tries to climb) It's not working.
Chris: (facepalm)
(spinning log)
Draven: Hello spinning log.
Chilly: Draven!
Draven: Oh Эй, Chilly.
Chilly: Ты are a jerk!
Draven: Now, is that something Ты would tell someone your in an alliance with?
Chilly: Not anymore!
Draven: Not anymore what?
Chilly: We're not in an alliance anymore!
Draven: Ты need my help! With out me, Ты can't win this thing.
Chilly: oh yeah? (tries to push Draven off-)
(Vincent enters)
Chilly: (-but Draven grabs Chilly and throws him off)
Draven: Have a nice fall!
Chilly: Oof! Oh I'll get you! (runs to starting line)
Draven: (laughs then sees Vincent) Oh no! (starts goes throw spinning log and then Vincent follows.
(starting line)
(Marissa and Liza run up)
Marissa: I think we Остаться в живых Chef!
Liza: Good. Now let's go!
(runs way to starting line)
Mathew: (running) I need to catch up with May! (Chef stops infront of him)
Mathew: Oh crap.
(Chef pushes Mathew in jail sell)
Mathew: Do I at least get a phone call first?
Chef: (shakes head no)
Mathew: Crap.
(Spinning log)
(Joss and Blake run up)
Joss: Ummm...
Blake: Ты first.
Joss: really?
Blake: (shrugs)
Joss: O- okay. (runs across log and makes it to the other side.)
Blake: Okay. (runs across and makes it) Oh yeah! (high 5s Joss)
(Elisa runs up)
Blake: Let's go!
(Blake and Joss run out)
Elisa: (runs across but falls off) Oh man! (runs out)
(Rope swing)
(May is still waiting when Liza and Marissa enter)
Liza: What are Ты still doing here?
May: Waiting for Mathew.
Liza: Oh okay.
(Marissa swings and makes it and runs out)
Liza: Oh man. (swings and runs out)
(Rock wall)
(Maylene is still trying to climb)
Chilly: Really? Your still here?
Maylene: It's hard!
Chilly: (climbs up easy)
Maylene: Показать off.
(Chilly runs out)
(Runway to starting line)
Elisa: Almost there!
(Chef get's in front of her)
Elisa: Aw man!
(Paper cut dodge)
Draven: Final one! Just past this is the keys! Oh let's hope I get the car. But how do I get across?
(Vincent runs up)
Draven: Oh your not going to get me!
Vincent: Oh yeah? Watch me!
(Draven and Vincent run in at the same time and make it to the other side)
Draven: I beat you!
Vincent: NO! That was so a tie!
Draven: Yeah right.
Vincent: Now. What key is which?
Draven: I'm just grabbing one! (grabs a key and runs off)
Vincent: Hmmm...
Tara: Vincent...
Vincent: Tara?
Tara: The left key...
Vincent: huh?
Tara: The left key is the car! Use it!
Vincent: Oh... okay. (grabs a key and runs off)
(Joss and Blake enters)
Blake: Oh man! This one!
Joss: It's not that hard.
Blake: How?
Joss: Just listen to the beats of the paper.
Blake: what?
Joss: Watch. (goes throw the papers easy)
Blake: Oh okay.
(Blake goes throw but then get cut by a paper and falls off)
Joss: Are Ты okay?
Blake: ummm.. a little. Not much. Ты go on with out me. Okay?
Joss: Okay. (runs and grabs the last key.)
(Box room)
Draven: (get's in car) Let's hope this works! (puts key in key hole but does start)
Draven: Crap! Grabbed the wrong one! (get's out and tries the scooter and it doesn't work)
Draven: What? (tries the skates and it works) Finally!
Vincent: (enters and goes in car and starts it up and drives out almost hitting Joss)
Joss: WO!
(Draven starts putting on skates)
Joss: Looks like I got the scooter!
Blake: I got to get to the-
Chef: (gets in front of him)
Blake: Crap.
(rope swing)
(Chilly makes it to the other side and runs out)
May: Where the heck is Mathew?
(Spinning log)
(Marissa and Liza run up)
Marissa: Oh great.
Liza: Me first this time!
Marissa: No me!
(Liza they fight until Chilly comes and pushes them off)
Liza: Ow! Bitch!
Chilly: Sorry! I'm not losing this! (goes past spinning log and exits)
(Marissa and Liza get's on впп, взлетно-посадочная полоса but then Chef stops them)
Liza and Marissa: Oh no.
(Vincent is driving)
Vincent: I need to win this! (police sirens are heard) What the? (turns around and see's Chef in a police car) Oh crap. (drives faster)
(with Joss)
(Riding scooter)
Joss: For Maris- Liza! For Liza!
(with Draven)
(riding skates)
Draven: Stupid luck!
(Paper cut dodge)
Chilly: Okay! First I get past this, hope there is still some keys left, and win this game! (goes throw paper cut and makes it) Yes! (see's there is no keys) Shit! Guess I'll have to run. (runs)
(With Vincent)
Vincent: You'll never catch me coppers! (turns around and see's the Chef's car is gone) Phew! His g- (Chef is driving right in front of him) Oh crap! (Chef and Vincent run into each other)
(Rock wall)
Chris: Okay Maylene. This is just sad.
Maylene: Huh?
Chris: I think I need to put Ты in jail.
Maylene: That's good right?
Chris: Sure...
(Rope swing)
May: I have a filling that Mathew got put in Jail.... Oh crap! (grabs rope свинг, качели and свинг, качели to the other side) I'm losing! (runs out)
Joss: I made it!
Chris: (intercom) Only 5 еще минуты and the intern gets it!.
Joss: Oh no! (looks behind him and see's Draven on skates about 100 yards away) Oh man! How is he so fast on those? (runs inside the building) All I have to do is run up 20 flights of- oh wait! First one there get's the elevator! Sweet! (Get's in the elevator and presses the 20th floor button) Invincibility here I come!
(Draven enters)
Draven: Crap! He got the elevator! Looks like I have to use the stairs! (tries to climb up but slips on his skates) First, I have to take my skates off)
(end of Paper cut dodge)
May: I made it! And it looks like all the keys are gone... Looks like I'm running! (runs off)
Joss: Floor number 18... floor number 19... floor number-
(Elevator stops and the lights go off)
Joss: What the?
(8th floor)
Draven: Who knew that all the power stuff was on the 8th floor?
Chris: (intercom) 3 minutes!
Draven: Oh crap! (runs up stairs)
(With Chilly)
Chilly: Al- almo- almost th- almost there!
Joss: Oh no! Oooh no! My 3 worst fears. Being trapped in an elevator... the dark... and small spaces.... (starts banging on door) GET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
(20th floor)
Draven: M- Made it!
Intern: Help me! Ты only got 30 seconds!
Draven: Okay. (unties the intern and the intern runs out screaming) Okay... looks like I win!
Chris: (intercom) If Ты make it out alive.... 10... 9....
Draven: Oh no.
Chris: 8.... 7...
Draven: (runs to bomb)
Chris: 6... 5...
Draven: How do Ты turn off a bomb?
Chris: 4... 3..
Draven: (see's a button labeled off) Oh. That's convenient.
Chris: 2... 1...
(Draven press button)
Chris: And Draven wins invincibility!
Draven: YES! I won!
Chris: As for everyone else.... see Ты guys tonight!

Okay, so everyone has to vote! Ты can either IM me, Входящие me, или Комментарий below.

Here is who is still in:
Draven (Invincibility)

Momiji: One Шоколад please!
Nikole: Vannila.
Tohru: Chocolate!
Nikole: *pays for the icecream* Ты wanna get one Kate?
Kate: I'll buy my own.
Nikole: Ok, we'll meet Ты two at the arcade!
Kate: Let's see.... one strawberry.
Icecream man: $3 please.
Kyo: I got it.
Kate: Ты sure?
Kate: No. and thank you.
Kyo: Don't worry about it...


*Everyone walks in*
Shigure: HIDE ME! *hides behind Yuki*
Yuki: Hiding from your editor agian?
Shigure: YES! Oh hi. I'm shigure! I figure that Ты two are Друзья of Yuki and the others?
continue reading...
first of all this is not mine is of katie4cheer but I dedicated this post to rubberduck2 and 7thGradeGenius they read all the story that I post this is for you!

The door slams open and reveals a Racketeer gangster carrying Courtney’s limp body in his arms. Bruises spotted her arms, legs, and even her face. Another gangster steps out of the room with a thick, wooden baseball bat in his hands. He swings the baseball bat in large arcs and winks at Duncan. He almost puked due to the queasy feeling in his stomach he got when he thought of what they did to Courtney.

The Racketeer places Courtney...
continue reading...
I read this like I don't know just five минуты назад to Ты bigTDIfan!

Justin was really starting to scare me. Obsessive love, Bridgette would probably call it. We both sometimes stayed up for hours into the night talking about how strange the other campers were. We each expected Justin to be the strong, silent type, not an obsessive freak.

He was really strong, I realized. He’d been carrying me for several минуты now. Where we were going, I had no idea. All I knew was that it was deeper and deeper into this forest.

Mental note: Courtney, never come back here. Unless you’re not alone. Wait...
continue reading...
ok campers 2days challenge will be a sing off, oh and im busting the teams up, its every brat for themselfs-Juno
cuz i сказал(-а) so-Juno
ur so mean sometimes-Jared
no duh-Juno
ok get to the stage in 5min-Juno

(at the stage)

ok start!
*Andi and Jared walk up*
so r u 2 doing a doet?-Juno
ok go-Juno
*they sing "Bring me to life" by Evanescence*
on a scale of 1-10 i pick a solid 8-Juno
*Keira walks up*
ok great!, now what r u singing-Juno
im gonna sing something i made up-Keira
*sings* purple roses, розовый moss, pretty blue sky, and girly things!-Keira
continue reading...
Man in the box by Alice in chains

Smooth Criminal by Alien ant farm

Metalingus by Alterbridge

Beast and the harlot by Avenged sevenfold

Iron man by Black Sabbath

All the small things by Blink 182

Dammit by Bling 182

One of a kind by Breaking point

Scream aim огонь by Bullet for my valentine

Glass Shatters by Disturbed

Perfect insanity by Disturbed

Down with the sicknees by Disturbed

Now или never by Dope

Were comin down by Dudley Boyz

You Make me sick by Egypt central

This огонь burns by Killswitch engage

Cult of personality by Living color

All nightmare long by Metallica

Sad but True by Metallica

Seek and Destroy...
continue reading...
ok lets play "Bring me to life" by Evanescence-Jacki
ok what should we do?-Brittani
ok Brittani i want Ты on the drums and Duncan i need Ты on the gutar and i also need your help with Пение and im gonna play the Пианино and sing-Jacki
ok sounds good-Duncan

(After they play the song)

ok what next?-Brittani
ok we should play "My Immortal" by Evanescence, Brittani i need Ты on drums and back up Пение and Duncan your on guitar-Jacki

(After the song)

im not really comfortable with the name-Brittani
well any idea's?-Jacki
how bout "Immortal"-Brittani
im bourd-Duncan
well im leaving-Jacki
why do Ты always leave-Duncan
because i like to be alone-Jacki
were not-Jacki
welcome to the dramatic campfire ceramony-Juno


and the last marshmellow goes to...


YES im safe-Andrea
bye Kaitlan-Katie
Bye well its been fun-Kaitlan


NOTE:Seriously Ты have to remember to send me a message on who Ты want to vote off if your team losses Ты peeps keep forgeting

Thank Ты and goodbye
posted by chocopockyninja
Part 1
by chocopockyninja

I closed the door of my newly bought smart car and walked up to the Pretty white house where my friend Sofie lived with her boy friend Duncan. I rang the door колокол, колокольчик, белл and heard their dog Bonnie bark like crazy. The door open and out walk Duncan in nothing but his boxers.
"What are Ты doing here?" Asked a very tired Duncan.
"Did Ты forget the Cedar Point trip is today? Its 9 a.m. and it takes an час to get there Hurry!!" I сказал(-а) to Duncan. With out a word he ran up stairs, I hope to get dressed and wake Sofie. While standing out side scratching Bonnie I heard Sofie yell,"Oh...
continue reading...
posted by taytrain97
As Ты probably don't know, both topez99 and I like Harold. We had a conversation concerning just that, and look how it ended up. xP
Freakin' hilarious, unless you're offended by strippers and people who cosplay Harry Potter. :3
Noah will always be my main boy.
*I wink at Noah, and he just sticks his tongue out at me.*

This is copied word for word xD Enjoy! =3
( oh, and PS: Noah's reaction is at the end, after he reads it xD )


Last time, on TOTAL DRAMA MEEBO (nice name, huh?):

Ava (topez99) and Raynie (taytrain97) had dyed Noah's hair red. They'd been making him and Harold cosplay Harry Potter....
continue reading...
posted by LeshawnaGirl
Cruella de Heather Cruella De Heather
If She dosent scare no evil thing will
To see her on TDI is to take a sudden chil
Cruella Cruella Du Heather

Cruella Cruella De Heather
The curl of her lips
The ice in her demands
All innocent campers like Lindsay better beware
She is like a competitor waiting for the chance
Look out for Cruella Du Heather

Cruella de Heather Cruella De Heather
If She dosent scare no evil thing will
To see her on TDI is to take a sudden chil
Cruella Cruella Du Heather

This bitchy face
This inhuman fiend
She ought to be locked up bye Chef Hatchet
This Показать was such...
continue reading...
"Heather...Heather....my child, wake up!" Heather woke up, in a cemetary. "Oh gracious, my child, you've woken up!".
"wh, who are you?"
"Why my child, I am your great great great great great great grandmother, Beatrice Thorn!".
Heather stared at the woman for minute, like she was crazy.
"Please, my child! Come here, Ты have been hurt!"
Beatrice tried to grab Heather, but she slipped out of her hands.
"Get away from me, Ты sleezy hag!"
"Why must Ты act like this!? So crude, so...so...ugh!" Beatrice grabbed Heather and threw her down a hole, a dug grave that was awaiting.

"Oh...my poor Damien....how...
continue reading...
posted by vamp_grl_123
It’s been boring. Like nothing interesting has happened. So here I am walking down the halls and entering history class. I take my usual сиденье, место, сиденья in the back corner and take out my book to read until first period starts.

I am completely into my book that I didn’t notice the boy walking up to me. I only realized his existence when he pulled out the chair Далее to me and sat down. I perked up and looked over to find his green eyes string at me.

“May I sit here? или will Terry be mad?” Trent joked with me.

“What’s your problem?” I asked putting my book away. “No one talks to me. I’m...
continue reading...
posted by TDIlover226
possy:JG's possy
Phrase: huh?

John is the oldest person in TDA, being 22, just 2 years older than Chris. He is known not to say much. He is in JG's possy, having the job of driving the possy's red pickup truck (even though Seiamica can drive perfectly). He has a goth appearence and long hair. JG jokes around with him, saying he looks like a chick, he replys by sayig "Thank you" as a joke that never gets old. It was never really known how a 22 год old would become Друзья with a couple of 14 and 15 год olds, but the best conclusion is that John is just like a big kid. John is...
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added by Frankiestein65
added by drago-flame
Source: drago-flame
added by clxudx
Source: Character Alejandro // Drawn By Me :3
added by bigpurplemuppet
Source: Fresh TV
added by DandC4evacute
Source: ForZaAleX-1
added by GwenFanxxxx
added by wetts2
Source: topez99 and gwen