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posted by cajas
chapter 21. VERDICT
WE WERE IN A BRIGHTLY LIT, UNREMARKABLE HALLWAY. The walls were off-white, the floor carpeted in industrial gray. Common rectangular fluorescent lights were spaced evenly along the ceiling. It was warmer here, for which I was grateful. This hall seemed very benign after the gloom of the ghoulish stone sewers.
Edward didn't seem to agree with my assessment. He glowered darkly down the long hallway, toward the slight, black shrouded figure at the end, standing by an elevator. He pulled me along, and Alice walked on my other side. The heavy door creaked shut behind us, and then there was the thud of a bolt sliding home.
Jane waited by the elevator, one hand holding the doors open for us. Her expression was apathetic.
Once inside the elevator, the three Вампиры that belonged to the Volturi relaxed further. They threw back their cloaks, letting the hoods fall back on their shoulders. Felix and Demetri were both of a slightly оливковый, оливковое complexion—it looked odd combined with their chalky pallor. Felix's black hair was cropped short, but Demetri's waved to his shoulders. Their irises were deep crimson around the edges, darkening until they were black around the pupil. Under the shrouds, their clothes were modern, pale, and nondescript. I
cowered in the corner, cringing against Edward. His hand still rubbed against my arm. He never took his eyes off Jane.
The elevator ride was short; we stepped out into what looked like a posh office reception area. The walls were paneled in wood, the floors carpeted in thick, deep green. There were no windows, but large, brightly lit paintings of the Tuscan countryside hung everywhere a
replacements. Pale leather couches were arranged in cozy groupings, and the glossy tables held crystal vases full of vibrantly colored bouquets. The flowers' smell reminded me of a funeral home.
In the middle of the room was a high, polished mahogany counter. I gawked in astonishment at the woman behind it.
She was tall, with dark skin and green eyes. She would have been very pretty in any other company—but not here. Because she was every bit as human as I was. I couldn't comprehend what this human woman was doing here, totally at ease, surrounded by vampnes.
She smiled politely in welcome. "Good afternoon, Jane," she said. There was no surprise in her face as she glanced at Jane's company. Not Edward, his bare chest glinting dimly in the white lights, или even me, disheveled and comparatively hideous.
Jane nodded. "Gianna." She continued toward a set of double doors in the back of the room, and we followed.
As Felix passed the desk, he winked at Gianna, and she giggled.
On the other side of the wooden doors was a different kind of reception. The pale boy in the pearl gray suit could have been Jane's twin. His hair was darker, and his lips were not as full, but he was just as lovely. He came вперед to meet us. He smiled, reaching for her. "Jane."
"Alec," she responded, embracing the boy. They kissed each other's cheeks on both sides. Then he
looked at us.
"They send Ты out for one and Ты come back with two… and a half," he noted, looking at me. "Nice
She laughed—the sound sparkled with delight like a baby's cooing.
"Welcome back, Edward," Alec greeted him. "You seem in a better mood."
"Marginally," Edward agreed in a flat voice. I glanced at Edward's hard face, and wondered how his mood could have been darker before.
Alec chuckled, and examined me as I clung to Edward's side. "And this is the cause of all the trouble?" he asked, skeptical.
Edward only smiled, his expression contemptuous. Then he froze.
"Dibs," Felix called casually from behind.
Edward turned, a low snarl building deep in his chest. Felix smiled—his hand was raised, palm up; he curled his fingers twice, inviting Edward forward.
Alice touched Edward's arm. "Patience," she cautioned him.
They exchanged a long glance, and I wished I could hear what she was telling him. I figured that it was something to do with not attacking Felix, because Edward took a deep breath and turned back to Alec.
"Aro will be so pleased to see Ты again," Alec said, as if nothing had passed.
"Let's not keep him waiting," Jane suggested.
Edward nodded once.
Alec and Jane, holding hands, led the way down yet another wide, ornate hall—would there ever be an end?
They ignored the doors at the end of the hall—doors entirely sheathed in gold—stopping halfway down the hall and sliding aside a piece of the paneling to expose a plain wooden door. It wasn't locked. Alec held it open for Jane.
I wanted to groan when Edward pulled me through to the other side of the door. It was the same ancient stone as the square, the alley, and the sewers. And it was dark and cold again.
The stone antechamber was not large. It opened quickly into a brighter, cavernous room, perfectly round like a huge замок turret… which was probably exactly what it was.
Two stories up, long window slits threw thin rectangles of bright sunlight onto the stone floor below.
There were no artificial lights. The only furniture in the room were several massive wooden chairs, like thrones, that were spaced unevenly, flush with the curving stone walls. In the very center of the circle, in a slight depression, was another drain. I wondered if they used it as an exit, like the hole in the street.
The room was not empty. A handful of people were convened in seemingly relaxed conversation. The
murmur of low, smooth voices was a gentle hum in the air. As I watched, a pair of pale women in
summer dresses paused in a patch of light, and, like prisms, their skin threw the light in радуга sparkles against the sienna walls.
The exquisite faces all turned toward our party as we entered the room. Most of the immortals were dressed in inconspicuous pants and shirts—things that wouldn't stick out at all on the streets below. But the man who spoke first wore one of the long robes. It was pitch-black, and brushed against the floor.
For a moment, I thought his long, jet-black hair was the капот, худ of his cloak.
"Jane, dear one, you've returned!" he cried in evident delight. His voice was just a soft sighing.
He drifted forward, and the movement flowed with such surreal grace that I gawked, my mouth hangmg
open. Even Alice, whose every motion looked like dancing, could not compare.
I was only еще astonished as he floated closer and I could see his face. It was not like the unnaturally attractive faces that surrounded him (for he did not approach us alone; the entire group converged around him, some following, and some walking ahead of him with the alert manner of bodyguards). I couldn't decide if his face was beautiful или not. I suppose the features were perfect. But he was as different from the Вампиры beside him as they were from me. His skin was translucently white, like onionskin, and it looked just as delicate—it stood in shocking contrast to the long black hair that framed his face. I felt a strange, horrifying urge to touch his cheek, to see if it was softer than Edward's или Alice's, или if it was powdery, like chalk. His eyes were red, the same as the others around him, but the color was clouded, milky; I wondered if his vision was affected by the haze.
He glided to Jane, took her face in his papery hands, kissed her lightly on her full lips, and then floated back a step.
"Yes, Master." Jane smiled; the expression made her look like an angelic child. "I brought him back alive,
just as Ты wished."
"Ah, Jane." He smiled, too. "You are such a comfort to me."
He turned his misty eyes toward us, and the smile brightened—became ecstatic.
"And Alice and Bella, too!" he rejoiced, clapping his thin hands together. "This is a happy surprise!
I stared in shock as he called our names informally, as if we were old Друзья dropping in for an unexpected visit.
He turned to our hulking escort. "Felix, be a dear and tell my brothers about our company. I'm sure they wouldn't want to miss this."
"Yes, Master." Felix nodded and disappeared back the way we had come.
"You see, Edward?" The strange vampire turned and smiled at Edward like a fond but scolding grandfather. "What did I tell you? Aren't Ты glad that I didn't give Ты what Ты wanted yesterday?"
"Yes, Aro, I am," he agreed, tightening his arm around my waist.
"I Любовь a happy ending." Aro sighed. "They are so rare. But I want the whole story. How did this
happen? Alice?" He turned to gaze at Alice with curious, misty eyes. "Your brother seemed to think Ты infallible, but apparently there was some mistake."
"Oh, I'm far from infallible." She flashed a dazzling smile. She looked perfectly at ease, except that her hands were balled into tight little fists. "As Ты can see today, I cause problems as often as I cure them."
"You're too modest," Aro chided. "I've seen some of your еще amazing exploits, and I must admit I've never observed anything like your talent. Wonderful!"
Alice flickered a glance at Edward. Aro did not miss it.
"I'm sorry, we haven't been introduced properly at all, have we? It's just that I feel like I know Ты already, and I tend get ahead of myself. Your brother introduced us yesterday, in a peculiar way. Ты see, I share some of your brother's talent, only I am limited in a way that he is not." Aro shook his head; his tone was envious.
"And also exponentially еще powerful," Edward added dryly. He looked at Alice as he swiftly
explained. "Aro needs physical contact to hear your thoughts, but he hears much еще than I do. Ты know I can only hear what's passing through your head in the moment. Aro hears every thought your mind has ever had."
Alice raised her delicate eyebrows, and Edward inclined his head.
Aro didn't miss that either.
"But to be able to hear from a distance…" Aro sighed, gesturing toward the two of them, and the
exchange that had just taken place. "That would be so convenient."
Aro looked over our shoulders. All the other heads turned in the same direction, including Jane, Alec, and Demetri, who stood silently beside us.
I was the slowest to turn. Felix was back, and behind him floated two еще black-robed men. Both
looked very much like Aro, one even had the same flowing black hair. The other had a shock of
snow-white hair—the same shade as his face—that brushed against his shoulders. Their faces had
identical, paper-thin skin.
The trio from Carlisle's painting was complete, unchanged by the last three hundred years since it was painted.
"Marcus, Caius, look!" Aro crooned. "Bella is alive after all, and Alice is here with her! Isn't that wonderful?"
Neither of the other two looked as if wonderful would be their first choice of words. The dark-haired man seemed utterly bored, like he'd seen too many millennia of Aro's enthusiasm. The other's hice was кислый under the snowy hair.
Their lack of interest did not curb Aro's enjoyment.
"Let us have the story," Aro almost sang in his feathery voice.
The white-haired ancient vampire drifted away, gliding toward one of the wooden thrones. The other paused beside Aro, and he reached his hand out, at first I thought to take Aro's hand. But he just touched Aro's palm briefly and then dropped his hand to his side. Aro raised one black brow. I wondered how his papery skin did not crumple in the effort.
Edward snorted very quietly, and Alice looked at him, curious.
"Thank you, Marcus," Aro said. "That's quite interesting."
I realized, a секунда late, that Marcus was letting Aro know his thoughts.
Marcus didn't look interested. He glided away from Aro to Присоединиться the one who must be Caius, seated against the wall. Two of the attending Вампиры followed silently behind him—bodyguards, like I'd thought before. I could see that the two women in the sundresses had gone to stand beside Caius in the same manner. The idea of any vampire needing a guard was faintly ridiculous to me, but maybe the ancient ones were as frail as their skin suggested.
Aro was shaking his head. "Amazing,"' he said. "Absolutely amazing."
Alice's expression was frustrated. Edward turned to her and explained again in a swift, low voice.
"Marcus sees relationships. He's surprised by the intensity of ours."
Aro smiled. "So convenient," he repeated to himself. Then he spoke to us. "It takes quite a bit to surprise Marcus, I can assure you."
I looked at Marcus's dead face, and I believed that.
"It's just so difficult to understand, even now," Aro mused, staring at Edward's arm wrapped around me.
It was hard for me to follow Aro's chaotic train of thought. I struggled to keep up. "How can Ты stand so close to het like that?"
"It's not without effort," Edward answered calmly.
"Butstill—la tua cantante! What a waste!"
Edward chuckled once without humor. "I look at it еще as a price."
Aro was skeptical. "A very high price."
"Opportunity cost."
Aro laughed. "If I hadn't smelled her through your memories, I wouldn't have believed the call of anyone's blood could be so strong. I've never felt anything like it myself. Most of us would trade much for such a gift, and yet you…"
"Waste it," Edward finished, his voice sarcastic now.
Aro laughed again. "Ah, how I miss my friend Carlisle! Ты remind me of him—only he was not so
"Carlisle outshines me in many other ways as well."
"I certainly never thought to see Carlisle bested for self-control of all things, but Ты put him to shame."
"Hardly." Edward sounded impatient. As if he were tired of the preliminaries. It made me еще afraid; I couldn't help but try to imagine what he expected would follow.
"I am gratified by his success," Aro mused. "Your memories of him are quite a gift for me, though they astonish me exceedingly. I am surprised by how it… pleases me, his success in this unorthodox path he's chosen. I expected that he would waste, weaken with time. I'd scoffed at his plan to find others who would share his peculiar vision. Yet, somehow, I'm happy to be wrong."
Edward didn't reply.
"But your restraint!" Aro sighed. "I did not know such strength was possible. To inure yourself against such a siren call, not just once but again and again—if I had not felt it myself, I would not have believed."
Edward gazed back at Aro's admiration with no expression. I knew his face well enough—time had not changed that—to guess at something seething beneath the surface. I fought to keep my breathing even.
"Just remembering how she appeals to you…" Aro chuckled. "It makes me thirsty."
Edward tensed.
"Don't be disturbed," Aro reassured him. "I mean her no harm. But I am so curious, about one thing in particular." He eyed me with bright interest. "May I?" he asked eagerly, lifting one hand.
"Ask her," Edward suggested in a flat voice.
"Of course, how rude of me!" Aro exclaimed. "Bella," he addressed me directly now. "I'm fascinated that Ты are the one exception to Edward's impressive talent—so very interesting that such a thing should occur! And I was wondering, since our talents are similar in many ways, if Ты would be so kind as to allow me to try—to see if Ты are an exception for me, as well?"
My eyes flashed up to Edward's face in terror. Despite Aro's overt politeness, I didn't believe I really had a choice. I was horrified at the thought of allowing him to touch me, and yet also perversely intrigued by the chance to feel his strange skin.
Edward nodded in encouragement—whether because he was sure Aro would not hurt me, или because there was no choice, I couldn't tell.
I turned back to Aro and raised my hand slowly in front of me. It was trembling.
He glided closer, and I believe he meant his expression to be reassuring. But his papery features were too strange, too alien and frightening, to reassure. The look on his face was еще confident than his words had been.
Aro reached out, as if to shake my hand, and pressed his insubstantial-looking skin against mine. It was hard, but felt brittle—shale rather than granite—and even colder than I expected.
His filmy eyes smiled down at mine, and it was impossible to look away. They were mesmerizing in an odd, unpleasant way.
Aro's face altered as I watched. The confidence wavered and became first doubt, then incredulity before he calmed it into a friendly mask.
"So very interesting," he сказал(-а) as he released my hand and drifted back.
My eyes flickered to Edward, and, though his face was composed, I thought he seemed a little smug.
Aro continued to drift wnh a thoughtful expression. He was quiet for a moment, his eyes flickering between the three of us. Then, abruptly, he shook his head.
"A first," he сказал(-а) to himself "I wonder if she is immune to our other talents… Jane, dear?"
"No!" Edward snarled the word. Alice grabbed his arm with a restraining hand. He shook her off.
Little Jane smiled up happily at Aro. "Yes, Master?"
Edward was truly snarling now, the sound ripping and tearing from him, glaring at Aro with baleful eyes.
The room had gone still, everyone watching him with amazed disbelief, as if he were committing some embarrassing social faux pas. I saw Felix grin hopefully and Переместить a step forward. Aro glanced at him once, and he froze in place, his grin turning to a sulky expression.
Then he spoke to Jane. "I was wondering, my dear one, if Bella is immune to you."
I could barely hear Aro over Edward's furious growls. He let go of me, moving to hide me from their
view. Caius ghosted in our direction, with his entourage, to watch.
Jane turned toward us with a beatific smile.
"Don't!" Alice cried as Edward launched himself at the little girl.
Before I could react, before anyone could jump between them, before Aro's bodyguards could tense, Edward was on the ground.
No one had touched him, but he was on the stone floor writhing in obvious agony, while I stared in horror.
Jane was smiling only at him now, and it all clicked together. What Alice had сказал(-а) about formidable gifts, why everyone treated Jane with such deference, and why Edward had thrown himself in her path before she could do that to me.
"Stop!" I shrieked, my voice echoing in the silence, jumping вперед to put myself between them. But Alice threw her arms around me in an unbreakable grasp and ignored my struggles. No sound escaped Edward's lips as he cringed against the stones. It felt like my head would explode from the pain of watching this.
"Jane," Aro recalled her in a tranquil voice. She looked up quickly, still smiling with pleasure, her eyes questioning. As soon as Jane looked away, Edward was still.
Aro inclined his head toward me.
Jane turned her smile in my direction.
I didn't even meet her gaze. I watched Edward from the prison of Alice's arms, still struggling pointlessly.
"He's fine," Alice whispered in a tight voice. As she spoke, he sat up, and then sprang lightly to his feet.
His eyes met mine, and they were horror-struck. At first I thought the horror was for what he had just suffered. But then he looked quickly at Jane, and back to me—and his face relaxed into relief.
I looked at Jane, too, and she no longer smiled. She glared at me, her jaw clenched with the intensity of her focus. I shrank back, waiting for the pain.
Nothing happened.
Edward was by my side again. He touched Alice's arm, and she surrendered me to him.
Aro started to laugh. "Ha, ha. ha," he chuckled. "This is wonderful!"
Jane hissed in frustration, leaning вперед like she was preparing to spring.
"Don't be put out, dear one," Aro сказал(-а) in a comforting tone, placing a powder-light hand on her shoulder.
"She confounds us all."
Jane's upper lip curled back ever her teeth as she continued to glare at me.
"Ha, ha, ha," Aro chortled again. "You're very brave, Edward, to endure in silence. I asked Jane to do that to me once—just out of curiosity." He shook his head in admiration.
Edward glared, disgusted.
"So what do we do with Ты now?" Aro sighed.
Edward and Alice stiffened. This was the part they'd been waiting for. I began to tremble.
"I don't suppose there's any chance that you've changed your mind?" Aro asked Edward hopefully.
"Your talent would be an excellent addition to our little company."
Edward hesitated. From the corner of my eye, I saw both Felix and Jane grimace.
Edward seemed to weigh each word before he spoke it. "I'd… rather… not."
"Alice?" Aro asked, still hopeful. "Would Ты perhaps be interested in joining with us?"
"No, thank you," Alice said.
"And you, Bella?" Aro raised his eyebrows.
Edward hissed, low in my ears. I stared at Aro blankly. Was he joking? или was he really asking me if I wanted to stay for dinner?
It was the white-haired Caius who broke the silence.
"What?" he demanded of Aro; his voice, though no еще than a whisper, was flat.
"Caius, surely Ты see the potential," Aro chided him affectionately. "I haven't seen a prospective talent so promising since we found Jane and Alec. Can Ты imagine the possibilities when she is one of us?"
Caius looked away with a caustic expression. Jane's eyes sparked with indignation at the comparison.
Edward fumed beside me. I could hear a rumble in his chest, building toward a growl. I couldn't let his temper get him hurt.
"No, thank you," I spoke up in barely еще than a whisper, my voice breaking in fright.
Aro sighed. "That's unfortunate. Such a waste."
Edward hissed. "Join или die, is that it? I suspected as much when we were brought to this room. So much for your laws."
The tone of his voice surprised me. He sounded irate, but there was something deliberate about his delivery—as if he'd chosen his words with great care.
"Of course not." Aro blinked, astonished. "We were already convened here, Edward, awaiting Heidi's return. Not for you."
"Aro," Caius hissed. "The law claims them."
Edward glared at Caius. "How so?" he demanded. He must have known what Caius was thinking, but he
seemed determined to make him speak it aloud.
Caius pointed a skeletal finger at me. "She knows too much. Ты have exposed our secrets." His voice was papery thin, just like his skin.
"There are a few humans in on your charade here, as well," Edward reminded him, and I thought of the pretty receptionist below.
Caius's face twisted into a new expression. Was it supposed to be a smiled.
"Yes," he agreed. "But when they are no longer useful to us, they will serve to sustain us. That is not your plan for this one. If she betrays our secrets, are Ты prepared to destroy her? I think not," he scoffed.
"I wouldn't—," I began, still whispering. Caius silenced me with an icy look.
"Nor do Ты intend to make her one of us," Caius continued. "Therefore, she is a vulnerability. Though it is true, for this, only her life is forfeit. Ты may leave if Ты wish."
Edward bared his teeth.
"That's what I thought," Caius said, with something akin to pleasure. Felix leaned forward, eager.
"Unless…" Aro interrupted. He looked unhappy with the way the conversation had gone. "Unless Ты do intend to give her immortality?"
Edward pursed his lips, hesitating for a moment before he answered. "And if I do?"
Aro smiled, happy again. "Why, then Ты would be free to go Главная and give my regards to my friend
Carlisle." His expression turned еще hesitant. "But I'm afraid Ты would have to mean it."
Aro raised his hand in front of him.
Caius, who had begun to scowl furiously, relaxed.
Edward's lips tightened into a fierce line. He stared into my eyes, and I stared back.
"Mean it," I whispered. "Please."
Was it really such a loathsome idea? Would he rather die than change me? I felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach.
Edward stared down at me with a tortured expression.
And then Alice stepped away from us, вперед toward Aro. We turned to watch her. Her hand was
raised like his.
She didn't say anything, and Aro waved off his anxious guard as they moved to block her approach. Aro met her halfway, and took her hand with an eager, acquisitive glint in his eyes.
He bent his head over their touching hands, his eyes closing as he concentrated. Alice was motionless, her face blank. I heard Edward's teeth snap together.
No one moved. Aro seemed Холодное сердце over Alice's hand. The секунды passed and I grew еще and еще
stressed, wondering how much time would pass before it was too much time. Before it meant something was wrong—more wrong than it already was.
Another agonizing moment passed, and then Aro's voice broke the silence.
"Ha, ha, ha," he laughed, his head still bent forward. He looked up slowly, his eyes bright with excitement. "That was fascinating!"
Alice smiled dryly. "I'm glad Ты enjoyed it."
"To see the things you've seen—especially the ones that haven't happened yet!" He shook his head in wonder.
"But that will," she reminded him, voice calm.
"Yes, yes, it's quite determined. Certainly there's no problem."
Caius looked bitterly disappointed—a feeling he seemed to share with Felix and Jane.
"Aro," Caius complained.
"Dear Caius," Aro smiled. "Do not fret. Think of the possibilities! They do not Присоединиться us today, but we can always hope for the future. Imagine the joy young Alice alone would bring to our little household…
Besides, I'm so terribly curious to see how Bella turns out!"
Aro seemed convinced. Did he not realize how subjective Alice's visions were.' That she could make up her mind to transform me today, and then change it tomorrow? A million tiny decisions, her decisions and so many others', too—Edward's—could alter her path, and with that, the future.
And would it really matter that Alice was willing, would it make any difference if I did become a vampire, when the idea was so repulsive to Edward? If death was, to him, a better alternative than having me around forever, an immortal annoyance? Terrified as I was, I felt myself sinking down into depression, drowning in it…
"Then we are free to go now?" Edward asked in an even voice.
"Yes, yes," Aro сказал(-а) pleasantly. "But please visit again. It's been absolutely enthralling!"
"And we will visit Ты as well," Caius promised, his eyes suddenly half-closed like the heavy-lidded gaze of a lizard. "To be sure that Ты follow through on your side. Were I you, I would not delay too long. We do not offer секунда chances."
Edward's jaw clenched tight, but he nodded once.
Caius smirked and drifted back to where Marcus still sat, unmoving and uninterested.
Felix groaned.
"Ah, Felix." Aro smiled, amused. "Heidi will be here at any moment. Patience."
"Hmm." Edward's voice had a new edge to it. "In that case, perhaps we'd better leave sooner rather than later."
"Yes," Aro agreed. "That's a good idea. Accidents do happen. Please wait below until after dark, though, if Ты don't mind."
"Of course," Edward agreed, while I cringed at the thought of waiting out the день before we could escape.
"And here," Aro added, motioning to Felix with one finger. Felix came вперед at once, and Aro
unfastened the gray плащ the huge vampire wore, pulling from his shoulders. He tossed it to Edward.
"Take this. You're a little conspicuous."
Edward put the long плащ on, leaving the капот, худ down.
Aro sighed. "It Форс-мажоры you."
Edward chuckled, but broke off suddenly, glancing over his shoulder. "Thank you, Aro. We'll wait
"Goodbye, young friends," Aro said, his eyes
bright as he stared in the same direction.
"Let's go," Edward said, urgent now.
Demetri gestured that we should follow, and then set off the way we'd come in, the only exit by the look of things.
Edward pulled me swiftly along beside him. Alice was close by my other side, her face hard.
"Not fast enough," she muttered.
I stared up at her, frightened, but she only seemed chagrined. It was then that I first heard the babble of voices—loud, rough voices—coming from the antechamber.
"Well this is unusual," a man's coarse voice boomed.
"So medieval," an unpleasantly shrill, female voice gushed back.
A large crowd was coming through the little door, filling the smaller stone chamber. Demetri motioned for us to make room. We pressed back against the cold Стена to let them pass.
The couple in front, Americans from the sound of them, glanced around themselves with appraising eyes.
"Welcome, guests! Welcome to Volterra!" I could hear Aro sing from the big турель, башня, башенка room.
The rest of them, maybe forty или more, filed in after the couple. Some studied the setting like tourists. A few even snapped pictures. Others looked confused, as if the story that had led them to this room was not making sense anymore. I noticed one small, dark woman in particular. Around her neck was a rosary, and she gripped the пересекать, крест tightly in one hand. She walked еще slowly than the others, touching someone now and then and asking a Вопрос in an unfamiliar language. No one seemed to understand her, and her voice grew еще panicked.
Edward pulled my face against his chest, but it was too late. I already understood.

As soon as the smallest break appeared, Edward pushed me quickly toward the door. I could feel the horrified expression on my face, and the tears beginning to pool in my eyes.
The ornate golden hallway was quiet, empty except for one gorgeous, statuesque woman. She stared at
us curiously, me in particular.
"Welcome home, Heidi," Demetri greeted her from behind us.
Heidi smiled absently. She reminded me of Rosalie, though they looked nothing alike—it was just that her beauty, too, was exceptional, unforgettable. I couldn't seem to look away.
She was dressed to emphasize that beauty. Her amazingly long legs, darkened with tights, were exposed by the shortest of miniskirts. Her вверх was long-sleeved and high-necked, but extremely close-fitting, and constructed of red vinyl. Her long mahogany hair was lustrous, and her eyes were the strangest shade of violet—a color that might result from blue-tinted contacts over red irises.
"Demetri," she responded in a silky voice, her eyes flickering between my face and Edward's gray cloak.
"Nice fishing," Demetri complimented her, and I suddenly understood the attention-grabbing outfit she wore… she was not only the fisherman, but also the bait.
"Thanks." She flashed a stunning smile. "Aren't
Ты coming?"
"In a minute. Save a few for me."
Heidi nodded and ducked through the door with one last curious look at me.
Edward set a pace that had me running to keep up. But we still couldn't get through the ornate door at the end of the hallway before the screaming started.
Bellas POV
10 years ago...
We were seven years old, and I lived in Forks. It was me and my mum Renee and my dad Charlie. I had a very best friend called Edward Cullen. He and his family, were the Cullens and Hales. They were: Carlise, Esme, Edward, Emmett, and Alice Cullen. The Hales were Jasper and Rosalie. They were like a секунда family to me. Me and Edward was very close. We went to school together, played outside on those hot summers days, and one день in the winter, near a big oak tree, while snowflakes were falling; he kissed me. At seven years old, it was kind of arkward, but it was...
continue reading...
posted by aMMazing14
I ran and ran, away from my problems away from my life, away from my Dad. I reached a grassy area in the woods that was surrounded by trees,
right now I could escape the reality of my life and just be at peace. I could enjoy the darkness and the cool breeze that crept past the trees. But
seeing that I'm me, something bad always has to happen, and as usual it does. So why am I so surprised? Woud anyone really care If I died right
here? или would anyone even know?

I kept asking these Вопросы to no one but myself as I saw the the large black волк sourounded by a silhouette of silver moon light....
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posted by moolah
Chapter Ten:
Lexy’s P.O.V:
‘Put your sneakers on…we’re gonna be dancin’ all night long…basically what we gonna do is dance…’

A- Awesome…ware r u goin’ now?
L- A diff blockbuster…: p
A- So I’ll cya soon?!?
L- Yes, Ali. Can’t wait…I’m so tired.
A- Didn’t u take a nap in the car?
L- Yeah, I had a nightmare. *shudder*
A- Aww, I’m sorry baby. Ok. Cya soon…luv u.
L- KK, TTYL, Auntie. I luv u 2.

~They get home~
“Here’s your popcorn, Renny.” I handed her the popcorn. “Jacob’s.” I handed him the buttery popcorn. “Lola L. Lake!” Renesmee screeched and held it...
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Edwards Pov
I just can't get Bella out of my head! I can't stop thinking about her! The way we danced, and moved together and fitted together.It was like... we meant to be together. If only our families didn't hate eachother. When we got back , the секунда I tried to mention it; they hated the thought. And today we had a family meeting. Why must fate do this to me? It's so not fair...
" Ты know the past..." Esme began. Oh no! Here it comes. I can feel it. " Edward danced with Bella лебедь last night and Ты know the history Edward." Carlise stepped in. All my siblins just stared at me. It's so...
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Edwards POV
Aggh another wedding! This is going to be fun(!) Tanya from the Denali coven is having a huge wedding and is inviting everyone from the town! And I thought Rosalie likes doing things big, but when I asked her what she thought she replied, "it's way еще exstravagant for my taste." Best dressed; like all my family, and we were off. Finally, Tanya was marrying someone so she can stop flirting with me and get off my back. I am fine on my own.

After the wedding we went all out for a moonlit dance under the stars and that was when I saw her... I walked over to her and asked "would you...
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posted by twilightfantic1
"Yes thats me" edward replied "good i need some help" while walking in. "im half-vampire my father is laurent".

We all just froze."Dont worry i just came to see if its possible that Ты can take me in?". That was a shocker."oh my name is jessica and this is justin'

"Of course we will take Ты in jessica do Ты know what happened to your father?"

"Yea some kind of shape shifters killed him,but iknow why because he was tring to kill a..a bella so what ever then i tried to go to the denali family but i didn't like it they сказал(-а) Ты had a half-vampire daughter can i see her?".

I went to get Renesmee...
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 Brittney Spears enters as new character,Lucy Mane Cullen;Emmett's new wife!!
Brittney Spears enters as new character,Lucy Mane Cullen;Emmett's new wife!!
In the beginning of every great story или companion to another story is the great writer who thought of it. Even though I am a fanfictionist I am dearly engrossed in my Любовь of the Twilight Series and Saga. All the fans-big или small-of a Youtube Script are great supporters! Hope Ты find Season Two good, better, или the BEST!! And Enjoy…If Ты are wondering I will introduce Ты to our NEW characters…and our old ones...that made the series possible…look for еще fun from me. Thanks for Чтение and remember…Keep your Друзья close and your exes closer….HAHAHA!!!!!

Alice Cullen-Ashley...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
 NESSIE at 2
Edwards POV.

Bella waits in the meadow that no longer blossoms for us. Does the field even sense at as much as i would hate to admitt it that Bella and I have Остаться в живых our love?
Or is just weeping it? Weeping for our nessie too? does this цветок remember the time when a little toddler brushed its petals and awweds. Does this balde of трава remember when my daughter played all day. Does this wind remember dancing in the locked of Renesmee?


"daddy come play!" renesmeee squiked in her ivory dress, while waddling in the tall grass.
A thud sounded in the tall grass, then a innocent chuckle.
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posted by whatupiloveyou
I told Ты that I would update soon. I knew some of Ты wouldn't believe me, so I am proving Ты wrong. I'm still on bed-rest so I'm updating. So far this is the longest…I know I am so excited. Ok, back to my story.

Disclaimer: Again, I really don't own twilight.


I can't believe that I was doing this! I never thought that I would ever be back at Forks. Ever since Edward, I was so happy it didn't hurt to say his name, left. I felt a little happier since I had a part of Edward with me. I think I at least owe my dad to see me happier. I wish Edward was here with me, but I knew he would meet...
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posted by bessmarvin1
The Olympic Coven, better known as the Cullen family, is a clan of vegetarian vampires. It consists of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, Jasper and Alice Cullen, Edward, Bella and Renesmee Cullen, as well as Emmett and Rosalie. They are known to be very loyal to each other (in the film they are shown each wearing a piece of jewelery featuring the 'Cullen' family crest: Jasper, Emmett and Edward each wear a wrist band, Alice wears a choker around her neck, Esme wear the same necklaces, Rosalie wears a pendant, and Carlisle and Bella wear a ring. They currently live in Forks, Washington, which they have...
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Bellas POV
He touched me, we kissed, but now we are back to normal. It was a magical thing, like a prince and princess sharing the Kiss to break true loves spell, but now he is Актёрское искусство like the frog. This morning I done a simple "hi Edward," but he was being broody and just ignored and walked away. So I suffered the look of his family for nothing? Even then, they are Актёрское искусство like they don't even know me. Alice was at least being happy and encouraging, but it wasn't enough to heal the pain.
"What's the matter Bella?" Jessica asked.
"Nothing I am ok." I replied. What could I say? I was lip-loking...
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posted by j-bfan7
Edward pulled two tickets out of his пальто pocket with an unusually questionable grin on his face. I hadn’t seen this expression before. His eyes were bigger than normal, and black. I could see that he needed to hunt. His head tilted slightly downwards, and while one side of his lips curled up, somehow the other side seemed to curl down. Edward looked as though he didn’t know if he wanted to smile, или frown.

“Are those plane tickets?” It sounded еще eager out loud than it did in my head.

Edward shifted his dark gaze down at the two tickets he held between his long, porcelain-like fingers,...
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posted by courtney1862
Edwards pov
Were on our way to italy back to see aro.We heard there was a new member of the volturi and its another girl.Which i dont really want to go to but carlise thinks it would be good for the family to do something together since we havent really been ourselves latley. I miss my bella Любовь so much and apparently so does everyone else.
Alice isnt her pixie self anymore which makes jasper unhappy,and emmett is just bored cuz he has no one to mess with and rosalie is well ROSALIE who doesnt think of anyone but herself.The plane just landed now and we were getting off. When alice suddenly...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven

    "Kill a man, and Ты are an assassin. Kill hundreds of men, and Ты are a conqueror. Kill everyone, and Ты are a god." -Jean Rostand
    Okay, so if that quote means if I kill one man, I'm an assassin, and if I kill hundreds of men, I'm a conqueror, and if I kill everyone then I'm a god, then that means that everyone are pawns in a huge game of Chess. Right now, I'm a pawn in the relationship game, and also in the new life I was handed that день in the grocery store....
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    Later that day, Jerek was visiting with Verona, and I was bored off my ass. I was wanting to talk to Tabra, but every time I approached him, he was suddenly busy. We had people on watch guard, and Shropee didn't need me to do anything, so I was bored. Very. Bored.
    "I'm bored." I сказал(-а) to падуб, holly, холли who was walking past me.
    "Like I care!" She snapped, and continued on her way.
    "Well." I got to my feet, and started off to see how Verona's doing.
    When I got to the bottom of the steps, Jerek ran out of the room. "I'll be back. I'm getting Shropee."
    "Wait. What? Why?" I asked. "Is she okay?"
    "She's awake." Jerek called over his shoulder, and I gasped.
    Verona's awake? Verona's awake. Verona's awake.
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    I fell asleep in his arms, my leg over his waist, my head on his chest, my hand on his stomach. I had a dream about a woman, an old woman, sitting behind a таблица that Ты would see at a palm-reader's work shop, and her eyes glowed a misty blue color, and fog shot up out of no where, covering her body, her face. All I could see was her eyes.
    'Where am I?' I thought.
    "Why, Ты are at my place. My haven." The woman said.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "Oh." I repeated, and she nodded.
    "We need to train, train, train, pronto!" She said, and started off for the lounge room that was full of everyone playing games and having fun.
    "Great." I said. "Another war."
    "No. Not another one. The last fight was a battle, this is the war." Jerek put an around me, and my eyes flicked to Tabra who was looking at us.
    "Are Ты okay, Tabra?" I asked him.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "Did those words just escape your mouth?" Tabra asked.
    "Yes." I opened my eyes, and saw him spread a big smile across his face.
    "Well good for you, Cyd! I'm surprised Ты let Jerek be the one to do it with you. Wow. Well, congratz?" He сказал(-а) as if it was the first time I had sex.
    "He wasn't my first. And stop Актёрское искусство like Jerek is gross." I said, and he looked at me as if I сказал(-а) something that insulted him.
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posted by decullen
"I object."I nearly screamed.I heard gasps coming from the crowed.

"Bella,I don't Любовь Ты that way."Emmett said.

"Ha in your dreams.Oh yeah I FUCK your brother,and having his child so I can get close to you."I screamed at him.

"Your being sarcastic aren`t you."He is so thick.How the hell he got got of school is beyond me.I nodded.

"Unless I just wet myself или my waters have just broke."I screamed at them.Edward stood and was at my side.A contraction come.I let out scream and pulled on Edwards hair,until it was bearable.I started to pant.

"It`s your fault I`m in this situation Ты dim twit."I panted.M...
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posted by NeeNee14
I sat in the кресло and let the tears come down. I couldn't believe this happened.He tried to save me from Cole but ended up hurting himself...He's been like this for over four months.The doctors say that his parents need to pull the plug, but they disagree and I'm glad for it. I took his hand and put it on my stomach.I rubbed our hands in circles.
"The doctor told me I'm having a girl and a boy."I сказал(-а) and smiled, then i frowned, he could have been there, if he wasn't here.

I was sitting on the диван, мягкий уголок waiting for Ryan to get here...I needed to tell him something important.I heard...
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