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posted by twilight-7
Everything was ready. Rosalie had styled my hair in lovely cascading curls with silver pins holding them away from my face. Alice had дана me a natural look with the make-up. Light foundation, no blusher, long dark eyelashes and a nice pale розовый lips. Esme and Sarah helped me into my dress and Rosalie rushed to get my bouquet.
“Is everything sorted?” I asked Esme for the umpteenth time.
“Yes,” she assured me as patient as ever. “Stop worrying.”
I nodded as Sarah tightened the corset of my dress. Esme was crouched down at my feet sorting the many layers of the юбка of the dress. Alice stood behind Esme, inspecting me.
“Everyone’s seated,” Rosalie said, walking in with my bouquet of white camellias and azaleas. She was dressed in a платье, бальное платье of shimmering silver and her hair a golden crown upon her head. Was there any point in me going to my wedding when Rosalie was going to outdo me without even trying? I didn’t hate her for it. She didn’t know.
“Thanks,” I сказал(-а) as she handed me the flowers. “Oh my God! Where’s Edward’s ring?”
I began to pat myself down even though I knew I had no pockets.
“I have it.” Esme stood up and walked over to the dresser in Alice’s room. On the dresser was her purse. She opened and brought out a small box.
I sighed with relief.
“Rosalie, Ты hold onto that,” I said. “Since you’re my maid of honour.”
Rosalie took the box off Esme and I saw a smile light up her beautiful face.
“Something old, something blue,” Sarah сказал(-а) behind me. I turned to see her pulling a ожерелье out of a small velvet bag. She held it up and I saw a sparkling blue сердце dangling off a silver chain. “It was your great-grandmother’s.” She lifted it over my head and settled it on my chest while she fastened it at the back.
“Something borrowed.” Alice showed me a white garter and I blushed. She smiled cheekily and ducked under my skirt. She hooked it on my thigh.
“Something new.” Esme clasped a bracelet on my wrist. I lifted my arm and saw twinkling emeralds.
“Thank you,” I сказал(-а) to them all. I glared at Alice for her present for me.
“I want it back,” she said.
“Okay, darling,” Sarah squeezed my shoulders. “It’s time.”
Suddenly I felt sick as nerves crashed down on me. I was absolutely fine until now. Oh my sweet Jesus, I was getting married. Now. Alice quickly grabbed the stiletto shoes she’d picked for me and I lifted my юбка for her.
Do Ты want me to get Jasper? Alice thought to me as she bent down to slip my shoes onto my feet. She stood up, smoothing down her own silver dress, watching me for an answer. I shook my head. I would be fine. I just needed to calm myself down. I would be okay. I would see Edward and the nerves would be gone because he would there with me. We’d be together.
Rosalie was in front of me, putting the veil on my head. She smiled at me, her eyes warm, as she pulled the thin net material over my face.
It was time.

Edward’s POV

“Carlisle, I can’t do this,” I muttered as I fiddled with my tux. My hands were shaking and if my сердце was still beating it would be racing. I was so nervous. What if she didn’t turn up? What if she had cold feet? What if she ‘I don’t’ when she should say ‘I do’?
“You can,” Carlisle said, and he patted my back. “You have nothing to worry about.”
“What if she isn’t there?” I asked him. I turned to look at him and saw nothing but calm on his face. I knew my own face looked frenzied with nerves and worry.
“She will be there,” he assured me. “Don’t worry.”
How could I not worry? This was my wedding day. I was getting married.
“And Mitchell?”
“Isn’t here,” Carlisle said, firmly. “The Волки are already outside, keeping an eye on things.”
“Do Ты have the ring?” I asked him. My mother’s wedding ring.
Carlisle nodded. “Now, I suggest we get downstairs for Kayla.”
I nodded and let him lead me downstairs. This was why he was my best man. Without him I would be a wreck right now. He calmed me and assured me and told me what to do which was what I needed at this point in time.
As I walked down the stairs, I marvelled at the beautiful job Esme, Rosalie and Alice had done. White blossoms that hung in garlands all around the room. I breathed in, taking in the scent of the flowers, and walked to the altar where the priest, Father Sullivan, stood. He would be marrying Kayla and I.
“Nervous, Edward?” he asked me, smiling sympathetically.
“Incredibly,” I answered in reply.
“It’s usual,” he said. “Don’t worry, as soon as you’ve сказал(-а) your vows the nerves will be gone and you’ll feel like the happiest man alive.”
I nodded but disagreed with him in my head. I would be еще than the happiest man alive. Words could not describe how I would feel when Kayla and I both сказал(-а) our vows.
Carlisle took his place at my side and I watched as Esme and Sarah walked up the aisle and took their places on the front row. Esme on my side, Sarah on the other.
It was time.
I heard the Пианино begin to play the traditional wedding march and Rosalie and Alice walked slowly down the short aisle to the altar, both looking beautiful in their silver dresses. I hardly noticed them as Kayla began her walk down the aisle. She was stunning. The dress fitted her so perfectly, hugging her curves in all the right places. Her face was hidden because of her veil but I knew she would look gorgeous. She always was. Charlie walked beside her, her arm linked with his. When she reached me, Charlie took her hand and placed it in mine. He lifted her veil and kissed her cheek. She smiled as he replaced her veil and took his place at the front, sitting Далее to Tess. Sarah had taken the news of Charlie’s new Любовь interest quite well. Kayla looked up at me, her green eyes even еще striking because of her make-up and I could tell she was just as nervous as me. I smiled her favourite smile and she smiled back at me.
It’s time.
It‘s time.

Kayla’s POV

The vows were the simple, traditional words that had been spoken еще than a million times. Father Sullivan turned to Edward and said,
“Do you, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, take Michaela Alexandra Swan, to be your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this день forward, for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and health, ‘til death do Ты part?”
“I do,” Edward said, his voice clear.
“Do you, Michaela Alexandra Swan, take Edward Antony Masen Cullen, to be your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this день forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, ‘til death do Ты part?”
“I do,” I said, my voice shaking.
The priest smiled at me and motioned for Carlisle and Rosalie to step forward.
“Now it is time to exchange the rings,” he said. “If Ты may, Edward.”
Edward took the ring from Carlisle and held my hand gently in his.
“Take this ring as sign of my Любовь and fidelity in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” He slid the ring onto my finger.
I smiled up at him through my veil, already tears falling down my cheeks. I turned to Rosalie and she placed Edward’s ring in my hand.
“Take this ring as sign of my Любовь and fidelity in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” I slid the ring onto his cool and slender finger.
“I now declare Ты husband and wife,” Father Sullivan сказал(-а) loudly to everyone in the room.
I could help but giggle a little and Edward even laughed. We actually did it. We were married!
“You may Kiss the bride,” Father Sullivan concluded.
Edward lifted my veil and placed it gently on my hair. He cradled my face delicately in his hands and touched his lips to mine. I threw my arms around his neck and, forgetting the congregation of people in the room. Edward gently pulled away and I reluctantly let him go.
We turned to face the crowd of people who erupted into applause. Sarah was the first to hug me with Charlie coming second. I was amazed at how many people were here on such short notice. All my Друзья from school were here when surely they should be at college somewhere. I even saw some Вампиры lingering at the back. Edward held onto my hand tightly as we pushed our way through the throng of people who wanted to hug and Kiss us. Alice began to Ашер people through to the reception while Edward and I escaped to find a place to be alone.
The only empty place was to be upstairs in Alice’s room as he would not let me into his. It was a surprise.
“So, Mrs Cullen,” he said, grinning. “You look utterly stunning.”
“Why thank you, Mr Cullen,” I said, laughing. “You look amazingly handsome in your tux.”
He scooped me up in his arms laughing. He twirled me around and the kissed me adoringly.
“Nothing has gone wrong today,” I said, as he placed me back on my feet. “Do Ты think it will stay that way?”
“Let’s hope,” he said, musing. “I think we will be allowed one день of pure happiness without it being ruined by someone.”
There was a knock on the door. Alice stood there, tapping her foot impatiently.
“This is your wedding,” she said, looking at me sternly. “You do have to be present at it.”
I sighed and followed her out, pulling Edward with me.
We went downstairs and outside into the cool air. It was almost evening and the sun was just beginning to set so everything was cast in a reddish glow. Again people crowded around us, congratulating us. We stood there as people queued up. My Друзья from school had come to the wedding and Jessica and Angela were gushing about how beautiful everything was. We chatted for a few минуты before they moved on and I was presented with five Вампиры I had never met before. Each of them had Золото eyes so I knew they must be some relation to the Cullens.
“This is the Denali clan,” Edward whispered in my ear.
Tanya, I assumed from her клубника blonde hair, reached out to embrace Edward.
“Edward,” she breathed in his ear. “I’ve missed you.”
Edward deftly moved out of her hug and held her at arms length, a hand on her shoulder, as if to look at her better.
“It’s been too long, Tanya,” he said, smiling politely at her. “Let me introduce my wife.”
That was the first time he had сказал(-а) that and I was almost giddy with pleasure. I was his wife, I silently shouted at her. His wife, so Ты cannot touch him.
“This is my Kayla,” he said.
I smiled as Tanya held out her hand for me. I took it, not flinching at her cold skin.
“Welcome to our family, Kayla,” she said, coolly. “We consider ourselves Carlisle’s extended family. So we are cousins-in-law.”
“Nice to meet, Tanya,” I replied.
Tanya let go of my hand and stepped aside to reveal an equally beautiful woman with pale blond hair, as straight as кукуруза silk.
“Hello Kayla,” she said, her voice much warmer. “I’m Kate. Congratulations.”
“Thanks, lovely to meet you.”
Another vampire with blonde hair took my hand.
“I’m Irina,” she said, smiling. “Congratulations.”
I smiled for her and she too stepped aside. The Далее two vampires, a woman and a man, both had black hair and an оливковый, оливковое tint to their chalky complexions.
“I’m Carmen and this is Eleazar,” the woman сказал(-а) and she took my hand. “Congratulations. I wish Ты two all the best.”
“Welcome, Kayla,” Eleazar said. “We’re very pleased to finally meet you.”
“Me too,” I said.
“Well,” Edward said, glancing behind his cousins to the people waiting. “We can all get to know each other later. We do have plenty of time for that.”
Tanya smiled and led her family away so еще people could congratulate me. The final person was Jacob. He lifted me up into a медведь hug and kissed my cheek.
“Thanks, Jake,” I said, Поцелуи his cheek too.
“Just don’t get hurt, okay?” he whispered in my ear. “Be safe.”
“I promise,” I laughed as he put me down.
We did all the standard traditional stuff. We cut the cake as cameras flashed and blinded us. We took turns feeding each other cake and I was surprised when Edward swallowed his piece. I thought Вампиры couldn’t eat human food?
Then Edward sat me down on a сиденье, место, сиденья and lifted up my leg. I was confused for a секунда as he pushed back my юбка until he, very carefully, removed the garter from my thigh with his teeth! Emmett and Jasper howled with laughter as I blushed crimson. He tossed the garter at Jacob who winked at me. And when the Музыка started Edward pulled me to my feet and walked me to the dance floor for our first dance. I wasn’t a very good dancer so I let Edward lead.
“Are Ты having fun?” he asked me, as we waltzed on the dance floor.
“Immense fun,” I replied. “The highlight of my evening was when Ты removed my garter and threw it at Jacob.”
He laughed and spun me in fast circles around the dance floor until I was too dizzy to stand straight. Alice then gathered all the girls in a crowd and put me at the front.
“Throw your bouquet,” she said, handing me the collection of white flowers.
I rolled my eyes and turned my back. I glanced back around and saw Leah standing at the very back, arms folded across her chest and looking sullen. I smiled as I turned my back. I lifted my arm judging the distance from me to her and threw the flowers. I turned around just as they hit her in the face. She looked stunned for a moment then bent down to pick them up. She held the bouquet delicately in her hands. Then she looked up, saw me watching and looked unimpressed.
Soon, the moon was high in the sky and it was time for our guests to leave. We thanked them, one by one, as they left the Cullen household. Soon only our families were left. My mother thought I would be staying here tonight and then leaving for my honeymoon in the morning. But as she left she eyed me suspiciously. She knew something was wrong. I knew she knew. I wanted to tell her everything but it was just too soon. Maybe if I survived Mitchell’s attack I would sit down with her and tell her who my husband really was.
“What time does Ты plane leave?” she asked me.
“Six,” Edward lied smoothly.
“Ours leaves at ten или we could have met up in the airport.”
“What a shame,” Edward said, sounding not the least bit sad.
Edward, Ты could at least sound as if it is a shame.
Why? She thinks I’m going to abuse you, I think it’s good we’re not going to see her.
I wanted to хлопать, привкус him but it would have looked strange if I just randomly struck out at him.
She pulled me into a hug.
“Goodbye, darling,” she whispered. She sounded so heartbroken. Those two words were weighted with such a sadness Ты would think she wasn’t seeing me ever again. Well, she might not but she didn’t know that.
I held onto her tightly and tried not to cry. I would have to act as if I would see her again или else I’d make her еще suspicious.
“Goodbye mum,” I said, Поцелуи her cheek. “Have a good flight.”
She pulled away and Darren gave me a quick hug and a peck on the cheek before leaving with Sarah. The Charlie stepped up, Tess at his side.
“You’re going to be a woman now,” Tess giggled, throwing her arms around me. “How do Ты feel?”
“There will be no talk of that,” Charlie said. “She is not going to be a woman. She is still my little girl.”
“As if Ты need to ask,” I whispered to Tess. “But nervous anyways.”
“You’ll be fine,” she assured me. “It’ll come naturally to you.”
That didn’t make me feel better. Oh God.
Charlie pulled Tess away and smiled at me.
“You’ve grown up way too fast,” he said. “What happened?”
I didn’t reply. I just tried to convey my feelings in a hug. He held onto me as if this was our last time together. I heard him sniff and knew my father was crying.
You’ll see me again, I told him. You can’t get rid of me.
Just be safe, okay?
he pleaded with me. Don’t let him hurt you.
I won’t.
He let me go and Tess waved cheerily at me before they left. My new family stood around us.
“Well,” Carlisle said. “I suppose it is time for us to be leaving.”
Esme pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek.
“See Ты tomorrow,” she said. “Unless Ты wouldn’t like us back until Sunday?”
“No,” I laughed. “This is your house. Ты can come back tomorrow if Ты like.”
She stepped back and Carlisle hugged me too.
“You should be fine,” he whispered in my ear. “He will be gentle.”
“Thanks, Carlisle,” I said, awkwardly.
Esme then tugged his arm and they sped off out of the house. Alice danced up to me, a bright smile on her pale face.
“I’ve left something for Ты in my room,” she сказал(-а) as she hugged me. “Edward will Любовь it.”
I shook my head as she stepped back and Jasper surprising me with a one armed hug. She then giggled as she dragged Jasper out of the house. Rosalie gave me a bigger surprise by giving me my first hug from her.
“I’m happy for you,” she сказал(-а) before Emmett scooped me up into a crushing hug.
“Try not to break anything,” he laughed before putting me down.
I stared after him as he and Rosalie took off into the night. Break anything? Who сказал(-а) we would? Would we?
Edward shook his head as he closed the door.
“Does everyone think I am going to kill Ты tonight?” he asked me, leaning against the door.
“Just about,” I said, laughing.
“I’m not,” he said, seriously. “I won’t hurt you.”
“I know that,” I сказал(-а) and I pulled him towards me. “I trust you.”
I reached up to Kiss his lips but he pushed me gently away.
“We don’t have to do it,” he said, his golden eyes watching me very carefully. “We can wait. I don’t mind.”
“No. I’m ready.”
He watched me for a little while longer before smiling wickedly.
“I have something to Показать you.” he сказал(-а) and then he took my hand and practically dragged me upstairs. He stopped outside the closed door to his bedroom.
“The surprise,” I said, nodding. “The reason why we couldn’t go in your room.”
“It took a lot of bribery,” he said. “But it was worth it.”
He went behind me and covered my eyes with his cold hands. He then pushed me gently forward. His hand left my eye for not even a секунда as he opened the door before it was back on blocking my sight. I walked вперед very slowly so I didn’t fall. Once we were just inside he removed his hands. I gasped when I saw the new addition to his room. What the hell? Since when did he need this?
“A bed?” I turned around and laughed. “You don’t need a bed.”
“Did Ты really think I would let our first time be on my leather couch?”
I turned back around and looked at the bed. It was massive. Edward and I, plus my new siblings and Charlie and Tess could all sleep comfortably on the bed. Edward watched me as I went over and sat on the bed, my fingers caressing the silk sheets.
“Do Ты like it?” he asked me, as I shuffled onto the middle of the bed.
“Very much,” I said, watching him. He still stood at the doorway. He had that worried look in his eyes. It never seemed to leave him. Always lingering at the back, waiting to resurface at the hint of any danger.
“Are Ты sure?”
I sighed. “Edward.”
“Are Ты completely ready?”
I wanted him, only him. Yes, Бабочки were wreaking havoc in my stomach, my сердце rate seemed to have increased by a hundred and my palms had begun to sweat but I was ready. I was with Edward. I had nothing to be scared of. I knew he would gentle with me. I trusted him.
“Yes,” I сказал(-а) and I reached around to the back of my dress. I couldn’t exactly manage to get out of my own dress seeing as it had taken two people to get me into it.
Edward was behind in, his legs on either side of me.
“Would Ты like some help?” his voice was low and husky as his hands swiftly undid the corset.
“Are Ты sure?” I mimicked his concern, mocking him. “Are Ты completely ready? I don’t want to force Ты to do anything.”
“You don’t force me into anything,” he said, his lips touching the bare skin of my back. I shivered. “With you, I do everthing willingly.”
“We’ll go slow, right?” I couldn’t stop my voice from shaking as his lips touched the вверх of my shoulders.
“We’ll go as slow as Ты want.” His cool breath against my skin. “I don’t want to force Ты to do anything.”
I relaxed as he wrapped his arms around me, sinking into his embrace. His kisses carried up onto my neck and I turned my head as his lips reached my cheek. This would be one of the best nights of our lives. Nothing could ruin it.
added by ania2612
Source: eclipsemovie.org
added by Andressa_Weld
added by Andressa_Weld
added by Andressa_Weld
added by Andressa_Weld
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
Source: twifans
added by sunrise_90
added by Andressa_Weld
added by Andressa_Weld
added by sunrise_90
added by Andressa_Weld
added by Andressa_Weld