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*by Stephenie Meyer*


"But I resisted. I don't know how. I forced myself not to wait for you, not/ to follow Ты from the school. It was easier outside, when I couldn't smell Ты anymore, to think clearly, to make the right decision. I left the others near Главная - I was too ashamed to tell them how weak I was, they only knew something was very wrong - and then I went straight to Carlisle, at the hospital, to tell him I was leaving."
I stared in surprise.
"I traded cars with him - he had a full tank of gas and I didn't want to stop. I didn't dare to go home, to face Esme. She wouldn't have let me go without a scene. She would have tried to convince me that it wasn't necessary...
"By the Далее morning I was in Alaska." He sounded ashamed, as if admitting a great cowardice. "I spent two days there, with some old aquaintances.. but I was homesick. I hated knowing I'd upset Esme, and the rest of them, my adopted family. In the pure air of the mountains it was hard to believe Ты were so irresistible. I convinced myslef it was weak to run away. I'd dealt with temptation before, not of this magnitude, not even close, but I was strong. Who were you, an insignificant little girl" - he grinned suddenly - "to chase me from the place I wanted to be? So I came back..." He stared off into space.
I couldn't speak.
"I took precautions, hunting, feeding еще than usual before seeing Ты again. I was sure that I was strong enough to treat Ты like any othe human. I was arrogant about it.
"It was unquestionably a complication that I couldn't simply read your thoughts to know what your reaction was to me. I wasn't used to having to go to such circuitous measures, listening to your words in Jessica's mine... her mind isn't very original, and it was annoying to have to stoop to that. And then I couldn't know if Ты really meant what Ты said. It was all extremely irritating." He frowned at the memory.
"I wanted Ты to forget my behavior that first day, if possible, so I tried to talk with Ты like I would with any person. I was eager actually, hoping to decipher some of your thoughts. But Ты were too interesting, I found myself caught up in your expressions.. and every now and then Ты would stir the air with your hand или your hair, and the scent would stun me again...
"Of course, then Ты were nearly crushed to death in front of my eyes. Later I thought of a perfectly good excuse for why I acted at that moment - because if I hadn't saved you, if your blood had been spilled there in front of me, I don't think I could have stopped myself from exposing us for what we are. but I only thought of that excuse later. At the time, all I could think was, 'Not her'."
He closed his eyes, Остаться в живых in his agonized confession. I listened, еще eager than rational. Common sense told me that I should be terrified. Instead, I was relieved to finally understand. And I was filled with compassion for his suffering, even now, as he confessed his craving to take my life.
I wsa finally able to speak, though my voice was faint. "In the hospital?"
He eyes flashed up to mine. "I was appalled. I couldn't believe I had put us in danger after all, put myself in your power - Ты of all people. As if I needed another motive to kill you." We both flinched as that word slipped out. "But it had the opposite effect," he continued quickly. "I fought with Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper when they suggested that now was the time... the worst fight we've ever had. Carlisle sided with me, and Alice." He grimaced when he сказал(-а) her name. I couldn't imagine why. "Esme told me to do whatever I had to in order to stay." He shook his head indulgently.
"All that Далее день I eavesdropped on the minds of everyone Ты spoke to, shocked that Ты kept your word. I didn't understand Ты at all. But I knew that I couldn't become еще involved with you. I did my very best to stay as far from Ты as possible. And every день the perfume of your skin, your breath, your hair... it hit me as hard as the very first day."
He met my eyes again, and they were surprisingly tender.
"And for all that," he continued. "I'd have fared better if I had exposed us all in that first moment, than if now, here - with no witnesses and nothing to stop me - I were to hut you."
I was human enough to have to ask. "Why?"
"Isabella." He pronounced my full name carefully, then playfully ruffled my hair with his free hand. A shock ran through my body at his casual touch. "Bella, I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt you. Ты don't know how it's tortued me." He looked down, ashamed again. "The thought of you, still, white, cold... to never see Ты blush scarlet again, to never see that flahs of intuition in your eyes when Ты see through my pretenses... it would be unendurable." He lifted his glorious, agonized eyes to mine. "You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."
My head was spinning at the rapid change in direction our conversation had taken. From the cheerful topic of my impending demise, we were suddenly declaring ourselves. He waited, and even though I looked down to study our hands between us, I knew his golden eyes were on me.
"You already know how I feel, of course," i finally said. "I'm here... which, roughly translated, means I would rather die than stay away from you." I frowned. "I'm an idiot."
"You are an idiot," he agreed with a laugh. Our eyes met, and I laughed, too. We laughed together at the idiocy and sheer impossibility of such a moment.
"And so the lion fell in Любовь with the lamb...," he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word.
"What a stupid lamb," I sighed.
"What a sick, masochistic lion." He stared into the shadowy forest for a long moment, and I wondered where his thoughts had taken him.
"Why...?" I began, and then paused, not sure how to continue.
He looked at me and smiled; sunlight glinted off his face, his teeth.
"Tell me why Ты ran from me before."
His smile faded. "You know why."
"No, I mean, exactly what did I do wrong? I'll have to be on my guard, Ты see, so I better start learning what I shouldn't do. This, for example" - I stroked the back of his hand - "seems to be all right."
He smiled again. "You didn't do anything wrong, Bella. It was my fault."
"But I want to help, if I can, to not make this harder for you."
"Well..." He contemplated for a moment. "I was just how close Ты were. Most humans instinctively shy away from us, are repelled by our alienness... I wasn't expecting Ты to come so close. And the smell of your throat." He stopped short, looking to see of he'd upset me.
"Okay, then," I сказал(-а) flippantly, trying to alleviate the sudden tense atmosphere. I tucked my chin. "No throat exposure."
It worked; he laughed. "No, really, it was еще the surprise than anything else."
He raised his free hand and placed it gently on the side of my neck. I sat very still, the chill of his touch a natural warning - a warning telling me to be terrified. But there was no feeling of fear in me. There were, however, other feelings...
"You see," he said. "Perfectly fine."
My blood was racing, and I wished I could slow it, sensing that this must make everything so much еще difficult - the thudding of my pulse in my veins. Surely he could hear it.
"The blush on your cheeks is lovely," he murmured. He gently freed his other hand. My hands fell limply into my lap. Softly he brushed my cheek, then held my face between his marble hands.
"Be very still," he whispered, as if I wasn't already frozen.
Slowly, never moving his eyes from mine, he leaned toward me. Then ebruptly, but very gently, re rested his cold cheek against the hollow at the base of my throat. I was quite unable to move, even if I'd wanted to. I listened to the sound of his even breathing, watching the sun and wind play in his bronze hair, еще human than any other part of him.
With deliberate slowness, his hands slid down the sides of my neck. I shivered, and I heard him catch his breath. But his hands didn't pause as they softly moved to my shoulders, and then stopped.
His face drifted to the side, his nose skimming across my collarbone. He came to rest with the side of his face pressed tenderly against my chest.
Listening to my heart.
"Ah," he sighed.
I don't know how long we sat without moving. It could have been hours. Eventually the throb of my pulse quieted, but he didn't Переместить или speak again as he held me. I knew at any moment it could be too much, and my life could end - so quickly that I might not even notice. I couldn't think of anything, except that he was touching me.
And then, too soon, he released me.
His eyes were peaceful.
"It won't be so hard again," he сказал(-а) with satisfaction.
"Was that very hard for you?"
"Not nearly as bad as I imagined it would be. And you?"
"No, it wasn't bad... for me."
He smiled at my inflection. "You know what I mean."
I smiled.
"Here." He took my hand and placed it against his cheek. "Do Ты feel how warm it is?"
And it was almost warm, his usually icy skin. But I barely noticed, for I was touching his face, something I'd dreamed of contsantly since the first день I'd seen him.
"Don't move," I whispered.
No one could be still like Edward. He closed his eyes and became as immobile as stone, a carving under my hand.
I moved even еще slowly than he had, careful not to make one unexpected move. I caressed his cheek, delicately stroked his eyelid, the purple shadow in the hollow under his eye. I traced the shape of his perfect nose, and then, so carefully, his flawless lips. His lips parted under my hand, and I could feel his cool breath on my fingertips. I wanted to lean in, to inhale the scent of him. So I dropped my hand and leaned away, not wanting to push him too far.
He opened his eyes, and they were hungry. Not in a way to make me fear, but rather to tighten the muscles in the pit of my stomach and send my pulse hammering through my veins again.
"I wish," he whispered," I wish Ты could feel the... complexity.. the confusion... I feel. That Ты could understand."
He raised his hair to my hair, than carefully brushed it across my face.
"Tell me," I breathed.
"I don't think I can. I've told you, on the one hand, the hunger - the thirst - that, deplorable creature that I am, I feel for you. And I think Ты can understand that, to an extent. Though" - he half-smiled - "as Ты are not addicted to any illegal substances, Ты probably can't empathize completely."
"But..." His fingers touched my lips lightly, making me shiver again. "There are other hungers. Hungers I don't even understand, that are foreign to me."
"I may understand that better than Ты think."
"I'm not used to feeling so human. Is it always like this?"
"For me?" I paused. "No, never. Never before this."
He held my hands between his. The felt so feeble in his iron strength.
"I don't know how to be close to you," he admitted. "I don't know if I can."
I leaned вперед very slowly, cautioning him with my eyes. I placed my cheek against his stone chest. I could hear his breath, and nothin else.
"This is enough," I sighed, closing my eyes.
In a very humman gesture, he out his arms around me and pressed his face against my hair.
"Your better at this than Ты give yourself credit for," I noted.
"I have human instincts - they may be buried deep, but they're there."
We sat like that for another unmeasurable moment' I wondered if he could be as unwilling to Переместить as I was. But I could see the light was fading, the shadows of the forest beginning to touch us, and I sighed.
"You have to go."
"I thought Ты couldn't read my mine."
"It's getting clearer." I could hear a smile in his voice.
He shook my shoulders and I looked into his face.
"Can I Показать Ты something?" he asked, sudden excitement flaring in his eyes.
"Show me what?"
"I'll Показать Ты how I travel in the forest." He saw my expression. "Don't worry, you'll be very safe, and we'll get to your truck much faster." His mouth twitched up into that crooked smile so beautiful my сердце nearly stopped.
"Will Ты turn into a bat?" I asked warily.
He laughed, louder than I'd ever heard. "Like I haven't heard that one before!"
"Right, I'm sure Ты get that all the time."
"Come on, little coward, climb on my back."
I waited to see if he was kidding, but, apparently, he meant it. He smield as he rad my hesitation, and reached for me. My сердце reacted; even though he couldn't hear my thoughts, my pulse always gave me away. Then he proceeded to строп, слинг my onto his back, with very little effort on my part, besides, when in place, clamping my legs and arms so tightly around him that it would choke a normal person. It was like clinging to a stone.
"I'm a bit heavier than your average back pack," I warned.
"Hah!' he snorted. I could almost hear his eyes rolling. I'd never seen him in such high spirits before.
He startled me, suddenly grabbing my hand, pressing my palm to his face, and inhaling deeply.
"Easier all the time," he murmured.
And then he was running.
posted by mia1emmett
>>if Ты see car-- that means i forgot how to spell dr.cullens name :/ not a very good twilight Фан i know :(
            Chapter 5
As I was walking down my stairs I saw a jeep pull up in front of my
House. When Emmett poked his head out he сказал(-а) "Ella come on" I got in to
Find rose Alice jasper and Emmett all in the car I smiled to everyone.
Then I felt something sharp as if it was hitting me in the gut. I сказал(-а)
"Thank Ты guys Ты didn't have to pick me up. I know me finding my
Brother isn't something that Ты guys should be doing...
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"Ughhh. Damn it!" I yelled and threw the phone against the wall. Why would everything go wrong when things were going right. I heard my dad enter, and foot steps into the kitchen. I looked at him and he saw my face. He rushed to my side.
"Bells,What's wrong??"My dad said."Did he do this to you?" He asked. Charlie hasn't been able to refer to Edward as his name since he left,but I always knew who he was talking about. I shook my head no.
"Dad, Ты remember that job I was telling Ты about in New York?" I asked him. He shook his head, so he knew what I was talking about."Well they called and Offered...
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Vampire Empire Announces Winner of Contest To Win Bella's Engagement Ring

Vampire-empire.com announced the winner of the fashion reproduction of the engagement ring Edward Cullen gave to Bella лебедь in Stephanie Meyers Twilight Series.


Jul 16, 2010 – Популярное vampire enthusiasts and fine art site, Vampire Empire, announced a winner for it's Bella Swan's Engagement ring contest. The contest offered Twilight Фаны a chance to win an official fashion reproduction of the ring Edward Cullen gives to Bella when her proposes to her.

The contest started on June 26, 2010 and ran...
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posted by groovychicklisa
When I got home, Charlie, Renée and Phil were just sitting down to have dinner, and I joined them.

"Hey dad, I wanted to talk to Ты about something." I сказал(-а) as I put some салат on my plate. Charlie insisted that I have vegetables with every meal. He was the one who told me what I could and couldn't eat, and also made sure I followed the "rules". Which was why I always went to Angela's for ice cream. Nowhere had I found anything to indicate that I shouldn't eat ice cream – I'd even asked Doctor Jamieson, who had сказал(-а) that it was fine – but Charlie insisted that too much sugar wasn't good....
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posted by Jessie-Louise
It was the Далее day,i looked at my alarm clock it was 7.35.
Mom and dad had already woken,the smell of бекон, бэкон was lingering underneath my door. Dad walked in with a бекон, бэкон сэндвич, бутерброд and told me to wake up,but i was already awake i looked at him and smiled he handed me the сэндвич, бутерброд and sat down near me.
"I'm proud of Ты princess,i mean taking this baby on,you will be a great mother.Okay Jacob will be a great father too,Aha.Maybe this baby will bring me and jacob closer togeather and we could stop all this argueing."
Dad сказал(-а) to me in a happy voice.

Cough* Cough* i started to choke on my sandwich.
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After u readd this u need 2 add a comit and i will thank u.tell me wat u think and if u r sad it is almost over...if u r then do u want to beg i MIGHT make a bonuz chapter after its all over...would u like dat?

Rosalie’s P.O.V:
I плавить, корюшка the ground that stood beneath my feet. It smelled Victoria. She challenged us to a fight-we get our army she gets hers. Of course she wasn’t fighting. She had her little Riley and Bree-who was a scared as a pissing dog about to get smacked by the furious owner. I stalked over to Jasper and let out all my instincts. He was training us to fight the...
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posted by NeeNee14
I pulled in front of my house and Seth was sitting on my porch.
"Hey " he сказал(-а) and got up. he was going to give me a hug but I put my hand on his chest to stop him. he looked at me confused.
"I'm so sweaty." I сказал(-а) a little embarrassed. I put my hand down and walked towards the house. He picked my up from behind and carried me in. He carried me into my room and threw me on my bed. he laid Далее to me.
"Are Ты gonna wait here?"I asked him.
"I'll always wait for you." He said. I smiled and got up, grabbed my towel and a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I hopped in the душ and washed my hair. I hurried...
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Sorry its SO short

I got out my car Monday and walked over to Maci.
"Hey Maci, who are Ты waiting on?" I asked her.
"No one just thinking about Seth." I heard her сердце accelerate and a smile broke across her face when she сказал(-а) it.
"Someone's in looovvee."I сказал(-а) and laughed.
"I know" she replied." Is Jake still in High School?" she asked me.
"No, he graduated last year." I сказал(-а) to her. I wondered if Seth told her about Vamps and Wolfs yet.
We started towards our first class when someone grabbed me from behind. I turned to see who it was. It was Jake. I smiled and he wrapped me up in a Bear...
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Chapter 13


She was standing there. Shivering in the night. She was nothing like the girl i knew- her dress ripped, her hair pulled out and chaotic. Blood pouring from what appeared to be a bust lip. It was 1am. What the hell was she doing here “can i come in” she whispered – tremors of shivers running through her body. I didn’t even know if i could speak- looking at her- hurting was physically torturing me. I stepped aside letting her walk in. I closed the door behind her. She jumped slightly at the noise it made. She looked a million years from the girl i saw at the party- she...
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Chapter 12


I knew what my subconscious wanted. It wanted Edward. I walked over to his house and knocked on the door.
Carlisle and Esme were on a trip visiting Emmet and had only left a few hours ago. Edward was Главная alone. I knocked lightly in case he was asleep. After about 5 минуты he came to the door- his eyes swollen, tired. Like he’d been crying. “can i come in?” i whispered. My teeth chattering. He nodded and moved aside. I entered his house- i heard the door close behind me. “Are Ты alright?” he whispered as i rubbed my arms to get friction to warm me up. “Just cold”...
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I ran all the way back to Jake's. I knocked on the door until someone came to the door. It was Billy.
"Hey Billy. Is Jake home?'I asked.
"He's in his room Nessie."He сказал(-а) back. Billy moved out of my way so I could come in. I knocked on Jacob's door.
"Come in" He said. I opened his door. He looked at me and took in my red-rimmed eyes.
"Ness, what's wrong?" He asked. I sat down Далее to him and put my hand on his cheek to Показать him what happened. When it was over he hugged me and rubbed my back.
"Do Ты wanna stay here for tonight?" He asked me after I calmed down. I shook my head yes.
Later that night...
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posted by basketballstar
This short story is not really based on any one of the four books. I suppose it could be after Twilight and before New Moon. It's a comical piece, in my mind, as Alice drags the complaining Emmett and Edward around a department store. Please Комментарий and tell me what Ты think!!

Alice was the one who was into fashion in our family. Rosalie and Esme were too of course, but Alice was the most interested in it. She was the one who dressed us, never letting us wear the same outfit twice. She usually went shopping with Rosalie или Esme, или on a rare occasion, Jasper; never Emmett or...
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
Эй, guys sorry its been awhile since I have written its finally the holidays for me! Yay, 2 weeks off but of course its the first день of the holidays and I'm sick :( Anyway Please tell me if there is anything I can help to make my story better. Because its been so long i tried to make this one longer, but i'm not sure if I did though. Hope Ты everyone enjoy's and Please comment!

Tash's POV

Bella seemed kind of embarrassed that I knew her whole life since she moved to Forks, and to me she also seemed annoyed too. But who wouldn't be annoyed in a situation like this? I mean being taken from you're...
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posted by summerlynn1978
Since the Twilight movie came out, There has been a fued between Jacob and Edward. "Jacob's better! "Edward's better! Is all I hear all день by furious teenagers. Well, take a look at this, a fight between me and my BFF.
"JACOB'S BETTER THAN A PASTY, PALE VAMPIRE!!" "eDWARD DOESN'T HOWL!" It was just terrible. It ended very ugly with her ripping Jacob posters off my Стена and me ripping her Edward shirt. After she left, I realized that they're just two people, just like everyone else. We should respect other people's likes and dislikes and we can have friends. I've seen so many friendships get ripped apart because of this. So here's a valuable lesson, "Respect Others Likes and Dislikes And Everyone Wll Be Friends" So the Далее time Ты see two people fighting over Twilight, tell them this important lesson, and friendships will stop getting teared apart.
Эй, everyone! Thankies SO VERY MUCH for the support! I'm wowed by each of you...you guys are so sweet <333 :] This chapter is kinda short because I was in a rush last night LOL and since this weekened is American Independence weekend, my family and I are taking a trip down to the пляж, пляжный (yay! :P) so I won't be able to update till tuesday (which makes me VERY sad :[ ) So, being the sweeties Ты are, I know Ты all will patiently and anxiously wait till I update again. Thanks from the вверх and bottom of my heart, everyone! Much Любовь to each of you, from me! Enjoy! :D
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Chapter 3

The ride to school that день was beyond hellish. Neither one talked. When Bella arrived at school she had to get Edward form his день dream (B) Edward? (B) (E) What…? Oh sorry I was день dreaming(E) A small smile spread across my face at just how childish he was, (B) Yeh I guessed that Edward! Do Ты need me to give Ты a ride Главная after school? (B) Oh god if he says that сука Tanya is taking him Главная I may cry! It’s no secret that Esme and Carlisle don’t like her; infect no one but Edward and herself like her! (E)Erm ofcourse! Why do Ты have something else planned with...
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posted by karpach_13
 this is renesmee's hotel room
this is renesmee's hotel room
Chapter 5
“this is not my daughter” my father said. And shook his head.
“our daughter just grew up and needs еще attention Edward” my mom said.
“bella this isn’t our renesmee this is…” I cut my dad off.
“this is who? Dad just because I changes doesn’t mean im not ur daughter” I told him. It took him a very long time to say anything. I got so tired of everything I left then and ran to my room. I gathered a lot of clothes and put it in my luggage. I went down stairs and to my car.
“nessie wer r u going?” my mom asked. I didn’t want to hurt anyone here, it was all an accident,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    I finished the rooms a half-hour later, and it's безопасно, сейф to say that the upper-half was alot better, and safer, then the lower half of this castle. No one stopped me as I was up there, they just walked on by, leaving me to my blue-printing. I got out, сказал(-а) my thanks and goodbyes in my southern accent, which was starting to set into a 2nd nature, which isn't good. Anyways, I got into my van, and...
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Chapter 14 Back to the Cullens!

After it feels like Ты just put your head down. Ты hear Emmett's voice.

Emmett-Babe, we're here.

You look up at him and smile a little bit.

You-(saying in a soft voice) Okay.

You sit up trying to block the pain out of your head. But Ты can't. Emmett gets off the plain to get the suitcases and Edward was there to pick Ты guys up and he helps Emmett load them in the back of the Volvo. As soon as Ты stand up your knees buckle and Ты let out a scream that tells everyone you're in pain. Emmett runs back on the plain.

Emmett-___!!! Babe, did it get worse??!

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13 Honey Moon part 2

WARNING: This chapter will make Ты melt, I know this because it is my Фэнтези with Kellan Lutz. Enjoy :)

Emmett smiles at Ты and gets the suitcases out of the back сиденье, место, сиденья and tosses them on the the patio above Ты guys.

You-Emmett what are Ты doing?

He comes over to Ты in .10 and picks Ты up bridal style.

Emmett-I'm carrying my bride to the bedroom, that what a husband is supposed to do to his brand new Bride.

You-Oh well take me away handsome.

you giggle and Emmett opens the door, and carries Ты upstairs, he gently places Ты on the постель, кровати and he goes to the patio and rings...
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