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posted by groovychicklisa
Gossip and Butterflies

"Come on in." Angela opened the door before I had finished knocking, and ushered me inside the house quickly. "Let me see."

I gave her the picture from the ultrasound, and she studied it in silence for a moment, her eyes wide in astonishment.

"Wow. It actually looks like a baby!" She exclaimed, giving the фото back to me.

"I know, it caught me completely by surprise. I thought it would look like a арахис или something." I carefully placed the picture between two pages of a book in my bag, not wanting to ruin it. Charlie had another copy, and we'd gotten one to send to Renée too – she was totally bummed out about missing the ultrasound.

"Let me look at you." Angela turned me sideways and looked at my stomach through narrowed eyes. "I think I can see a little bump."

"No way!" I knew that my jeans had gotten a little tighter, but there was definitely no bump. Not yet, anyway, I added silently. It was only a matter of time, after all.

"Just kidding." Angela giggled. "Don't be so touchy."

"It's not nice to have fun on the expense of someone who's pregnant. My hormones aren't cut out for being mocked." I grumbled, but Angela just laughed at me.

"I won't do it again." She promised, but I didn't believe her for a second.

"Sure Ты will." I replied, smiling so she didn't think I was too serious. "And I'll complain, and you'll promise never to do it again, and it'll be a vicious круг without end."

"You're probably right." Angela acknowledged. "Do Ты want to watch TV for a while? My parents won't be Главная for a couple of hours, some meeting at the twin's kindergarten."

"Sure, lead the way."


A week and a half after I'd had the ultrasound, I couldn't button my Избранное jeans. I pulled them off and stood in front of the full body mirror, warily studying myself in profile. Yep, definitely a bump there. Not a very large one, but still plainly visible. I was sure it hadn't been there when I had gone to постель, кровати the night before. Luckily, it was Saturday, so I did the only thing I could think to do. I called Angela.


"My jeans don't fit." The only response I got was laughter. "It's not funny!"

"It is a little funny." She insisted, but stopped laughing. "Relax. I'll pick Ты up in half an hour; we'll go to Port Angeles and get Ты something that will fit."

I tried on another pair of jeans while I waited for her to get to the house, but only got the same result. In the end, I pulled on a pair of decent looking sweat pants before heading out the door.

Angela gave me an amused look when I got into the car, and I scowled at her.

"I didn't say a word." She giggled as she headed down the street.

"Let's keep it that way." I snapped a little еще harshly than I had intended. I knew Angela didn't deserve to be the object of my bad mood, but couldn't help it.

"My my, are we testy today." The hint of laughter in her voice assured me that she wasn't taking my attitude personally.

"Sorry." I apologized, making an effort to sound a little еще pleasant. "I guess I'm just realizing that I won't be able to hide this much longer."

"Probably not." Angela agreed. "But I hear baggy shirts are making a comeback this year. You'll be totally fashionable."

"That's the silver lining I was looking for." I сказал(-а) sarcastically.

I already had a bunch of those in my closet, in anticipation of this moment.

"And look at it this way." Angela added. "At least now we can go baby shopping soon."

That was true. I had been wanting to start getting things right after the ultrasound, but I was terrified that we would run into someone from Forks in the store. It wasn't all that unlikely, after all. Renée had already sent a couple of things from Florida, though; a tiny, yellow onesie, some knitted booties that I suspected she had produced herself – and Renée definitely didn't knit – and a t-shirt with the text "If Ты think I'm cute, Ты should see my Grandma".

"Yeah." I admitted. "That's a plus."

"I actually might have jumped the gun a little." Angela glanced over at me. "I ordered something online."

"OK…" I gave her a suspicious look. "What is it?"

"Nuh-uh, I'm not telling you." She shook her head. "It's a surprise."

I didn't like surprises; something she knew very well.

"Can I at least get a hint?" I tried, well aware that I wasn't likely to succeed in my attempt.

"Nope." She smirked evilly. "But it's supposed to get here on Tuesday."

"That's three whole days from now." I complained.

"I'm not telling you." She was determined. "It's not even really for you, anyway."

I decided to surrender. When Angela had set her mind to something, I had learned that there was no use in arguing with her.

We went straight to Gottschalks when we got to Port Angeles. At least there, we could pretend to have accidentally wandered into the department with maternity clothes if we spotted someone we knew. Angela laughed when I pointed that out, until I reminded her that if we actually did meet someone from Forks, they could very well jump to the wrong conclusions. She was the one with a boyfriend, after all.

I bought a pair of regular jeans that I could actually button, and, upon Angela's insistence, a pair of maternity jeans with an elastic waist.

"You know we'd just have to come back in a couple of weeks otherwise." She wisely pointed out to me as I paid for the clothes, and I had to admit that she was probably right.

"You know, sometimes I actually think about accidentally letting something slip to Jessica или Lauren, so that I can just get this over with." I сказал(-а) as we headed back to the car. "It's getting old having to constantly think about what I say around people at school."

"I know, sweetie." Angela put an arm around my shoulder. "But pretty soon, Ты won't have a choice."

"Thank Ты for pointing that out." I сказал(-а) dryly, and then sighed. "Maybe I should have taken Renée up on the offer to live with her and Phil. At least in a city the size of Jacksonville, I would be yesterday's news after a week или two. Here, I'll still be the talk of the town years from now."

"Probably." She replied matter-of-factly. "But I'm glad Ты stayed."

"Me too."


I started wearing baggy t-shirts to school that Monday. I did get a few glances, but nobody сказал(-а) anything about my new "look".

On Tuesday, Angela asked if I wanted to come over after school – the surprise was supposed to arrive that day. Since I wasn't working, I happily agreed, anxious to see what it was that she'd gotten.

I followed her Главная after our last class of the day, and parked in the street.

"Mom?" Angela called as we walked through the front door. "Did I get any mail today?"

"In the kitchen." We took off our coats before following Mrs. Weber's voice. On the кухня counter, there was a flat package addressed to Angela.

"OK, I have to put it together first, just stay down here until I call you." Angela grabbed the package and headed out of the кухня with a big smile on her face. I shook my head at her enthusiasm, but couldn't help but smile too.

"A surprise, I take it?" Mrs. Weber smiled, and I nodded.

"Yeah." I grimaced. "She knows I hate them."

"Did Ты expect that to stop her?"

"Not anymore." I joined in on her laughter.

"I hope Ты don't think that I'm being too forward." Mrs. Weber сказал(-а) after a moment. "But I want Ты to know that if Ты need anything, just to let us know. We're here for you."

"Angela told you?" I wasn't upset that Angela had talked to her mother, but the situation was a bit uncomfortable.

"No, honey. I have three children of my own, and I have eyes to see with." She patted me on the arm. "I know that a lot people in this town will give Ты a hard time, but don't let them get Ты down, OK? Ты are worth so much еще than any of them."

"Thank you." I mumbled, slightly embarrassed by her words. Luckily, Angela called me at that moment. "I'd better go." I gave Mrs. Weber a smile and left the kitchen.

"OK, close your eyes." Angela met me outside the closed door to her room.

I obediently did as she told me, and she led me into the room.

"Hang on… OK, Ты can look. "

I opened my eyes, and gasped.

"Oh my God, Angela! It's adorable."

She was holding up a mobile in front of me, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore dangling from the four arms.

"Where did Ты find it?" I wondered, gently touching the little plush Eeyore.

"Wal-Mart." She replied. "And it plays music, too." She wound it up, and the theme from Winnie the Pooh started playing as the figures rotated.

"I Любовь it." I gave her a tight hug, tears in my eyes.

"I'm glad." She said, hugging me back.

I pulled back, wiping a few tears from my eyes, feeling silly that my emotions were so obvious.

"I'll never complain about your surprises again." I vowed, and she giggled.

"Of course Ты will."

"OK, I probably will." I agreed. "But I'll try not to."


We sat down on the bed, the mobile still playing its tune.

"Your mom knows, by the way." I сказал(-а) after a moment.

"She does?" Angela frowned. "I swear I didn't tell her."

"I know, I know." I hurried to assure her. "She figured it out."

"I'm sorry."

"It's OK. She was really nice about it." Much nicer than I had expected.

"She can be kind of cool."


My four-month check-up went fine; everything was still going the way it was supposed to, and Doctor Jamieson was happy that I had finally started to put on some weight. She told me that she would do another ultrasound at the following check-up, and that, if I wanted, I could find out the sex of the baby. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to know или not.

"Don't Ты want to be able to prepare?" Angela wondered one day.

"I don't need to know if it's a boy или a girl to be able to do that." I objected.

"I guess not. But it would be a lot еще fun." She insisted.

"We'll see." I shrugged.

"Do Ты have a gut feeling?"

"I think so…"

"Me too." Angela said. "On three?"

"OK. One… two… three."

"Girl." We both сказал(-а) at the same time, which made us laugh.

We were curled up on the диван, мягкий уголок in our living room, eating Шоколад помадка, выдумка Brownie ice cream straight from the tub and watching American Idol.

It was Sunday evening, and I had asked Angela to come over, because I was in desperate need of a confidence boost for the following day.

I was going public.

It was really becoming inevitable; I was almost eighteen weeks pregnant, and the small bump I had discovered three weeks earlier had grown considerably and was getting еще and еще difficult to hide. I had hoped to be able to make it to the Рождество holidays before having to resign to the unavoidable, but there were still two weeks left, and I had realized that it would be impossible. I'd even started ditching Gym, so I wouldn't have to get changed with the other girls.

I knew that Principal Greene came into work an час before school started every day, so I was going to talk to him before first period that Monday. I wanted to settle all the practical details before the rest of the students found out. Charlie was going with me, which I was grateful for. I could use the moral support.

"You ready for tomorrow?" Angela asked, as if she had read my mind.

"Not even close."

"I'll be there, don't worry." She squeezed my hand, and I gave her a grateful smile.

"I seriously don't know what I'd do without you, Ang."

"Good thing Ты don't have to find out, then."


"Come on, Bells. Let's get this over with." Charlie knocked determinedly on Principal Greene's door while I hesitated a few steps behind him.

"Come in." We heard through the door, and Charlie opened it.

"John." Charlie greeted as we entered the office.

"Charlie." Principal Greene got up and the two men shook hands. "What are Ты doing here at this time of day? Hello Bella."

"Hi, Principal Greene." I mumbled, eyes fixed on the floor.

"We have a matter we need to discuss with you, John." Charlie sat down in one of the visitors' chairs, and I took the other one.

"Oh? I do hope everything is alright." Principal Greene frowned.

"Well…" Charlie hesitated. "Bella?"

I reluctantly looked up and met Principal Greene concerned eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

"Oh, I see." He nodded. "And I assume this will interfere with your school work at some point?"

"Not for a while. The baby's not due until the middle of May, but finals…"

"I'm sure we can arrange something." He interrupted me. "I will of course have to talk to the board, and your teachers, but I am sure Ты can take the finals later in the summer. I assume Ты won't be going to college in the fall anyway?"

"No." I shook my head.

Charlie and I had talked about this during the weekend. I was going to wait a год to apply to college, and ask Mrs. Newton if I could work at the store a couple of hours a день when the baby was a little older. This way I might even be able to save up some money for college, and afford the things I would have to get for the baby.

Angela had also investigated the idea she'd had about funds for single parents, and it turned out that Seattle U did indeed have some I could apply for. They even had special apartments on campus for students with children.

"Well, then, I'm sure it won't be a problem." Principal Greene stood up, signaling that the conversation was over. "I'll inform the teachers about your situation. Good to see Ты Charlie." They shook hands again, and Charlie and I left the office.

"That went well, don't Ты think?" Charlie сказал(-а) encouragingly on the way out of the building. I glanced up at him, but he was looking straight ahead and didn't notice my anxious appearance.

"Yeah." There was no need to tell him that it wasn't the principal's reaction I'd been dreading.

"I've got to head to work, you'll be OK?" We had gotten to the parking lot and he opened the door to the cruiser, eyeing me with a concerned look on his face.

"Sure." Class was starting in fifteen minutes. "Angela should be here any minute."

"OK. I'll see Ты tonight then." He patted my shoulder, the closest thing to a public display of affection that Charlie would ever get. "And don't let them get to you, got it?"

I nodded quietly. I wasn't so sure it would be that easy. But, again – no need to tell him that.

Angela drove into the lot a few минуты later, and we walked to Spanish together. I really didn't want to leave the безопасно, сейф cocoon of my parka, but I had made up my mind. So I wouldn't be able to chicken out and change my mind, I had put on a long sleeved t-shirt that clung closely to my protruding abdomen.

I took a deep breath and unzipped my coat, pulling it off and hanging it on one of the hooks just inside the door to the classroom. I looked straight ahead as I turned around and followed Angela to our seats at the back of the room.

Even if I didn't look anybody in the eye, I could still hear them whisper.

"Oh, my God! Is she pregnant?"

"She is! Look at her."

"No doubt about it."

"Should have known there was something going on with the clothes she's been wearing lately."

"Guess that explains why Cullen took off like that."

The last sentence hit me like a ton of bricks, and I was grateful that I had finally reached the стол письменный, стол and could slump into my seat. Angela squeezed my hand tightly.

"Don't listen to them." She mumbled under her breath as Mrs. Goff entered the classroom.

"I'm trying." I mumbled back, desperately struggling to shut out the loud whispers that were coming from all sides.

By the time Angela and I were headed for P.E., the entire school was buzzing with the news. I felt dozens of eyes on me as we walked down the pathway towards the gym, but kept my own firmly on the ground in front of me.

"Just ignore them." Angela mumbled Далее to me.

"Believe me, I'm trying."

Coach Clapp caught up with me just as Angela and I were about to enter the locker room.

"Bella, the principal filled me in on your… situation." His eyes inadvertently traveled to my belly. "You don't have to participate, we don't want any incidents."

"OK, coach." I willingly agreed. Instead of following Angela into the locker room, I went over to the bleachers and sat down, shrugging my пальто off and pulling Hamlet from my bag. We were Чтение it for English, and I might as well use the suddenly free period wisely.

I didn't look up as I heard the rest of the students enter the gym; I didn't want to meet any of the looks that I had no doubt most of the students were throwing my way. The mumbles coming from the other kids in the gym distracted me, and I had trouble concentrating on the book in front of me.

Angela came over to sit with me until coach Clapp blew his whistle to start the class. They were playing soccer.

I kept my attention firmly on what was happening at the Danish замок until I noticed someone sit down Далее to me when I was waiting for Angela to get changed.

"Hey Bella."

The voice told me that it was Mike who had joined me, and when I averted my eyes from the page I was on and met his, I saw that he had a concerned look on his face.

"Are Ты OK?" He asked, and I realized that he was actually worried about me. That sent a wave of gratitude through me.

"I've been better." I admitted, putting the book away.

"Vultures." He muttered, glaring at two boys who were slowly making their way out of the gym, every now and then glancing over their shoulders at us.

I let out a sigh of relief at having found another ally. I just hoped Jessica wouldn't ruin it. I had no doubt that she at least would be avoiding me like the plague from now on. She valued her reputation way too much to risk it by socializing with the school's most Последнее outcast.

"Everyone's just happy that people aren't gossiping about them, they don't care who the target is." Mike had a tone of revulsion in his voice. "It's sickening, really."

"It's high school, Mike." I shrugged. "I was expecting this." And worse, if I was honest.

"I'm on your side, just so Ты know." I had figured that out, but it was nice to have confirmation. "If Ты need to talk или something… anything."

"Thanks, Mike." I gave him an appreciative smile.

Just then, Jessica came out of the locker room and glared at us. Lauren followed closely behind her, and when she spotted me and Mike sitting together, she mumbled something in Jessica's ear.

"I'm not so sure you're girlfriend is too happy about that, though." I noted.

"She'll just have to deal." He said, but he got up. "See Ты at lunch."

"Bye." I watched as he, Jessica and Lauren left the gym. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it looked like Mike and Jessica were arguing, and she threw several annoyed looks at me over her shoulder.

Mike didn't sit with us at lunch. When Angela and I entered the cafeteria, he threw me an apologetic look from his сиденье, место, сиденья Далее to Jessica – the table, where Angela and I usually sat too, was full. I didn't doubt for a секунда that it was the doing of Jessica and Lauren, letting me know that I was no longer welcome. I shrugged at Mike, letting him know that it was fine.

Angela and I found an empty таблица close to the exit, and I sat down with my back towards the room. A few минуты later, Ben and his friend Austin joined us. Ben greeted me with his usual cheerfulness, seemingly oblivious to all the looks our таблица was attracting. Austin seemed a little еще uncomfortable.

"You don't have to do this, Ben." I сказал(-а) quietly. "I'm doomed to be the school pariah for the rest of senior год and a few class reunions; I don't want to drag Ты guys down with me."

"Hey, you're my friend too. And Друзья don't care what other people think." Ben objected. "Right, Austin?" He added pointedly.

Austin mumbled something unintelligible, but grudgingly nodded.

Jessica and Mike seemed to have come to some sort of agreement about Mike's interaction with me; he would talk to me during the classes we had together and on breaks – when she wasn't around – but he sat with Jessica and her Друзья during lunch.

Our new lunch таблица turned out to be a lot еще fun than sitting with Jessica and the others had been. After a few days, Austin seemed to have gotten over his initial embarrassment, или whatever it had been, at sitting with us, and started joining in on the conversations. He and Ben had the same kind of dark humor, and Angela and I were always laughing by the time we left the cafeteria.

Mrs. Newton had, of course, already heard about my "situation" when I came in to work on Tuesday.

"Hello, dear, how are you?" She greeted me with a smile.

"I'm good, Mrs. Newton."

"You OK to be working? It won't be too much for you?"

"No, of course not." My сердце dropped. "But I understand if Ты would rather find someone else, I'll just…"

"Nonsense, dear!" She cut me off. "Who cares what people gossip about, anyway? And who knows, Ты might even be good for business!"

I had to laugh at that, glad that she was joking about it.

"Thanks, Mrs. Newton."

"Don't mention it, dear. And Ты just let me know if there's anything Ты need."

"Well, actually…" This might be as good a time as any to broach the subject of my continued employment the coming fall. "I'll be taking a год off before going to college, obviously, and I was wondering if I could perhaps keep working here? Not during the summer, but maybe a bit later in the fall?"

"Oh, but of course! Ты don't even have to ask. You'll always have a job here, as long as Ты want."

"Thank Ты so much."

She just waved off my gratitude with one hand.

"When is the little one set to make an appearance?"

"May." I said, rubbing my hand over my stomach, something that I had started doing almost unconsciously ever since I had first discovered the bump.

"A spring baby, how nice. You'll want stay Главная over the summer then, of course." She pondered something for a moment. "You could start out working a couple of hours a день in September, does that sound good? And then take on еще as he или she gets older."

"That sounds great, Mrs. Newton."
posted by CarlislesLover
Hi guys heres part 8 at long last :)

“Renee why are Ты so desperate to get to the Cullen’s?”

“Because she can remember Rosalie and maybe Rosalie can help her remember the others”

“Rosalie hates Bella I doubt she’ll help her”

“I don’t care I’m still taking her there”

“Mum I Любовь Jacob no one else we don’t have to go to the Cullen’s”

“Bella honey Ты need to go to the Cullen’s and Jacob stop smiling because she loves you” I leant over to Jacob and kissed him not wanting to let go. He kissed back holding me tight against him. I don’t know how long we were...
continue reading...
*by Sephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 1 - PARTY

"Anyway, Ты don't irritate the Volturi," Edward went on, interrupting my reverie. "Not unless Ты want to die - или whatever it is we do." His voice was so calm, it amde him sound almost bored by the prospect.
My anger turned to horror. I took his marble face between my hands and held it very tightly.
"You must never, never, never think of anything like that again!" I said. "No matter what might ever happen to me, Ты are not allowed to hurt yourself!"
"I'll neve rput Ты in danger again, so it's a moot point."
"Put me in danger! I thought we'd...
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 This is the dress Bella wore(don't worry-it'll be the same dare-she won't be wearing this for long)
This is the dress Bella wore(don't worry-it'll be the same dare-she won't be wearing this for long)
Rosalie’s P.O.V:
I was frickin’ mad. I could seduce Edward Cullen. It’s not really that hard. He’s a boy, for crying out loud. When I got home, Emmett was watching football screaming, “NO! YES! NO! YES! YES!!!!!” then he looked over at me, “Oh hey, heard Ты and Bella and Alice got in a fight.” “Yep.” I said. “But what do Ты care, Ты still like her.” “You will then, eventually.” He turned the TV off and put me on his lap. “Thanks,” I whispered. He smiled, “For what?” “Making me feel bet…” that’s when she walked in. Emmett looked over and took me...
continue reading...
OK Bella finds Renesmee and Victoria kidnaps Bella.Bella is pregnant.Victoria and Bella become Друзья and she help Bella give birth.Bella almost dies and she bites her.So Bella's a vampire

All of the Cullen's are telling Edward to Переместить on and marry Tanya.So there getting married.Renesmee doesn't like it and she knows that Bella `s alive well a vampire buy know one will believe her only Alice.Tanya doesn't do anything with Renesmee.Its день before wedding when Bella knocks at the door.
Bella had a baby boy called Edward Jacob Cullen.

So tell me what Ты think,should I keep it like the way it was.Or should I keep going,because I think they cant just live happily ever after just yet.
posted by CarlislesLover
Hope Ты like it

I was so glad I had Hannah as a friend because if I didn’t I wouldn’t know what to do. The plane landed in Italy at last. “Well how are we going to get a car so we can drive up to volterra?”

“We could steal one” Esme just looked at me “What?”

“I thought leaving Carlisle was insane but stealing a car!”

“Do Ты want to find Edward?”

“Yes I do”

“Then stealing a car it is” Me and Esme went off to find a car we could steal. “How about this one?” Esme asked pointing do a red Porsche. “Ok” I got in the driver’s сиденье, место, сиденья “How come Ты get...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
"A son, bella" Edwards hand caressed my face adoringly.
My ribs hurt with extreme pain. I was exhusted, and like being kicked in the gut put on top.
"Emmett, fetch my еще morphine" Carlisle struggled, holding my new screaming boy.
"Who wants to cut the chord?" Edward suggested.
A small voice sounded from the the back of the room. Rosalie.
"I will" She slowly approuched me and smiled a wide grin once she came into my eyeshot.
Emmett wiped back with a large needle.
oh god, i dont like the size of that needle. I graped onto Edward wrist.
"It's alright Bella, it wont hurt" Carlisle assured me....
continue reading...
posted by CarlislesLover
Hope Ты all like it :)XX

“Charlie can I go back Главная to mum now?” I groaned at him “Charlie it’s probably best if Ты let her go. I’ll explain everything to Edward and then if we get Bella back down here and try to resolve this”

“Are Ты sure?”

“Yes Charlie. She looks very confused”

“Umm ok then”

“See Ты later Charlie”

“Good bye Dr Cullen” Charlie pushed me out of the hospital and lifted me in to the car. “Well we can’t let Ты fly alone so I’m gonna have to get your mum down here to pick Ты up” I sat in silence whilst he rang mum “Hi Renee this is Charlie....
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posted by CarlislesLover
And i'm back fianly with art 4 :)XXX

Suddenly a mask was placed over my face and yet again I went into blackness.

I could hear people talking and I had no idea of how long I’d been in blackness for. I woke up lying on my stomach. I had no clothes on apart from my knickers. The rest of me was covered in bandage and cast. I tried looking around. I recognised the place but wasn’t sure of where I was. “Bells are Ты awake?” Charlie asked. I didn’t know he was in the room. “Where am I Charlie?”

“In your room”

“It smells like the hospital though”

“You’ve been in hospital unconscious...
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Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will present the clip live on June 6.

You didn’t think we were going to have a vampire-less 2010 MTV Movie Awards, did you? That there’d be no werewolf sniffing out the Golden Popcorn? No beautiful high school girl from Forks, Washington, smiling shyly at the crowd?

Like we’d do that to you! “Twilight”-verse, prepare, because Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will be appearing live and in-house at the Movie Awards on Sunday, June 6, to introduce an exclusive clip from “Eclipse.”

Just let that soak in for a minute,...
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I Остаться в живых this Статья about 8 months ago. thanks to my cousin, alistair! for helping me find this. pls Комментарий and tell me if i should continue.

Chapter 10

Bella’s pov

I was resting on his arms, contented. As he closed his eyes, I stared at him. He was so beautiful. As long as My Greek-godlike husband was with me, I’m complete... I closed my eyes and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back as he kissed my hair. I faced him but didn’t open my eyes. He crushed his lips on mine.
I giggled and leaned back on his chest.
He spoke.
“I’m glad that Ты believed Alice. “
“She’s my sister, Edward....
continue reading...
posted by lollipopszx3
Me : Oh my god! A fly monkey is about to eat me!

*that awkward cough that someone just has to do*

Me : AHH! You'll never take me alive! NEVER!! *starts running around, while hitting the air*

Jane : *whispers to Alec* Your mate's crazy.

Me : I'm not! Now begone!

Aro : I know this amazing physician that will heal Ты within minutes.

Me : Healed? I don't need to be healed! I need to dance! *starts doing the funky chicken*

Gianna : What is she doing??

Felix : HEY! What are Ты doing!?

*all turns to look as Shannon takes a pencil from his pocket*

Shannon : Nothing.... Distraction Stephanie!

Me : Look at me!...
continue reading...
posted by CarlislesLover
This is part one of edwards POV of the conversation
Hope Ты like it XXX

I was going to see Bella today as I usually did. My wife-to-be thinking about us always made me smile. “Are Ты going to see Bella this morning, Edward?”Esme asked “Yes I am it’s been a while since I last saw her”
“Oh come on it’s hardly been a while just two days that’s!”Emmett was always like this when it came to me mentioning about how long I’d been away from Bella for “Emmett leave Edward alone, Ты know how much he loves Bella” Carlisle was always there to shut up Emmett’s complaining “I’m...
continue reading...
Hello and welcome to the секунда book in the series of the Lifetime saga (Life after breaking dawn.) Hope Ты enjoy!!!


Déjà vu


As being half vampire, I didn't need to breathe, but, being in shcok proved otherwise though. My "captor", whom I was scared to Подтвердить but it was,
Cynddylan Abraxis Orphee-wait no-it was a woman! She was so beautiful and exotic and divine. She had very long black hair, which on one side was wavy and hung on her shoulders, the rest tied up in a bun. And half of her forehead was taken up by her fringe which covered her eye brow. To match she wore a very...
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Team Edward versus Team Jacob - Twilight Фаны will surely become one of the two largest Clan , whether it vampire clan или werewolft clan . When the official Press New Moon on the Вопрос of who would win if a war between Team Edward and Team Jacob. Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner have a different opinion about this. wether it will be add to scene in film?
Cek This Out in www.free-writing.com
it still fresh and come on this is hot topic if u are truly twilight fans

It Snippet Opini from Robert And Taylor
Robert Pattinson laughed when he сказал(-а) who would win between his character Edward Cullen and the character of Cullen Taylor Lautner Jacob Black.
art video I wouldn’t do something unless I had a weapon. "
Meanwhile, Taylor responded with еще analysis. "Oh man. I do not know between me and Rob. He often exercises boxing when he was off duty. This will probably be the fight interesting. we've already discussed this when filming,
posted by decullen
I shot up in a fright I was in a a pitch black room I was on a silk covered bed, the air was damp, the wind soothing as it bounced off my neck , I heard a smooth voice . An angel? Edward? My Edward. "Sleep, my Bella. Dream happy dreams. Your the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep, my only love." I was reassured to know that Edward was there so I slid back under the sheets and head slowly drifted away into sleep, in my dream there was a beautiful white room full of heavenly light and beautiful smells whispers echoed around me, "Sleep, my Bella. Dream happy...
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 justt pay them?
justt pay them?
this is starting to annoying me.. this whole.... the actors are getting upset by the shortage of wage they have been offered for breaking dawn

like first ashley and kellen,,, now kristen, robert and taylor the main leads.
but to begin with ... ashley,,, who plays alice, i can quite safely say everyone here loves alice to bits,, i want to know WHAT KIND OF PRIORITIES DO SUMMIT HAVE? like? does the role of Alice meaning anything to summit? considering they earn 3/4 their monney from the twilight...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
I screamed in horror, trying to pull free, the hand was just like Jasper’s… just thinking brings tears back to my eyes, but they won’t spill, so I just blinked them away like I always did… I looked at my capturer I gasped, my eyes went so wide I thought they’d pop out, my mouth curled into an ‘O’ shape, the capture WAS Jasper. Oh, how I was relieved he was alive, in one way, but his very being wasn’t, oh, how I wanted to заворачивать, обертывание my arms tight around his neck, and just forget all this has happened and go back to the Happy times we had… but there was no way to do so. For, my beloved...
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The Social Security Adminstration recently released it's annual Сообщить of the most Популярное baby names. Or, should I say 'vampire' baby names? The results were quite interesting.

I wonder if Stephenie Meyer ever realized just how much her writings would impact the planet. With Meyer's wildly Популярное Twilight series holding phenom reign over the past couple of years, her Книги and the characters she created have actually influenced the most Популярное baby names of 2009... Full Story Here link
posted by BellaCullenHale
5:32 A.M.

I woke up cold. My hair tusseled in the attempted ponytail I had made last night. I really was out of it last night. Yesterday I found out the boy I'm in Любовь with is a Warlock? A mythical creature that I didn't even know exsisted? I still wasen't quite sure if I believed him или not. I didn't know what to do. Would Austin and I still be like usual? или would it be akward now that I knew what he was? I wasen't sure what to do. But how could he be lieing? I saw the scenes of his memory at Witch School. How could he be lieing if he was able to get his memories in my head. Looking at his...
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At long last we have a фото of the ring that Edward gives Bella in Eclipse!

This scene is very revealing because we can see the bracelet that Jacob gave Bella plus the bite mark left by James and finally the ring, too.

Remember that this ring is very special because it belonged to Elizabeth Masen, the biological mother of Edward, so it has a lot of sentimental value.

The ring is gorgeous, with tons of diamonds. It shows the true Любовь that Edward has for Bella, and that he wants to spend eternity with her.

Of course, the ring scene in the book and movie is one of the most romantic and emotional of the Twilight series.