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posted by Dearheart
Josie ran.

“Maybe I made a mistake thinking you’d understand!”

“Well maybe I made a mistake
marrying you!”

She ran, not heeding the tempest that tore at her clothes nor caring where she fled to as long as it was someplace far from home. Away from the chaos of her fighting parents and the hopelessness of the choice she was faced with.

“A tumor?”

“...it’s pressing on your brain stem and growing very rapidly. If it isn’t taken care of soon, it will be life-threatening...the surgery, however, would cost Ты your hearing... Permanently...”

Her сердце pounded in time with her feet; a frantic, angry rhythm that drummed in her ears and accentuated the storm raging within her and around her. Freezing rain drenched her hair and pelted her skin, mingling with the hot tears that sprung from her eyes. The back fields stretched out before her and her shoes left the concrete, now thudding against soggy earth and dead grass.

“Geez, Jo. Ты and that piano...seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ты married the thing someday. You’re like the only person I know who’s named their instrument...and it’s not even yours!”

“Hey! Don’t Ты diss my future Yamaha. Someday it will be mine; Ты just wait, Kim...”

A sudden pain exploded in her head and she stumbled to a halt, leaning against the rough bark of a nearby дерево for support. Her ears began ringing in protest as she panted for breath.

“Why?” she choked. The branches above her head whipped back and forth as the wind howled through them, an echo of her heart’s cry. Too furious to notice the headache, Josie raised her head and yelled at the sky,

“Why, God?! Why me? What do Ты want from me?”

There was no answer. No mighty thunderclap, no booming voice from heaven, no hopeful sunbeams peeping from beyond the churning clouds. Just the storm, the cold and His silence.

“Are Ты listening?” she shouted again, her voice swallowed up in the rain. “Do Ты even care? Do You?

And still, there was nothing.

Anger dwindled into grief and she burst into tears, clutching her forehead with a trembling hand.

“Music is my life,” sobbed Josie. “How can Ты take that away from me? How could Ты let this happen? Of all the people on this planet, why me?”

The tempest eventually softened into a cold, drizzly breeze; and for a moment, it almost seemed as though the sky wept with her.

Before she’d finished crying, her ears picked up on a voice calling from behind her.

“Josie? Is that you, girl?”

Startled, she turned around and caught sight of a bent figure coming towards her through the rain, carrying a bright yellow umbrella. Recognition flashed though her mind. “Aunt Naomi?”

The old woman waved her over and reached out to touch her face, pale, unseeing eyes wandering around as she ran shriveled fingers over Josie’s nose and cheeks.

“Aha! I knew that voice was yours, Josie-girl. How on earth did Ты end up in my backyard?”

“I’m...not sure, actually.”

“Good lord, you’re soaked to the skin...” Naomi brushed her fingertips over the girl’s eyes and grunted. “And you’ve been crying. Goodness child, you’re a wreck. Hurry along and come inside with me. You’ll catch a cold if Ты stay out in this weather much longer.”

Josie numbly obeyed.


A warm cup of яблоко cider was slipped into her hands and she took a grateful sip, snuggling closer into the comfort of Naomi’s fuzzy розовый bathrobe. The sound of flames crackling in the fireplace mixed with the autumn rain pattering lightly against the windowpane. If it weren’t for the cold ache in her chest, she couldn’t have felt cozier.

“Now then,” сказал(-а) Naomi, exhaling as she set her cane aside and sank into the кресло Далее to hers, “I’ve called your parents to let them know where Ты are. And I believe Ты have some explaining to do.”

Josie bit her lip. “I-I’m sorry if I...”

“None of that,” the woman snapped, her face wrinkling downwards in a disapproving frown. “I won’t have upset 16-year-old girls apologizing for no reason in my house, thank you. Now take another sip of cider, think, and then start talking.”

Suppressing a rueful smile, Josie lifted the mug to her lips again and let the sweet, amber liquid wash down her throat, loosening the uncomfortable knots inside and warming her down to her toes. She sighed and leaned back in her seat, reluctant to talk about what she’d been running from.

But she knew Aunt Naomi. Never would let something go once she set her mind on it.

“This whole день has been a nightmare,” she finally said, fighting to keep her voice steady. “No, scratch that. These past three days have been a nightmare; one that I can’t wake up from no matter how hard I try.”

A painful lump formed in her throat again and she felt the blurring heat rush to her eyes, but she forced herself to continue.

“The doctors say I have two choices. I either have to undergo surgery and sacrifice my hearing, или leave the brain tumor alone and risk dying from a stroke или сердце attack at any time; and on вверх of that my parents won’t stop fighting. I just...I hate this.”

Naomi сказал(-а) nothing, but her face softened and the wrinkles set themselves into lines of concern as she continued to listen.

“I don’t know what to do!” Josie cried. “I feel helpless and torn up. I’ve talked to God and He’s totally ignored me. Just why did He have to dump all this on me? If He really loved me, why would He let this happen? I...I don’t understand.”

“Let me ask Ты something, Josie-girl,” сказал(-а) Naomi, folding her hands calmly in her lap. “Listen carefully and answer carefully: What does God owe you?”

Josie blinked, taken aback by the words.

What does God owe me?

It was such a simple question, yet it left her scrambling for an answer.

“W-well...nothing, I guess,” she stuttered, “but—”

“‘But’ nothing. His ways are not our ways. He’s in control, not us. Asking ‘why’ over and over and ordering Him around usually won’t do any good. He’s not a vending machine, Ты know,” сказал(-а) Naomi in a dry tone.

“I know,” mumbled Josie, scowling at the fire. “I just wish He’d give me some Ответы или some sort of nudge in the right direction, and not this unbearable silence.”

“I know what Ты mean,” chuckled Naomi. “He’s an inconvenient God, isn’t He?”

“Tell me about it.” Josie finished her cider and set the empty mug on the coffee table, then leaned back again and stared at nothing. “How?” she murmured. “What do I choose? How can I live never hearing my mom’s voice again? How can I survive without music?”

Naomi snorted. “Well that’s easy. Look at the sampler on the Стена above the fireplace. What’s it say?”

Josie squinted to see the tiny cross-stitched lettering. “‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13’.”

“There’s your answer,” сказал(-а) Naomi, thumping her hand on the arm of her chair for emphasis. “How? Through Christ.”

“I’d almost rather risk dying,” сказал(-а) Josie. “I just don’t think I could ever be strong enough to live in a world without sound или Музыка или voices.”

“That’s obviously why He strengthens you, Josie-girl. As for the dying part…choose what Ты will, but I have an inkling that He’s not done with Ты yet.”

A few moments of silence passed, the girl mulling over what had been сказал(-а) while Naomi patiently waited for the words to sink in. The silence broke when Josie looked at the old woman with new interest and asked,

“Aunt Naomi? What’s it like to be blind?”

Naomi gave her raspy chuckle again. “It was...interesting at first.”

“You used to be a painter, didn’t you?”

“That’s right. And those paintings made good money, too.”

“When Ты became blind...” Josie bit her lip. “What was it like? How did Ты handle it?”

Naomi took a deep breath and let it out again. Her pale blue eyes became softer and еще distant.

“I won’t lie, Josie. It was very, very hard at first. I Остаться в живых my sight, my career, my hopes for the future...I felt no less confused and angry than Ты do now, in fact. All the color and beauty and joy of my art was ripped away from me. The darkness wasn’t only in my eyesight, but in my heart.”

“Then what happened to change that?”

“God told me to look,” сказал(-а) Naomi, a secretive smile playing on her lips. “So I did. And I found that I hadn’t really Остаться в живых my sight at all.”

Josie scrunched up her face, perplexed. “Umm...I don’t get it.”

Naomi threw back her head and laughed. “Oh, I can just see how your face must look right now, Josie-girl,” she chortled. “Ahh...I’m not making much sense, am I? That’s alright; I didn’t understand at first, either.”

Her face became alight with a joy that astonished Josie and she leaned вперед slightly, as though telling a wonderful secret.

“I found that through my blindness, God helped me to see better than ever. Not with the eyes, but with the heart. It didn’t happen overnight, of course, and it still hurt horribly; but gradually I learned what it means to have absolute trust in Him. I discovered that He can take the ugliest situations and turn them into something beautiful.”

Josie gave a rueful smile. “I wish I had your faith.”

“You already do,” retorted Naomi. “You just don’t know it yet. Sometimes Ты have to hit rock-bottom to find it.”

“But what if I’m not strong enough?” Josie’s tone became desperate, caught between despair and hope. “I know I’m supposed to rely on Him, but I don’t think I could take it. I just can’t!”

“You silly girl!” Naomi shook her silvery-gray curls and wagged a finger at her. “‘I, I, I’ and ‘me, me, me’...stop looking at Ты and look at Him! God never lets anything happen that He and Ты can’t handle together. Ты ought to know that.”

“I do know it,” Josie grumbled, picking at the fibers of her bathrobe. “I just don’t know it.”

“Well then, I suppose you’ll have to work on that,” сказал(-а) Naomi in the prim, crisp voice she always used when ending a conversation. “Now, Josie-girl. Let’s go see if your clothes haven’t finished drying yet.”


Breakfast was unusually quiet the Далее morning. Josie poked at the goopy oatmeal in her bowl and chewed on her lip, noting how her parents avoided each other’s gazes and debating whether или not to tell them her decision now или later. She felt a bit nervous, but her choice was firm and final.

“Hey Mom, could Ты get me the sugar?” Her little brother reached in vain over the таблица for the bowl that was just beyond his gasp. Mom put down her spoon and gave the sugar bowl to Josie.

“Pass that, please...and only two spoonfuls, Mike. I don’t want Ты piling on the sugar so much.”

“Aw mom,” the 12-year-old whined, “you let me have three last time. Can’t I...”

“I сказал(-а) no.” Mom shot him a warning glance. “Two spoonfuls. No more.”

“Why don’t Ты just let him have three,” mumbled Dad from behind his newspaper.

“You’re not helping, David. You’re supposed to...”

“Okay, it’s fine. Ты don’t need to make a big deal of it.”

“But it is a big deal! You’re not—”

“Hey, Ты guys?” Josie stood from her chair, determined to get their attention before another bomb exploded. Everyone stopped in mid-sentence and turned uncertain gazes towards the interrupter.

Her сердце began to thump at frightening speed but she cleared her throat and set her jaw.

“Um...I just wanted to let Ты all know that I thought about a lot of stuff last night and went through some serious prayer, and I...well, I’ve decided to go through with the surgery.”

Josie sat down again and waited for a response, finally understanding what “deafening silence” meant. Everyone sat stunned for a few minutes, and then Mom pursed her lips and laid a hand on her daughter’s arm.

“Are Ты sure this is what Ты want, Jo? I know how much your Музыка means to you…are Ты sure Ты want to give it up?”

“It was hard, Mom,” сказал(-а) Josie with a sad smile. “And I’m sure it’s not gonna get easier any time soon...but I think this is what God wants me to do.”

“But what about your piano-playing?” breathed Mike. A pang of regret went through her сердце but she reassuringly ruffled his hair and forced a grin.

“Hey, cheer up bro. Beethoven couldn’t hear either, and look at all the amazing stuff he did! Ты never know; I might become like him. And anyway,” she added, casting a firm glance at her parents, “I’m not going to let this beat me.”

Digging into a pocket of her blue-jeans, she pulled out a crumpled up piece of paper.

“What’s that?” asked her father, putting down his newspaper.

“The doctor сказал(-а) if I chose the surgery, I’d get thirty days before the appointment. It’s a Список I made.” Josie held it up for them to see. “If my hearing’s gotta go, I want it to go out with a bang. So this is a Список I made of all the things I want to do before it happens.”


Day 1 – Start learning sign language.

“A, B, C...” Her mother held up the flash cards one by one as Josie signed and read along with them. Slowly but surely, progress was made; and by evening, she had memorized the alphabet and nearly 10 phrases in sign language.

“I’m so proud of you,” Mom whispered, pulling her daughter into a tight hug. Josie signed “Thank you” and squeezed her back.

Day 5 – Learn about deaf heroes.

On the way to the stairs, Mike passed by his sister’s room and caught sight of her taping something to the wall. Curious as always, he ambled through the bedroom door to get a better look. Josie couldn’t help giggling when his jaw dropped open at all the bazillions of pictures on her wall.

“Jo? What on earth IS this?”

“It’s the school assignment I gave myself. Like it?” She jumped off the chair she’d been standing on and turned to survey her handiwork, a roll of scotch tape still clutched in one hand.


“These are all famous deaf people I researched today,” she explained, waving her hand over some of the pictures. “Beethoven, Helen Keller, Laurent Clerc, Juliette Low…all of them were deaf. But they did amazing things anyway. They didn’t give up или let their lack of hearing get the better of them. I just decided to tape them up to help give me inspiration.”

“Cool idea. But...” Mike scratched his head. “Where did all the pictures come from?”

“Google is a marvelous thing, little bro.” Josie grinned and tapped a finger to her ear. “From now on, I’m calling this my Стена of Hearoes.”

Day 8 – Work on my sight-reading.

“But I don’t get it! I thought Ты already knew...”

“I sort of know how to sight read music, Kim,” interrupted Josie, taking the stack of Пианино Книги from her friend and setting a couple of them on the Музыка rack of the church piano. “But I mostly play by ear and the stuff I’ve memorized.”

Kim chewed on the end of her long, blond ponytail. “I still don’t get it.”

“Well, think of it as reading. Let’s say I know the alphabet and the different sounds the letters make. I know how they can combine into words and sentences, but I can’t just crack open a book and read. I have to pick out each, individual letter and figure out where it goes. I can make up my own stories или repeat ones I’ve heard before, but I can’t sit and really enjoy the story. That’s how it is with music, for me.”

Josie flipped through one of the books, searching the pages for something that could catch her interest. “I can make up my own songs and play ones I’ve heard before, but I can’t open one of these Книги and enjoy the Музыка properly. And that won’t be very helpful once I lose my hearing. If there’s any hope of me continuing my music, it’s being able to really read it and know what I’m doing.”

“Okay, well...good luck.” Kim slung her backpack over her shoulder and gave a quick wave goodbye as she jogged out the doors of the sanctuary. “I’ll pick Ты up in a couple hours!” she called.

“Bye! And thanks!”

Josie settled herself on the black cushioned bench and wiped a few specks of dust off the keyboard.

“Hello, Yama,” she murmured, giving the Пианино an affectionate pat. “I don’t know now if I’ll always be able play you, but...let’s do this.”

A день and a half later, eyes closed and fingers waltzed across the keys as the Moonlight Sonata rolled out in melancholy waves through the room, echoing from the high arches of the ceiling to the polished pews below. Josie smiled in satisfaction.

All those hours of slaving over the sheet Музыка had paid off after all.

Day 12 – Go to a rock concert.

“You need that boy like a bowling ball
Dropped on your head, which means not at all
Ты have too much to give to live
To waste your time on him...”

Superchick!” The audience screamed and cheered for the band and the mosh pit became a whirlpool of gleeful chaos. Josie and Kim eagerly joined in the rocking-out and head-banging as the booming бас, бас-гитара shook the ground beneath their feet.

Josie took in every sound and sensation she could: The electric гитара buzzing out harsh chords, the base line throbbing in her ears, the bright stage lights that glared in her eyes, the mixed smells of sweat, adrenaline and smoke-machines, the delicious pandemonium of being jostled and carried away with the crowds as they pulsed with the rhythm.

“I Любовь THIS SONG!” Kim shouted over the blaring music, grabbing her friend’s hands and jumping even harder. Josie grinned, swung her around and they broke apart again for another round of head-banging.

Day 17 – See an opera.

“Do we have to waste my Главная theater system on an opera?” whined Kim, flopping on the диван, мягкий уголок with a pout. “I’d much rather go to another rock концерт with you…”

“Yes we do, so shut up.” Josie threw her a mild glare and shoved a bowl of попкорн at her. Kim huffed and nibbled on it in wounded silence as Josie grabbed the remote and began flipping through the channels.

“Where is it, where is it...aha!” Turning up the volume, she scrambled for a сиденье, место, сиденья Далее to Kim and shouted, “Mom, Mike! Mr. and Mrs. Berkley! It’s starting!”

“We’re coming, we’re coming,” chuckled Mom, strolling into the living room with the others. “I hope Ты two made enough munchies for all of us.”

“Scoot over, Kimmy.” Mrs. Berkley shooed her daughter out of the way. “I want a сиденье, место, сиденья Далее to that попкорн bowl.”

“Hey, don’t steal all of it!”

“Quiet,” Josie hissed, flapping her hand in impatience and shushing everyone. “It’s starting.”

“What’s it called?” her brother whispered.

“It’s called Turandot, Mike,” Mr. Berkley whispered back, settling into his easy chair and adjusting his glasses as he set his eyes on the TV. “It’s a beautiful opera...when it’s sung right, that is.”

All fell silent as the Музыка swelled around them, and soon they were all caught up in the story of a cold, blood-thirsty princess and the mysterious prince who vowed to win her hand in marriage and melt the ice around her heart. As the voices soared with the orchestra and the magic of the stage held them spellbound, the living room and the big-screen TV melted away into a world of mystery, tragedy, romance and bittersweet endings.

By the time it was over, not a single eye was dry; and Josie had locked the sad, sweet Музыка away in her heart.

Day 20 – Write a new song.

Once again, she sat at her beloved Пианино and ran her fingers over the smooth, black and white keys.

“I want to write one еще before it happens, Yama. One that’ll really mean something. So let’s listen together and see if we can find it.”

For a long time she sat, not moving, not uttering a word. She stared at the keyboard, eyebrows furrowed as she listened to the melody that stirred inside her.

Josie finally pressed down the keys, playing hesitant scales, chords, octaves, arpeggios –and something clicked. The Музыка flowed through her into the instrument, and the Пианино happily responded. A song she’d never heard before began to take shape.

He never promised that you’d never get hurt again
He never сказал(-а) there’d be no еще pain in your life
He never сказал(-а) He’d make all your problems go away
или that there’d be no еще sorrow или strife...

She smiled ruefully as she took a moment to jot down the words in her notebook, then spread her fingers over the keys again and continued to play.

He never сказал(-а) that things would be easy
But I know that He promised us this:
He’ll never leave us или forsake us

So when it feels like Ты just can’t take anymore
Go to Him and cry on His shoulder
He’ll give Ты strength
And I know it’s true...
Because He promised that He would

The Музыка lingered in the air for a moment, and faded away. Josie wrote down the last few chords, then took a moment to glance upwards.

“Thanks for the reassurance, God.”

Day 25 – Say “I Любовь you” in the five Любовь languages.

Josie once heard from someone that there were five different ways of communicating love: Physical touch, encouraging words, giving gifts, helping out and spending time. All throughout the day, she strove to say “I Любовь you” in every way she could.

She hated doing housework, but nonetheless she vacuumed every room, scrubbed every floor and washed all the dishes for Mom (giving a big hug and a Kiss to her afterwards, of course). She scrounged around her room for all the loose babysitting money she could find, drove to the toy store with Dad and bought a limited edition Hotwheel car for Mike’s collection. Hugs and heartfelt I-love-yous were scattered liberally throughout the day, and when evening came, Josie took the whole gang went out for a nature walk.

“This has been great, Jo,” сказал(-а) Dad, his brown eyes smiling down at her as he pulled her into a side-hug. Josie happily leaned into the embrace, breathing in the crisp air and listening to the sounds of autumn: The wind rustling through the skeletons of the trees, the red-gold leaves crackling and crunching under her shoes, the birds Пение goodbye as they flew away for the winter.

She’d miss this kind of music.

Day 30 – Fix my parents’ marriage.

One hour.

One, cruel час until it happened.

Josie lay propped up in a hospital bed, surrounded by cards and Цветы and plugged into things that beeped and hummed. Naomi sat Далее to her, holding the girl's smooth hand in her wrinkled one, while the rest of the family stood as close to her as they could get.

After the nurse came in and told her family that they had one час left, it was then that Josie and everyone else realized how painfully fast the месяц had gone by.

She spent that час treasuring the Музыка of their voices. Together they laughed and cried over past memories; and with each passing minute, Josie devoted herself to memorizing each voice so she’d never forget what they sounded like.

There was one last goal she had yet to reach. She didn’t even know if her effort would do any good, but she had to try.

Taking Mom’s hand in her right and Dad’s in her left, Josie fixed an earnest gaze on them.

“Mom? Dad? Before I go, I want Ты both to promise me something. It’s a big promise, but I need Ты to do it.”

“Anything, Josie,” сказал(-а) her mother, blinking back tears. Dad nodded and сказал(-а) nothing, but Josie could tell by the way his hand tightly gasped her own that he was struggling, too.

“I want Ты to promise me that...that Ты won’t give up.” Josie joined her parent’s hands together and held them in place. “Don’t give up on this. Promise me that from now on – for better или worse, for richer или poorer, in sickness and in health till death do Ты part – you’ll work things out somehow. Please?”

Dad sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Do Ты really know what you’re asking? We...”

“I know,” blurted Josie, cutting him off. “I know it won’t be easy and that it won’t happen overnight. But I don’t want that to be an excuse. This is the last goal on my list; to help fix this mess...because neither of Ты seem willing to do it.” She pressed their hands harder together and her eyes burned. “Please...just promise.”

Mom looked at Dad. Dad looked at Mom. And after a moment of intense silence, they both looked at their daughter.

Josie give a quick, nervous laugh. “Say ‘I do’?”

“I do,” choked Mom. “For you.”

“I do,” Dad repeated, eyes shining with the tears he’d tried so hard to keep in check. “For you, Jo.”

Naomi's face creased upwards in a smile while Josie closed her eyes and exhaled quietly. The most challenging goal could now be checked off the list. Hopefully it would be enough.

“Josie? Mr. and Mrs. Kemp?” The doctor and a few nurses came in, all wearing white coats and surgery masks. “It’s time.”

Feeling her сердце sink, she breathed a quick prayer and gave her family another hug.

“Pray for me,” she whispered. “Pray that I’ll be strong enough.”

“Through Christ, Josie-girl,” сказал(-а) Naomi, pressing a Kiss to her cheek. “Walk through this valley and fear no evil, for He is with you.”

“Bye Josie.” Mike squeezed her as tight as he could.

“Bye for now, little bro,” сказал(-а) Josie, ruffling his hair. “I’ll see Ты later.”

“Yeah, you’d better,” he muttered.

The hospital постель, кровати creaked as the nurses rolled it away from the wall.

“Are Ты ready, Josie?” The doctor peered at her with friendly eyes from behind his mask.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled out her i-pod and cued up Beethoven’s Ode to Joy.

“Now I’m ready.”


It’s so...quiet.

Though she didn’t know how, Josie felt her body being pulled into wakefulness again. Her bleary eyes fluttered open and a thousand thoughts and sensations flashed through her mind. She smelled the crisp, sterile hospital air and saw the sad, happy eyes of her parents. She felt the warmth of a hand grasp her own and the softness of the blanket she was tucked into. She heard...nothing. No rustling of fabric, no beeping или humming from the hospital equipment, no air moving in and out as she breathed. Nothing.

It was as though something had sucked every single sound out of the whole world forever. Maybe it had.

Tears pricked at her eyes as the silence pressed down on her, smothering any spark of hope she had dared to keep alive.

I will never hear Музыка again.

She felt herself falling; falling down and down into a deep, unfamiliar darkness...but just as it threatened to глотать, ласточка her, one word brushed against her mind, quiet but persistent:


She stopped falling. She closed her eyes. She listened.

A single note rang out that no one else could hear, clear and sweet as a birdsong at sunrise. It grew and traveled and multiplied, melody and harmony weaving together in a perfect tapestry of joy. And as the silent symphony played on, something clicked. She recognized the theme.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow...

And Josie smiled.
19 December

It's been almost a год since Freak died. For a while, people always used to say to me, "I'm sorry." I hated that. I yelled at them, "Feel sorry for Freak! I'm still alive!"

They shouldn't feel sorry for me. Freak taught me what it meant to walk tall. He tought me that remembering is only an invention of the mind, and if Ты try hard enough, Ты can remember anything. I try to remember everything Freak told me; and sometimes, it works. Then it slips away.

For a while after Freak died, I went back to being the critter hiding out in Down Under. Then one day, it hit me, and hard. If I had died, I wouldn't want Freak to do what I was doing. I would want him to continue Freak The Mighty.

And that made all the difference.

I try to make Freak proud; maybe I'm even succeeding. I just know that Freak changed the way I saw things, and I owe him that much; to keep Freak The Mighty alive.

posted by Okkkkk11111
This mermaid spell could work so be careful.you will need a cup of water and a lot of salt and also a necklace/bracelet the insructions are Ты are going to put the salt in to the cup of water and Ты put the necklace/bracelet in to the salty water and say this spell: Русалки Русалки here my plea I want a Mermaid tail and powers.mermaids Русалки this is my plea so make it come true. After Ты say the say the spell Ты put on the necklace/bracelet and thats it. But Ты don't get to choose your mermaid tail and powers.
posted by minniemeg
Siblings fight.

Siblings argue.

Siblings hit.

Yet they always forgive.

But..... what if the sibling was cold?

What if the sibling was cruel?

What if the sibling treated Ты like scum?

What if the sibling was heartless?

What if the sibling worshiped the ground another walked on, while tormenting you?

What if the sibling constantly mocked your social standing?

What if the sibling called your fears ''dumb and irrational''?

What if the sibling would never help you, even in a dire situation?

What if the sibling wanted to hurt you?

What if the sibling blamed others for their hatred of you?

What if the sibling...
continue reading...
Sadie Harris is a sixteen год old girl living in New York City with her newly divorced mother. They made the Переместить to the big city from South-West Virgina and for some reason, Sadie does not fit in it school and soon finds herself with no friends. Feeling alone she retreats into a world of books, Чтение hundreds of them, but her solitary world won't be hers much longer. Sadie is puzzled when she begins to get strange dreams every night telling her to go to the basement along with visions of a city wrapped in mist. The dreams get so annoying that she goes to the basement of her apartment building to put a stop to them, but instead she unknowingly throws herself into a war of the worlds. Worlds that she did not even know existed. Come take a thrilling ride with Sadie and Друзья she meets along her way to save the Captive City of Orrim as she finds that worlds, evil, and people she only read about are not as far away as them seem.
posted by The0fficialKate
Alright listen up Ты all!!!
Many people here hate furries because of their fanfics , art , personality. But Just because we are different doesn't give Ты the right to troll us and call us "furfags" that is highly offensive to us and gays!
A lot of people use the term "Yiff in Hell" by saying that Ты are basically dragging yourself to Hell for telling us that.
Many people are teaming up and trying to stop the fandom, but why? So what we may post yiff on the internet sometimes but to me it isn't sick and horrific, I think it is unique. And why do Ты people say shit like: KILL ALL FURFAGS!...
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posted by dragonwriter
As the wind blows, blood falls from my wounds. Pain coursing through all of the nerves in my body. Collapsing to the ground i look up and see the same man form before. "It would seem that we are in the same situation from before." And i reply "If I am correct I let Ты live last time. If I were Ты I would be running about now." As I am trying to get to my feet and grab himby the throat he shoots me in the leg. "You are not getting up this time. I used a special kind of round that the hunters that hunt your kind use. With their reputation for killing Ты beasts i thought that they would be...
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A dark-haired girl sat in a dimly-lit room, Чтение a book, when a booming voice reverberated through the room. "You may go now." it said, and the girl did as it said, standing up, tucking the book under her arm, and walking towards the door. Before she could turn the knob, a man wearing a tuxedo and glasses ran up to her. "Kuro! Kuro! Wait!" he said. She turned around and asked him, "What? What is it, Will?" "Heha, me and Grell would like to tell Ты good luck!" he replied. "You stopped me just for that?! Well, I must go now. G'bye!" She turned back around and swung the door open, then jumped...
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posted by noahnstar1616
I told Cameron everything, except the part about me being a sea witch. I don't think he'll be able handle that.

"So Ты take pictures of mythical creatures that Ты have believed in since Ты were 5."

"That is correct."


"I'll tell Ты what's unbelievable. The fact that you're so calm. When I tell people my life story, they think I'm the craziest person they ever met."

"No, that's perfectly believable. Ты are insane!"

Oh the irony. "No Cameron, it's the truth."

Cameron got up and went inside.

I followed him. "Why don't Ты believe me?"

He turned around to face me. "Because I'm not...
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posted by StarWarsFan7
December 14, 1941. I, Chanhassen Dobbins, am a young thirteen year-old girl that is living in New York City. "Chanhassen Marie Dobbins!" My mother calls me. In my gray nightgown, I make my warm постель, кровати neatly. "Sometimes, I wish I was younger." I mumble to myself. As I change into my regular attire, I open the chipped wooden door from my bedroom and follow my mother's voice. Walking down the dark brown staircase, I see my mother sitting at the кухня таблица drinking milk. "Ahhhh...! Chanhassen! Lydia wanted Ты to meet her in her father's cafe." She takes a sipof the mug with her chapped tan lips....
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posted by Insight357
I went back Главная for a few hours. I плавить, корюшка of old paper and cologne. I decided to get a shower; maybe it would calm my anxieties about tonight. As I scrubbed myself, I decided the only thing the душ was doing was ridding me of my office scent.
    I got out of the душ and put on some clothes. I wore a black, v-neck shirt, with a pair of tight black pants. I towel dried my hair, and messed it with some gel. I put on cologne, just in case anyone got close enough to smell me. I put the cologne down, and checked to make sure it was in place. My arm muscle twitched. I left...
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I woke up after my nap, to find Howl is gone again. I looked out of the cave, seeing the waterfall running, but then I look down to see Howl. Howl is in the waterfall, washing himself, as if he were taking a душ или whatever. I left him alone, and went back to my nap. I had this very freaky dream while napping: I had a nightmare that I was back Главная in New York with Howl. Everyone back Главная looked demonic and scary. Mom and Dad didn't look like themselves. They looked non-human like and cannibalistic in a way that even scared me. Howl was no where to be found, as Adam was trying to Kiss me...
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posted by HarryPLover
Forever Ты are mine
Forever I’ll be here
Forever is what Ты promised
Your сердце is worth nothing
But the your soul is priceless
Forever can be a long time
Forever can be a long time cut short
It’s worth the suffering
It’s worth the sacrifice
To forever be yours
Forever protected by your eagle like wings
Forever loved by your ocean wide heart
Forever безопасно, сейф in your warm embrace
Forever is worth the wait
To be sliced thin
To stuffed thick
Forever is Forever
Forever is Eternity
Forever is a risk
Forever is a chance
Forever is worth the wait
posted by rebaj2010

if the one person Ты told the truth to all the time was now the one person Ты have to keep it away from, would you?
would Ты be able to lie through your teeth and pray that he believes you? what if he was the one person Ты told everything to, he was the one who keeps Ты from falling apart, but if Ты told him anything he might be the one to bring Ты tummbling down.
if Ты had to chose between lieing to him, hurting him, and keeping him away from you, what would Ты chose? because if Ты dont chose right, he may very well die.
posted by Funnygirl77
 Любовь bites
love bites
previously: He sighed, Zack thought his chances with Kisa was slim. He knew by doing what he was doing, he was going to put Kisa in danger, but he couldn't stay away, he loves Kisa and he would do anything to keep her near him even if that meant putting her in danger. "Man", he thought, "I am so selfish".

Zack walked in to the lunch room and sat down, the people who were at the таблица got up and walked away. Kisa walked in after him, there eyes met, and kisa looked away. She wished that Zack would ask her out,Zack looked down. He was going to ask her to the dance which is in two weeks, "Kisa?"...
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posted by June4
A год назад in my calculation,
A год ago, there were situations.
The same song played now and then,
In my memory, it had begun.

Tears from my eyes were shed this morning,
It was the most tears I was shedding.
My world isn’t complete without you,
My world and I don’t know what to do.

Любовь isn’t a toy and never was.
Любовь is what Ты cherish and keep as treasure.
My mind is at many topics at random,
It goes normal when you’re in my kingdom.
What ends my bad situations with people
Is my focus on you, my angel.
You’ll always be a part of me,
You’ll always be in my memory.
mysterious Любовь

- chapter 13-

"Ok Ты can open them now."
When I opened my eyes my mouth droped.
"Go carts! How did...when did...THATS AWESOME!"
He laughed "I thought Ты would like them."
"Well Ты were right! " Then I realized I was Актёрское искусство like a 6 год old in front of the hottest guy I had ever seen.
"I mean umm... there...great?"
"Dont worry your not Актёрское искусство like a six год old." Mathew smiled at me.

How did he no that?

Then of course me being me.i
I сказал(-а) the stupied possible thing any body could EVER say.

"You look so cute when Ты smile like that." I could just imagin the big hearts in my eyes....
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Once apon a time there was a powerful king ruling London.
The legend says a witch cursed the kings only daughter because he killed all the witches in Лондон except for his own.
As its told the curse forbids the princess to ever feels или falls in love(but she can just feel Любовь for the witche’s son Damien who is in Любовь with the princess) unless the witch that's has casted the spell on her shall die drowning in her own blood at an eclipse.
    Witch: a witch is a person that has special abilities and is immortal they look like a human and blood runs in their...
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“Opal... Who is this man” Marley Asked. Opal just noticed the two boys standing there herself, but soon understood, for their vampiric powers were far beyond hers. “I’m guessing this is that pure-blood bastard releasing all that power before” сказал(-а) Alec. Marley grabbed Opal by the вверх and pulled her to her feet. “Damn you! Ты bit her didn’t you?” Shouted Marley. The man put his hand back to his side. “Sigh”. “This is so much trouble” сказал(-а) the Man. Before Alec could say a word, the man elbowed him straight in the face. Alec slid for about three metres and then rolled...
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A/N: Yeah, I know, I come up with some weird stuff. Fractions of a whole story. Well, attatch whatever story Ты want. This is about a mourning teen. And suicide.

Please rate. (And please comment)

Getting cold in the sun’s shadow

Drowning in this black pin’s ink

Gone is the lovely light, night’s here despite

Twilight’s eternal fights and weep

She breathed in and out slowly, each breath appearing in front of her, a wisp of cold smoke disappearing. Around her was a silent vibration she had never...
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posted by A_Sirens_Call
A sirens call

CHAPTER ONE::: Shyness

It is the first день back, I really did not think of anything interesting happening, it was all new and strange after the holidays nothing would surprise me. Our little group of six did not have any specific relations towards outsiders we tried to keep contact with the human race to a minimum considering we are no longer human. After that experiment from the mad scientist - Doctor John Hallwain – trying to clone us making marginal errors then tried a different experiment but that is all I know and that was gathered by Annabelle who could read minds and was...
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