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Невероятное Story Behind One Of The Most Популярное Screenwriting Книги Of All Time - Viki King via FilmCourage.com.
Difference Between A Hollywood Movie Idea And One That Isn't Good Enough - Mike Thompson via FilmCourage.com.
independent filmmaking
posted by alicia386
Chapter Four

Olivia was extra busy today. Today was the first день of the movie shoot for Hourglass. Before they could even start recording the movie, the would have to check up on everything. The wardrobe had to perfect. The scenes had to be accurately planned out. Then they had to make sure that all of the camera crew was positioned. Olivia wouldn't be able to receive the permits until tomorrow. So they couldn't start filming until then. She followed closely behind Mason as he did the daily check up.

Mason went straight towards wardrobe and the outfit choices. The outfit for Charlotte's arrival...
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He leads me
in the paths that are right
Ты are my friend
I have courage,
for your help is there
Ты are close beside me with comfort,
Ты are guiding my way
Ты make me welcome,
Pouring down honor
This joy fills me with gladness
Your goodness always is with me
Your loving kindness strengthens me always
as I go through life.

They are pouring down honor
For your achievements
It fills me with pride
At your success
Ты are еще than deserving
Of such attention
I am so happy for Ты
And am proud to know Ты and call Ты friend.
In the years following the war the Ministry of Magic struggled to regain the public's trust whilst people struggled to find peace of mind in the uncertainty of Voldemort's disappearance. In 1985 letters start appearing with a very concerning или very hopeful kind of message, depending on your point of view and personal beliefs. They are so anti-establishment, in parts so truthful, and thus potentially dangerous that the Ministry controlled Daily Prophet won't Опубликовать them или any talk about them on the Readers' Column.

The letters lay out a vision of future where the Ministry no longer exists...
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posted by Firewriter
This is a new book I've been working on to help channel my PTSD. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Chapter One

"Get back up to South Sector now!" A man's gruff voice boomed from the walkie-talkies clipped to the belts of the grey and оливковый, оливковое green camouflage uniforms of the handful of guards. The harsh command reverberated in the deathly silent area as an individual stealthily crept through the heap of lifeless corpses which gazed emptily at him as he reached for one guard's static walkie-talkie. Sighing heavily in exhaustion from the fight he had to put up, he kicked at...
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posted by legobuilder35
This story is about Драконы fighting Динозавры in New York. Ты may be wondering how Динозавры and Драконы come in New York if they're expected to be dead. Well these Драконы and Динозавры are from an island known as Reptile Island where an evil scientist created them. the portal that brings the Драконы and Динозавры to New York was made accidentaly when the Динозавры and Драконы both breathed fire. The evil scientist made the Динозавры evil. That's why they breathe fire. The evil scientist accidentally made the Драконы good. The Динозавры don't even want to attack humans. The reason they're...
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Two Tools To Help A Screenwriter Develop Characters by Pilar Alessandra at Story Expo 2015 via FilmCourage.com.
месяц 7

Kat's POV

"So, what's it like it heaven?" Sadao asked me while we were talking on the phone. "Well, it's like the normal world, except everyone's dead." "So, in heaven, they have this exact town?" "Yes, but there are only the souls of the deceased living there."

"This may be a personal question, but... how did Ты die?"

I just stood where I was, which was in front of the house, stunned. Why would he ask me a Вопрос like that? "U-U-Uhm.." "Please tell me? I wont tell anyone else!" I hung up.

Sadao ran outside and up to me. "Sorry for asking that." He brought me...
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I stood on the edge of the field, my sword raised to shield my eyes from the falling sun. "I'ts beautiful," I thought, staring out at the curve of the hills and the waving of the трава and trees, the grays and browns of winter, with the slightest hint of spring green.
I notice a movement off to my left and my sword drops to my side. It is the вверх of a тележка, корзина coming into view as it crested the hill. I sigh and walk back to the woods, knowing what would come next. The driver rings a signal колокол, колокольчик, белл viciously, clearly wanting me to stop. "Leave me alone." I mumble, I knew I should have stayed in the...
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posted by Triscia95
“Caroline I’ve tried everything to prove my self time after time that I Любовь you, that I would do anything for you, I’d never let anyone hurt you.” Klaus paused as Caroline stood in the door looking down at the hardwood floor tears rolling down her eyes. “That I would die for you.” He finished. Klaus took one step towards Caroline but as he did she took two steps away.

Klaus’s grieved face turned кислый and full of anger. Nothing he did или сказал(-а) made her realize that if she asked anything he would do it with out a секунда thought. She shook her head and raced out the door.

He wasn’t...
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posted by Twilight-girl-x
Hi, I was actually gonna start doing this on Tuesday- but I forgot! I also forgot on wednesday and Thursday too. But im here now. So! Some people keep a diary, some people write emails to imaginary people или to themselves. I'm not one of those people, I'm here talking to Ты guys. This is practically my online Diary! It won't be all sunshine and rainbows but hey, Ты don't really expect that do you? No I didn't think so!! Well here we go.

I started school again on Tuesday- I'm in год nine! Im a tallish, short brown haired, Bluey-greeny eyed girl of 13- My name is Caitlin Grace, but I go by...
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posted by para-scence
A hand gently moved my matted hair away from my face. I smiled.

"Irina, Ты have to get up now," Blake сказал(-а) quietly. My smile disappeared. I groaned and rolled over, turning my back towards him. "Don't make me do this," he said. I heard the smile in his voice. My eyes rolled behind my eyelids, and I tried to block out his voice. I heard footsteps as he left. Finally; peace and quiet.

"Mommy!!" a little voice shrieked. I heard the thudding of fast steps, and then before I knew it, Hollis came crashing on вверх of me, jolting me from my sleep. "Wake up! Wake up!" she shouted. I sat up, and she climbed...
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posted by cutie_hunter123
I sit in the dark. Thinking about Jack. A single tear comes out of my eye, then another. I start to laugh quietly, trying not to wake up my sister. Then, the horrible memory from my awful dream came back to me. I went to the door and paused. I sighed and told myself that nothing is out there but the hallway, the dining room, living room and the kitchen. I took out my phone from my куртка and looked at the time. It's 5:59. I rolled my eyes and opened and closed the door quietly and sat on the soft couch. I started to drift into thoughts about Degrassi, and what it would be like if I went there. Then, a black figure moved across the kitchen. Spooked, I quickly walked to my aunts' laptop and looked up some funny Видео on youtube.com to keep m off track from the figure. Hours passed, and I am still freaked. Ten минуты later, I calm down and look up some еще funny stuff. Ugh! I must be haluccinating from lack of sleep. I rubbed my eyes and went back to my bedroom and passed out.
posted by r260897
Zean sat on his постель, кровати with his Zeal. He looked at “her” with Любовь but pain in his eyes. He was about to play something but stopped when his door was knocked. It was Ben. “ Ben, what are Ты doing here? Its mid…” he wasn’t completed when Ben сказал(-а) “its just 4:45 p.m. it isn’t midnight. Zean, I don’t know about you. But I know our Zean. Please don’t try to bury your past in your сердце coz it will occupy the room, which happiness and joy should own. It isn’t midnight and neither your life…. Don’t make it midnight. Well gotta go. I promised Ilm to teach him to play drums,...
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posted by Angelcatz11
Bonnie's POV

I walked quickly away from the dead man. I headed in the direction of a old hotel. "It's around here somewhere" I quitley said. I walked for 4 miles until i reached the hotel. Carefully and quitley I pushed the door open. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I сказал(-а) asking the darkness. I heard a soft moan, then a sob. It grew louder and louder. It sounded like it was a little girl. I turned on my flashlight and stepped in. "Hello?" I asked once agian. In the corner I could faintly see a figure crouching over and sobbing continuesly. I walked up to what appered to be a girl. I rested my hand on her back. "It's gonna be okay" I ressured her. She let out a low scratchy growl. Then as fast as lighting I was on the ground starring at something Imbossible.
 My attempt to draw Danny....It is horrible
My attempt to draw Danny....It is horrible
Her scream was high pitched. The kind where Ты get a shiver down your back. The kind when someone scrapes their nails on a chalk board. The kind where the person screaming is in utter pain. But gladly it wasn't all the way like that.

Ты would think the water elementals would be еще careful around the giant sea snake. It's one of the many creatures that live in our vally's lake. Some of the water elementals are even рыба или sea snake shape shifters. Thats why I laughed when one of them screamed at the giant serpent.

Trixi yelled at me for my rude behavior and we ran towards the snake. From...
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posted by shomill
The object of my desire
Deep within me creates a fire,
From the fierce flame that roar
Across the mighty forest’s floor,
Razing everything in sight,
And burning on, throughout the night.

Even sleep brings no protection
From my heart’s fiery infection.
In my dreams, I see your eyes,
Bright and clear as noonday skies.
I see your face, so young and fair.
The sunlight glimmers on your hair,
Soft locks curling ’round your face.
We go together to a place
Distant, quiet, where none can hear
As Ты bend your head to my ear
And whisper the things I want Ты to say,
How we’re...
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posted by avatarluver990
Beyond the horizon, in the middle of the sea, upon the rocks, layed a mermaid with hair as blue as the ocean, skin as soft as the sand, eyes so brillitant like the stars at night. She gazed at the beautiful moon that shined on her glorious long hair, sniffed the air with a scent so sweet like her breath, and sang a tune; so beautifully and magically, that all of the stars came down from the sky, and danced around her to the beauty of her voice. As she sang, she gazed upon the moon, and spoke: "Such beautiful moon, deserves a beautiful song." and sang some more, until the sun came up.

I woke...
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posted by Liisamyts
Part 3
Adele was angry. Angry at Simon, at everyone that had died on her, left her here without her beloved ones. “Mom, Dad, I miss Ты so much, I need you. Jake, Simon needs you, he can't hold his life together anymore, but I don't want to see him like this.” tears welled up her eyes as she сказал(-а) that. She was talking to herself and she knew it, but still she hoped that someone could hear her. Now she was the one who had to keep it together, because obviously Simon couldn't do it anymore. Thinking about her mom, dad Jake and Alexis, Адель soon fell asleep.
She woke up at the sound of loud...
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