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posted by animefangirlz
    Hi, my name is 0-7-8-5-4-2-1-A. Also known as Bo - Bo.(pronounced bow -bow)I am a пересекать, крест between artificial and organic life.Some of Ты may call that cyborg.I was once a real full dog,until i got ran over by an 18 - wheeler.Most of my parts were UN damaged.They preserved me for about 200 years.They attached all kinds of wires,tubes,and other things to me.
    When I awoke I was in a cage.It was dark,cold,loud.There were Животные that had giant metal plates like me.Some looked completely robotic.I looked at my paws.When they touched the rock-hard steel bottom of the cage it went CLANK!!! I was scared.What was I? Then a man in a white пальто and glasses picked me up out of the cage.I saw my reflection in his lenses.My cold, wet nose was a cold piece of metal. Most of me was covered in metal. My only мех was probably fake and it was on my head.He carried me in his arms out into the light.It hurt.I saw others who looked like him.They kept putting me in different rooms and on different surfaces.They put me on a long piece of strange black fabric.It moved. It went faster and faster.I couldn't breathe.I fell.Hit the Стена and floor.They stood all around me.they poked,pulled, hurt-ed me.
    Then a strange woman came.Her hair was the color of a night at the beach.A dark blue filled with small,yet beautiful little stars.her skin was the color of the sand at that same beach.Dark yet light.Smooth yet course.She had many cuts and bruises on her face and arms,yet she had a smile on that same torn up face.She held me in her arms and stroked my head. It has been a while since I had been stroked my a person.I saw her reach into a small leather bag and pulled out some green paper.I heard her and one of the men in white talk to each other.It sounded like a bunch of mumbles to me.She shook her head at the man and left with me in her arms.
    She put me on a strange wagon.I tried to walk around as it Переместить along the streets.i couldn't.i fell and a blanket full of holes and patches fell on me.she turned her head at me and сказал(-а) something.i think it was"made...by...Nana....bo-bo..."I then fell asleep.I suddenly awoke to the sound of strange animal cries.I saw some smaller,fatter clones of the woman.they held their hands out to me.I stretched my neck out to them to get a better look at their faces.we ran over a small rock that made me fall of the wagon.The clones came around me.They were like the men in white if not worse.the woman came and they left.i don't know why but I'm glad she came.she put that blanket on my body and сказал(-а) to me in a voice i could under stand"You like this don't you,the blanket?Then i shall call Ты bo-bo. After this blanket's creator,my grandmother who i called bo-bo."She walked away.a few steps ahead she tilted her head and сказал(-а) "Come." I ran up close to her but the blanket slipped. I cried out a small whine and she waited for me. I ran back to get it and caught up to her. She even let me sit in the wagon again.a short while later we stopped in front of a small hut surrounded by fields and tall grass.
    A tall muscular man with much hair on his face stared at me coldly. He picked up his head. Turned it away from the woman,who he was standing so close to him.he then yelled out some thing it sounded like Meka. (pronounced Me-Ka.)Then a tall,thin frail girl came out of the small hut.she looked еще like the woman then the mini clones.her face was expressionless,he neck was like a giraffe, long and slider.she didn't have as much fat as the woman but i thought she was just as beautiful.she looked at me and gasped a bit.she turned her head to the man and woman and сказал(-а) quietly"Mother.father.he looks like me. and is that Nana bo-bo's blanket o him?"the woman giggled bit then answered the girl "yes.he seemed to take a liken' to it so I.." then the man rudely interrupted her "so Ты thought Ты could just give it to him." the woman's face tuned red and she yelled at the man "well she was MY grandmother" it went on and on. they kept yelling and screaming at each other.i was scared. then the girl came a gently wrapped me in the blanket like a new born child and took me in the hut.she put me in a small room. she сказал(-а) to me in a kind voice" Эй, Bo-Bo I'm Meka,Meka Nizum." i liked meka from the start.i looked around the room.there was a blanket on the floor.she called it a bed.there was a small wooden bucket in a corner.then with a paw a sidled a door to a smaller room there was many different clothes and shoes in it.i liked this one. it was long,silky and soft.meka сказал(-а) "you like my skirt?i do too.it's one of my favorites."
    It was almost Любовь at first sight.then meka left to the main part of the house i tried to fallow but i tripped and fell.meka turned to me flat on my face.i could hear her giggle.i got up with whatever bit of pride i had left and went to the main room.i got there and saw a man.he was a bit shorter and skinner than the one meka calls father.this new one didn't as much hair on his face and arms.he look nicer than the other one but i didn't think he was any kinder to meka.i walked over to him and yelped at him.he looked down and i tried to act cute.i guess it worked because he squatted down in front of me,patted my head saying"hey little guy whats you're name?"i barked."oh that's right Ты cant talk yet.here"he dug in his pant pocket and pulled out a small red collar.the tag on the front was made of gold.i couldn't quite read it.the boy hold up a small mirror.and read to me what it said."Name:Bo-Bo.Owner:Meka Nizum.etc...Do Ты like it little guy?" i wanted to tell him yes and say thank Ты for such a gift but when i opened my mouth to bark."thank Ты for the воротник its really nice."did i jut talk? i looked around the room.meka looked at the boy in shook turned to him then the look turned to rage.

"Eric,what did Ты do?!"
"there's a micro chip in the color.now instead of barks and yeps he says actual words."
"and that's BETTER for him?!"
"well he IS a robotic cyber canine!"

OK.now I'm confused cyber...robotic....canine.OK guys, Ты don't really want to hear a bunch of teenagers fighting do you?If Ты do you're probably Чтение the wrong book then.If Ты don't want to hear this,then let's skip past all this shall we.OK then.so after the kids were done yelling at each other,Meka got very weak.she clenched her chest in pain and fell to her knees.her family huddled around her.she was able to stand but almost fell.she leaned on her mother and was taken to her room.while Meka lied there on her постель, кровати THAT boy came to her постель, кровати side.

"oh Meka,I'm so sorry.fighting over a silly little collar.it's not like us.i"m sorry for putting Ты in such pain.I should have known you're body couldn't take it."
"wait.Eric.I'm sorry and.I.forgive you.if.you can forgive me.
"why would i not be able to?you're my Любовь and my world."
"i come from a poor family.and Ты are the son of a very wealthy man so."
"MONEY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT MEKA!i Любовь Ты because you're speacel to me.and i wont let anything happen to you."
"what about me being half machine.can Ты ever Любовь a woman who is made of iron,titanium,silver and a thousand others."
"because i Любовь you.i don't care if you're poor или if you're full of metal and wires.i still Любовь you.and Ты shall be,one day,my robotic princess."

awww now isn't that sweet.wait.HE'S RICH.That tooth pick has money?!


what was that?i must go see.i ran outside to find a very large and shinny.worm.yep Ты heard it here folks.a large metallic worm.I ran to it with all my might.jumped up to it's head and bit it.my claws diged past its metal plates.i ripped its head off. and the body fell.it still wiggled around like crazy.i heard the boy scream from back at the house"BO-BO.ROLL INTO A BALL.AND ROLL TO IT.FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS"I didn't know what else to do.so i did.i knelled in and tucked my legs in then out of nowhere i yelled"RAZER BALL"I rooled at such high speeds.i could fell it.my body went right through it.i got out on the other side.looked backed and ran back to Meka.she held me in her arms.

"Eric, how did Ты know he could do that?"
"simple. i put those parts on him.i know every trick and stunt he can do.though that's only half of it.he can learn different stuff to.all Ты have to do is train him.here's the"owner's manual" Ты may need it.go over it with him it'll help the both of you.well i gotta go see Ты two later."

after he left i followed Meka back inside.i whelped at her.she looked back and we started training.she read out what was in the small book.

"OK lesson one.look on robo pet's back.there Ты will find the"caller?"put it on and Ты will be able to unlock it's power"
'OK boy hold still' .she looked all over her fingers went up and down my body.it tickled.she then pushed a small bottom and a little box came out.she opened it and there was a small glove.she put it on her metal hand and it clipped on.then when ever she moved her hand my body moved the same way.i got dizzy just from her shaking her hand around trying to get it off.later she figured out how it worked.i was like her puppet.it was fun.but i was still curious about Meka and Eric.so when i was able to touch the ground earth again,i walked over to Meka.

"um.Meka.how did Ты and Eric meet?"
"hm mm it's been awhile.well one день when i was a few years younger when I was about 15.I was working in the fields by the house with my parents when Eric and his family drove by.our eyes met and Eric jumped out the back of the can and came running by us.he asked me why over 1/2 my body was covered in metal plates.i told him i was born a very sick child.our parents came over fast.his father started yelling.our dads yelled at each other.we talked and talked.months later when we celebrated being together for 2 years we "fell in love"it was the fist time for both of us.and since then our bond has been strong"
"so Ты to have been together for 4 years?"
"yep.soon to be 5. Eric сказал(-а) when both 22 were going to get marred so on my Далее birth день Eric's going to propose."

wow. 5 years and there getting married.they must really Любовь each other.i wonder.is there someone like that.for me.i went out side for awhile,to clear my head some weird-o drove by with a giant lazer on the back of his truck and zapped me with it.i Остаться в живых my ability to talk and things got bigger.i ran back inside but i hit my head on the dogie door.which never happened before. i looked down and my paws were so small i looked in a puddle by the house and i had big brown eyes and a small fat head.wait big eyes,fat head, little paws.....I'M A щенок AGAIN!!!
as i started whine,Meka comes out.she looks down and sees my rolling on my back in the dirt on the porch.

"awww come here wittel puppy"
' wittle?puppy?!"
she caries me inside to her room.closes the door.and yells at me
since i cant talk i dragged out a note book and pen.i wrote down what i wanted to tell her.
'all i know is that some man in a large truck drove by and zapped me with a lazer.i don't know what to do.hey can Ты see if Eric can help?maybe he knows something или somebody who does.'
"I'll see wait here OK boy."she walked out of the room got a phone and called Eric.
a few минуты later she comes back with Eric.He asked me what the truck and lazer looked like.i told him all i know.Eric walked around the room a couple times.he сказал(-а) he may have to do test on me to find out whats wrong.


its been a месяц since Eric took me in.I've been placed in a small room.not like the cage i was in 3 years ago.it was like a big glass box.the tile was cold but not like the cage.the ceiling was full of bright lights.i was getting bored and Главная sick.then Eric and some men in white coats came in the men had needles,scissors,and other stuff.they huddled around me while Eric stand in front of me talking to me.he сказал(-а) the found something called an anti-dote.they did there thing and in a few days i was sent back only to that Meka was in pain.a pack of stray Собаки and Волки cam in the hut and destroyed the place the Man and Woman were OK.but they tore some of Meka's electronic limbs of.she was missing an arm and the other was hanging by a few cords.half her face was scratched.she Остаться в живых an eye(her fake one)she was barely there.she tried to talk to me.
"b-bo-bo.y-you're alright.c-can Ты talk?"
"yes.i can.are Ты OK?"
"d-do i look OK to you?"she giggled.
i looked up to Eric.he squat down in front of meka.put his hands on what was left of her face.with tears in his eyes he said
"meka.i shouldn't have left Ты alone."
"no.it's.OK.these things happen."
Eric couldn't bare to look at her in that state.i looked at his face he was in tears,i never saw Eric cry.that's probably why he kept his head down.meka was tearing too.Eric looked at her sad broken face.
"Meka.I'm going to cure you.i can preform a surgery but unfortunately most of the parts i need don't exist anymore. if they do there rare."i asked Eric what kinda parts he needed.he showed me a small list.i ran to a big folder that had my name on it.i opened it and it a Список of my parts and blue prints.i took the folder to Eric he looked in side and i could tell we had the same idea.her told Meka that he was going to take my parts and use them to repair her.but that meant killing me.we both accepted our fate.we were both drug-ed so we wouldn't feel a thing.Eric gave me a slow painless death.i

It's been a год since the operation.Meka is as good as new they even gave her some upgrades.her and Eric finally got engaged.they later had a great weading and some little clones.cause of Eric's family fortune .they were able to send there parents to a heaven like seiners home.everyone is doing all right.me.I'm on вверх of облако nine with my old best friend.the little girl who rescued me from the pound.took me Главная gave me a name and Главная and cried for me when i was ran to bits.now I'm resting on her lap while she sits in her rocking chair.she died of old aged.i died to save a friend.we both lived our lives to the fullest.i was дана a секунда chance at life.and i saved the ones i cared for.now we both look down at our Друзья from above watching them grow old like we did.getting there секунда chances at life and crying for the ones the love.time changes when Ты sleep.its been over 200 years since i saw the wold in my old life things change in 200 years.and they'll keep changing for all the years to come.

now you've heard my story.i hoped Ты enjoyed it.its a sad story yes,but it ws a good stoy wasn't it?
Busting The 'On The Nose Dialogue' Myth - Shannan E. Johnson via FilmCourage.com.
added by irena83
posted by twilight-rocks9
One день in my sixth grade год I met a guy because of my friend Brianna Garcia well two guys really. The names were Jessie and Joe. Jessie was Brianna’s cousin I had to deal with him. Joe he was Brianna’s crush. I don’t know why but I hated Joe when I met him but I faked a smile because Brianna liked him maybe I hated him both because she latterly dragged me there and that didn’t put me in the best mood. But soon after Brianna had to leave. So I just stayed with the other group of people I hung out with and sometimes we literally hung out well up side down anyway. My seventh grade year...
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added by shubz10
Why Writers Are Important to the Entertainment Industry by Anne Archer & Gregg Bowman at the USC Scripter Awards via FilmCourage.com.
added by Trentdalton
Source: Trentdalton
posted by boomboombunni
Andrew finally realized that he was in his room. "This must have been Elizabeth's room!" He decided to go to lunch soon after the thought of living in a haunted room really hit him. He went to the little cafe near the entrance. after he had eaten еще than his share of черника, блуберри turnovers, he went back to his room and fell asleep. Andrew felt something warm beside him. It felt good, whatever it was, so he turned over and put his arm around it. It was definitely a who, because their сердце accelerated, and they snuggled up to him. When Andrew woke up, he had his arm around Liz (Elizabeth), and she was... SLEEPING!!!! Andrew shook her awake, and she looked up in surprise. "ANDREW! Where am I??!" Liz practically shrieked in fear. Andrew tried to calm her and сказал(-а) gently, "You were sleeping Liz. Just sleeping." Poor Liz screamed this time, "Andrew, I can't sleep!!!"
posted by RanmaRaj
This is a poem I wrote for my college's magazine
I was inspired by this pic of Inu Yasha

Make A time machine
I wanna go in the past
Wanna meet my own self
And get back what I've lost

Wanna play with that child
Sitting in the park, lonely
Waiting for a friend true
Wanna make him happy

And going back to home
He would sit on Momma's lap
And forget all world's tensions
and have a sweet nap

I wanna capture that moment
That smile on my mother's face
and the feeling of contentment
On my own small face

In his dream I would come
Playing with him, carefree
I wanna be his true friend
Wanna change my story
"Hi Ann.Babe where were Ты today?I was looking every where for you."
My сердце sunk as I tried to think of an excuse but my mind was blank,well not officially blank; there was one word that was screaming in my head-"BABY!"

But I shook off the word somehow from my head and found the right words to say to Emet at the moment.
"Aww your sweet babe and I'm sorry,Lette and I got so caught up in our own plans for tonight that we didn't even want to finish school to today."
I tried my best to not sound like I was lying through my teeth which I was doing but hoping Emet wouldn't realize it.

"Oh ok.That's...
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Ins and Outs Of A Screenwriting Career In Hollywood - Larry Wilson [FULL INTERVIEW] via FilmCourage.com.
9 Ways To Find An Agent - Carole Kirschner via FilmCourage.com.
First 3 Pages Better Be The Best Of A Screenplay - Cody Smart via FilmCourage.com.
posted by EvanlovesAzula
Authors Note: A little something from my wandering mind tonight. I'll warn u this is a bit sad, but I think Ты all will like this one very much. Enjoy.

He was angry. He was exhausted. His сердце pounded against his chest with pulsating curses on her. On Olivia. James lept up from the hardwood floors and began to wipe his eyes.The vestige of tears still stung on his cheeks. What had he done wrong? What had he missed? How could he fix it? Those Вопросы would soon be erased from his mind and replaced with the real question: Why didn't she ever say she loved him?

James had been waiting for eight...
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posted by mia1emmett
part 1:
we walked into the living room and he turned the t.v on. he put on "bob the builder" and patted my head. i heard Dina's door open and i smiled Dina сказал(-а) her постель, кровати head look was BAD! she was walking down the stairs and she screamed "OH MY GOD! MIA....." i turned around in time to see...
end of part 2


Tyler my friend, and Jayson's best friend. i laughed as he lunged at me and i fell on the floor. Tyler сказал(-а) "hey M, what Ты up to?" i smiled "well laying on the floor with Ты on вверх of me" Dina laughed in the background and i wanted to throw something...
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posted by mrgoyal
I always wanted Ты to ask me еще about myself, just like I always asked about Ты but Ты never did that and I hated it

I always wanted Ты to make up my mood whenever I get mad on Ты but just one sorry that's what Ты always сказал(-а) and Ты just always left after that and I hated it ( Do Ты remember how many times I asked sorry and how many times I tried hard to make up your mood even if you're a little upset, I wasn't even able to sleep properly at nights when Ты were upset )

I always wanted Ты to ask me about my family and my Друзья just like I always asked about yours but Ты never did...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
4: Cast It Out

IT was beyond satisfied with the amount of Вампиры IT had found and killed in such a short time. IT would never have guessed that so many lived down south. Yet already IT had made IT’s way through еще Вампиры than IT could count.
IT stopped and stood still-listening to the sounds around. IT could still sense the ones IT had left behind in Washington-the two female and the slightly larger group that was all male. IT took in a breath and considered for a minute.
IT decided to head back north-work IT’s way through Mexico, finishing off the ones IT had not been able to find,...
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The Hero's Journey Is Not A Formula - Christopher Vogler via FilmCourage.com.
One Of The Best Ways To Start Письмо A Screenplay - Michael J. Epstein via FilmCourage.com.
Every Great Scene Has These 3 Elements - Jen Grisanti via FilmCourage.com.
posted by missceleb86
Why do we complain about the unfairness of life?
We have been stroked by its handle, not felt its sharp knife.
Our hearts moan because we do not have the latest iPhone.
But have we stopped to see the cries of those without a home?
They come to our doors desperate for help.
But all we do is dismiss them with a rude yelp.
"Be not harsh to the orphan and the needy" says our Lord.
But some of us do not heed this and whip them with a steel rod.
Though the whole world we cannot feed.
We should not refrain from doing a good deed.
And prevent from drowning in a pool of greed