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I'm tired of repeating myself and other HP Фаны repeating themselves constantly so here is my opinion on why Harry Potter is better. So Ты don't think I'm being biased, let me tell you: I read Harry Potter when I was 5 and have been a Фан since (and that shuts down the Комментарий that little kids can't read it by the way) and when I was 13, I read Twilight (before the bandwagon) and loved it. Then just recently, I got off the Twilight High. So I know how it is to have liked Twilight and to like Harry Potter.

First, we can look at the authors. JK Rowling is the epitome of Rag to Riches. She started out in poverty, got a brilliant idea and wrote it on napkins and had a daughter to support. She was rejected multiple times and worked 17 years on the background of characters, places, and names. She did that so well, Ты can picture it perfectly and make a whole series off of another character! Finally with a lot of hard work made it to her status and one of the highest paid women of today's time.

Meyer, on the other hand, had a dream and wrote it down. She spent 3 months on it and it barely got rejected before it became a hit with girls everywhere. Now she has money. It shows. It really shows who put еще time into it.

Now, on the moral of the stories. Harry Potter. Wow, I can write a book on everything someone can learn off of that! First it teaches about Friendship. I think that is the one thing I wish I had was Друзья like the trio. It teaches Ты how real Друзья are always there and should be loyal. It teaches Ты about life and how important it is. How one person can make a change in others. And death. How important death is. How heartbreaking and how to deal with it. After all "To the well organized mind, death is but the Далее great adventure." It shows how important choice is, and how fate and destiny can be changed by one action. If only Voldemort didn't view Harry as the threat, Harry's future could have been changed and Neville would be in his place. Your future isn't always up to you, but Ты have the choice to change it for the better. Harry grew up in the same environment as Tom Riddle, yet Harry chose to Любовь instead of hate. And the act to forgive. Harry forgave Pettigrew for being a traitor, Voldemort for not loving and killing everyone, and others. Do Ты know how much strength that takes to forgive your enemies who are the reason why Ты grew up miserably? It shows what that simple act can be so strong. And prejudice. Remus is the prime example. He's a werewolf and accomplished so much. He had a family, a job, a life, and friends. It's telling people to get over it. People are different. It doesn't mean they're bad!

And most of all. Love. It's not "I need a boyfriend" love. No. It's the type of Любовь that saves a life. Lily gave up her own life to save her son when she knew the chances of him surviving were slim. James gave up his life to give his wife and son a chance. PLUS Lily had a choice to Переместить aside and she didn't. That's Любовь in it's rawest form. There is Любовь of sibling like figures (The Trio), and Любовь for parent-like figures (Sirius, Remus, and the Weasleys). Любовь is even looked down upon (Remus and Tonks) but it was strong and prevailed even into death. And there is unrequited Любовь (Cho Chang and Harry). Stalker Любовь (Romilda Vaine and Lavender Brown.) And boyfriend/girlfriend type Любовь that is еще natural (Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ron).

In Twilight there is unrequited Любовь and "soul mate" forms. But it's not natural (at all) and it's mainly boyfriend girlfriend type. There is no parental Любовь really shown. Especially not in the лебедь family. The Cullens, yes Ты could say that, but not really. They never really Показать the acts of love.

Another thing Harry Potter improved upon in the "showing" area is good and evil. They Показать Ты how the boundries form. Why the characters become good или why they become evil. How people can change sides. Examples: Dumbledore became good because of guilt of what happened to his sister. Voldemort became evil because he grew up in the orphanage and without love. And he hated his father and being only a half-blood. Pettigrew went to Voldemort's side because he feared for his life. His fear beat his loyalty thus killing James and Lily. Harry Potter blended the line of Good and Evil.

In Twilight, Ты don't get an insight as to why James is the way he is. Ты don't get to see why Carlisle had the control not to eat humans. The REAL reason as to why he chose to go after deer. или why others stayed with them. Ты don't see why people went to the side they did. And if Ты do, it's a really shallow reason. Why did James, Victoria, and Laurant (aka Black Eyed Peas. haha) get together?

Now, let's look at plot. Harry Potter brought on a whole new concept. A simple boy who becomes a chosen one because of an Невероятное accident. The plot had so many hidden plots beneath it like the Hallows that was there the whole time (Invisibility Cloak, Gaunt's Ring, and Elder Wand were all in the Книги before they had significance). And mini plots. Plus each book had a new essence to it. New enemies brought up, new friends, new information, and new areas in the magical world were viewed. Ты GAINED KNOWLEDGE WITH THE TRIO!

In Twilight, Ты gain that Edward is a vampire from the back of the book. It takes out a lot of the suspense. And the plot is basically how Edward and Bella will get together. It wasn't until Breaking Dawn where Meyer tried to throw in a real plot and ruined it terribly.

Now for the realistic appeal. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren't Друзья right off the bat. Harry and Ron were. But they made fun of Hermione and hated her. It wasn't til the middle of the first book that they befriended her. Even then Ron and Hermione had love/hate friendship going on. And their relationships don't start off like a snap of the finger. It starts as awkward или with hate and then progresses to a crush and love. It took Ron and Hermione 7 years (Harry and Ginny too). And they had others they saw too. Harry had Cho. Ginny had Dean. Ron had Lavender. Hermione had Viktor. Not only that, but with social classes too. The Weasley's are poor, The Dursley's the average family, The Malfoy's are the wealthy. It even has status quo's like Sirius being a criminal. And Remus is a pariah!

And War. It's not just one person или one side that dies. Rowling had everyone going that Harry was going to DIE after the Prophecy was made. Especially when he walked to his death as a sacrifice (another moral and another sign of love). He did live, but look at who died:
Good: Tonks, Remus, Hedwig, Mad-Eye, Sirius, Dumbledore, Snape, Creevy, Fred, George's Ear (there are injuries in war too!), The Longbottoms, The Potters, The Original Order.
Bad: Voldemort, Pettigrew, Snape, Death Eaters, etc.
This makes it realistic. And yes, Hedwig counts. The characters were written so well people CRIED when Hedwig died (I know I did).

Stephenie has Edward and Bella be their first couple and it's right off the bat that they like each other practically. Ты see the same social classes... everywhere in forks. Yes even in small towns, there are social classes. And most of all WAR. или lack there of. Irena dies. That's it. She was leading to a war and backed out too afraid to offend anyone. And if characters died, they weren't written well enough that a lot would cry over them. Pity yes, but not cry. (If a Cullen died. I'd feel bad for their mate).

Feminism. I'm all about the whole "Girls can do whatever guys can do" stuff. Believe me. And Bella лебедь does not cut it. She relies on the men in her life and spends her time at Главная cooking and cleaning. Meyer claims Bella is smart and reads a lot but doesn't Показать it. Bella reads about 1 book the entire time and it's stated once she was in advanced classes. That's not enough.

Instead, look at Hermione, Luna, Ginny, and Tonks.

Hermione: Her strong points are her flaws. She's intelligent. She read Hogwarts: A History before even going to school as a Muggle-born. She also knew spells ont he train when going to her first year. She's loyal and caring. She stuck with Harry in DH even when Ron left because of her Promise. And helped with Neville finding his toad. Yes, she can be bossy with her confidence, but she does have confidence and she is an outcast.

Luna: Marches to her own beat. She doesn't care what others think. She says what she thinks.

Ginny: Isn't mentioned as much, but she sticks up to Harry when he is a git and doesn't go all zombie when he leaves. She starts rebellions at Hogwarts and even goes as far as trying to get Godric Gryffindor's Sword.

Tonks: A female Auror. She backtalks to Moody when no one does that. She has guts and humor and is the sore thumb because she's a Metamorphmagus and uses it to her advantage. The first scene with her shows how positive and how in charge her presence is when she snaps at Moody's behavior and also makes a 'butt' joke.

Even the quotes. Harry Potter Цитаты have so much еще meaning. I could make another Статья for those! One of my meaningful Цитаты happens to be from Dumbledore: "Time is making fools of us again." I Любовь that.

Twilight had "And so the Lion fell in Любовь with the Lamb." It's rather shallow compared to anything Dumbledore has ever said.

And look at the thinking aspect. Harry Potter had to questioning and forming theories the whole time: Who is RLB? What side is Snape?! What would have happened if Harry died in the end? What would the world have been like? I wonder why Kreacher had that necklace? What happened to Fluffy? What's the veil really about? How did Lily and James get together? What about the Marauder era?etc. It's a thought provoker.

Twilight asks Ты what side Bella should choose.

And the audience. Harry Potter reaches out to all ages and genders. Twilight reaches out to preteens and girls.

OK... there were other points I had but forgot while going off about the War aspect. But hopefully Ты all catch my drift. If Ты have any comments, additions, или want to Дебаты please Комментарий или even to give your opinion.

Oh and if that doesn't convince you. One word will Показать how epic Potter is:

I was typing up an response to iluvtwilight_ for my personal enjoyment when someone reported the Вопрос and had it removed. I felt much frustration as what was once a very entertaining activity was reduced to pointlessness. This makes an already depressed person like me еще depressed. Siriusly, I want to committ suicide now...

No, I don't... not yet. But I considered leaving for a brief moment.
But to address this problematic issue. I present: link. O.o What's this? Wikipedia has a specific project devoted to adding humour to the site? OMG, on such a serious site?

Yes, even on such a serious...
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Discussion regarding Twilight Вампиры and reply to Drisina at link

First Part:
The thing is Drisina, one cannot by fiat change a legend to whatever one very well pleases with. Вампиры have been in mythology from the 17th century, e.g. Countess Elizabeth Bathory who alledgedly drank her female servants blood to stay young.

So what Stephenie Meyer does is that she takes the vampire-myth, and discards the gorier details and imperfections, replaces them with what she thinks they should be and et voila, we have Edward Cullen.

Now I shall dissect why most people think its a bad thing to do. Recall...
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posted by harrypotterbest
The Volturi and The Death Eaters have a lot in common. This Статья points out the features of The Death Eaters that the Volturi seem to have as well.
Before I begin, Ты have to remember that The Death Eaters were here first – so the Volturi copied them, not the other way around. Now, the leaders of the Volturi are –unless I’m very much mistaken – Aro, Marcus, and Caius. The leader of The Death Eaters is Lord Voldemort.
The Dark Lord can perform Legilemency, which is rather like mind reading, whatever Snape says. Aro can read minds too. The Dark Lord needs eye contact, Aro needs a...
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It’s been a while since i am here in this Harry Potter vs Twilight community. Now, being a die hard Harry Potter Фан my vote always go for the same, but I feel by criticizing any of the two of them is insulting the world of story writing. I give it a thought why this whole Harry Potter vs Twilight thing is started and all that comes to me is a memory of mine. At some point I liked Twilight (though not as much as I am obsessed with Harry Potter). Then one день I had an argument with a friend of mine & naturally I sided with Harry Potter but hearing illogical criticism turned me against...
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posted by Blueeyes99
Ok, time for the other side of the story, in other words, time for another interview with a Twilight “hater”. Her name is Izabella, aka: venvargie! Let’s get started!

Could Ты introduce yourself please!

Hah, okay well I'm Izabella. But I usually go by Ven on the interwebz. I'm turning 16 in a few months and I don't watch a lot of TV so I don't have a Избранное Показать xD.

What is it that Ты hate about Twilight?

Well, I hate the sparkling thing the most. Growing up, I watched all kinda of scary vampire Фильмы with my older brother and they were always the kind that died in the light and vanted...
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Heellooooo!!!! I'm feeling rather Болталка today so I thought I'd take a leaf out of Emma's rather large, leather bound book and do a stupid Harry Potter quiz. It's not actually a story, just a Болталка collection of letters put together to form a Болталка collection of words which will, in turn, provide a Болталка collection of potentially amusing sentences. So, enjoy my little freaks!!!
Beware: If Ты have no sense of humour: DO NOT ENTER!!!
PS. I decided to post this on this spot as well as the HP one because everyone seems so mad at the opposition so I thought they might need a laugh :)

Read the...
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posted by snapeislove
The "jejemon" mania is spreading in my country like mad.

I am a Filipino and Im getting really upset because almost half of the 'jejemon' population is in my country. Even my Друзья greet me through text messages '.,inN DisZ qKinD oFv m4nN3Rr.,' and Im now confused if they're simply Twihards или just some bunch of lunatics. I am also sad because when I Поиск what 'jejemon' means it always come up with explanations that involve my country, am I gonna deny that I am a Filipino? will I curse them all because they're all proud of it? will I beg them to stop the stupidity? I know my options will...
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posted by luv_warriorcatz
All credits go to Das_Mervin's sporking of the Twilight series: link

I just wanted to cut out this snippet and paste it here because I completely agree here. There is no being that's invincible, no matter how unnecessarily overpowered Ты make them.
Meyer thinks that humans are limited to two types of weapons: Оружие and slow-moving bombs. Oh, Meyer. Ты silly, silly bitch. There is one thing that we humans have been consistently good at since we first picked up a rock and looked speculatively at that черепаха hiding smugly inside of its shell:...
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I cannot stress strongly enough the contempt I have for the franchise of Twilight. или at least the book. The films are еще funny than anything else, and honestly I don't hate any of the cast an crew working on it. Having read the Источник material, I can see they had little to work with.
Harry Potter, on the other hand... I like. I don't Любовь it; I'm no Potterhead by any means, however much I might have been in the past. But it will always hold a very special place for me. I grew up with the Книги and films, Чтение and seeing them years apart from each other - growing up along with the characters...
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added by RealSunshine
Source: tumblr
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by bddh
Source: tumblr
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: stepheniemeyer.com
added by KateKicksAss
Source: polyvore.com
I still Любовь Ты after all these years.
Thinking of Ты brings me to tears.
I see Ты every time I dream
To know you’re gone makes me wanna scream.

Where are Ты my dear?
Are Ты near?

I have let sin consume my heart
And I let it tear us apart.
I didn’t realize until it was too late
When Ты had passed the gate.

I thought we’d always be best friends
Too bad it came to an end
Your eyes and voice still haunt me.
Sometimes I wonder if Ты are just beyond my reach.

Where are Ты my dear?
Are Ты near?

I have let sin consume my heart
And I let it tear us apart
I didn’t realize it until it was too late
When Ты had passed the gate. (2x)

Why am I still here?
added by KateKicksAss
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr