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 Αttention please!Oldmovie is answering questions.
Αttention please!Oldmovie is answering questions.
It's an honour to present the first ever one-on-one interview on the House spot and who would be a еще suitable victim (sorry I meant choice) than oldmovie, one of the users who without her the House spot would be full of repeated picks like "Who's hotter"? and Статьи of the sort "Why I Любовь this character so much".
So grab your bottles of Vicodin, adjust your thongs and suspenders and jump on the House bandwagon!

1) Introduce yourself

I have no idea where to start. I’m a House loving, Cuddy loving fangirl who likes to take long walks on the пляж, пляжный and watch classic movies. I actually really Любовь old movies, as my Имя пользователя says, and my Избранное movie is tied between Gone with the Wind and The Музыка Man.

2) When and why did Ты start watching the show?

I started watching the Показать when the Hallmark channel in the UK started playing season 1 of House (which I believe was season 2 US). I had never heard of it, but my mom was watching “Paternity” and the infamous needle going into the eye scene was on and I was just like “WTF are Ты watching!!??” She told me it was this really interesting medical Показать that had actual medicine in it. I kind of wrote the Показать off for a while but my mom kept watching it and then I got hooked.

3) What do the people around Ты think of the Показать and your apparent House OCD?

My family probably doesn’t fully realize the extent to my obsession since I’m actually pretty good about checking myself around them, mainly to spare them from being completely bored by my ramblings all of the time, but they do know that it’s my Избранное show. My little sister bought me the House calendar for Рождество sooo… My Mom is the only member of my family that really likes the show, and only a handful of my Друзья actually watch it, but I think a lot of them get a kick out of how much I Любовь the show.

4) What makes House different from most TV shows?

Wow, what a heavy question!! I guess it just boils down to the Письмо for me. I’ve never come across a Показать before (not to say that there aren’t others out there) that puts so much effort into every episode. Sure sometimes the episodes are entirely successful, but the effort is just enormous. Everything Ссылки together: the patient of the week story, House’s mundane aspects of his life, the character that the episode is focusing on and anything it decides to throw in. Then of course, you’ve got the talent that is Hugh Laurie. There would be no “House” without him….he makes the show…honestly he does.

5) Избранное character and why

Dr. Lisa Cuddy…without a doubt. I guess if I’m really going to be honest about why I Любовь her so much….I think it’s because she represents a lot of what I want to be as a woman. I want to be independent, strong, compassionate, sassy and completely feminine at all times. The other reason is that her character is so complex and interesting. Her guilt complex, idealistic tendencies and в общем и целом, общая aura of a good person completely draws me to her because she’s not this perfect character…not at all…She’s not always out to help everyone, или not always out to do the best thing, but she’s someone who is normal, good, but normal and who suffers from insecurities that I think a lot of us can relate to.

6) Who do Ты relate to the most?

Honestly probably a mix between Cuddy and Wilson. I relate еще with Cuddy about her insecurities and her fears for the future (ending up alone etc), but personality wise, I’m far еще of a Wilson. I’m easy going and tend to not let a lot of things bother me, pretty optimistic most of the time and like to laugh a lot.

7) Избранное episode from each season

Season 1- Three Stories
I don’t think anybody really ever disagrees with this….it’s just so amazing and thought provoking and in a single episode they have some of the most poignant Цитаты the Показать has ever had.

Season 2- House vs. God

I’m a huge sucker for the religious episodes they do, and this one is just so wonderfully done. The whole play off between Boyd and House, the debates and the ideas they bring up…..I Любовь episodes that make Ты think.

Season 3- Fetal Position
This one makes up for the season 2 one. This is still probably my Избранное House episode to date. I don’t know what it is about the episode that makes me Любовь it so much. Maybe it’s because Lisa Edelstein played Cuddy so vulnerably and with so much emotion that I couldn’t help but Любовь it? I’ve seen it a ridiculous number of times and I plan on continuing to watch it many еще times. For some reason it strikes a chord within me.

Season 4- House’s Head

I was thinking about being controversial and not picking one of the 2 of the finale, because I Любовь most of season 4, but I decided against it…because I’ve never been so excited after watching an episode of TV ever. The whole episode was so trippy and put together so well. The mystery of who was on the bus with House, the Cuddy strip scene, the tension that presented itself throughout the entire episode….it left me breathless and running upstairs to where my mom was so that I talk to her about it in excruciating detail.

Season 5- Joy
Again a Cuddy centric episode, that basically sums up my Любовь for this episode. I just Любовь it unconditionally and while I LOVED the Huddy kiss, I think of it separately and never really include it in why I Любовь this episode, it’s just an added bonus Ты know? OMG that scene where Cuddy realizes that she isn’t getting Joy breaks my сердце every time I watch it.

8) Избранное quotes

I’ll leave it to a couple, because I Список a very long list!

-You see the world as it is and Ты see the world as it could be, what Ты don’t see is what everybody else sees, the giant gaping chasm in between.
-I prefer to believe that this isn’t simply a test
-Everyone will tell you... that that's what we gotta make her do. We have to help her, right? Except we
can't. We drag out her story. Tell each other that it'll help her heal. Feel real good about ourselves. But all
we've done is make a girl cry.

9)Best season premiere and finale

The best season premiere has to be Broken (though I do still Любовь Alone a LOT). It’s just so epic and gave Hugh Laurie some Космос to truly flex all of his talent and it was just breathtaking in every way.

The best finale…hhhhmmm……..this is hard. I think I’m going to go with “No Reason” actually. While I think that “Both Sides Now” and “Wilson’s Heart” both left Ты devastated and emotionally drained because of the huge roller coaster of emotions the episode took Ты through, “No Reason” was the only episode, at least for me, that stayed completely brilliant throughout the entire episode. Moriarty constantly questioning House’s motives for things, House thinking that he’s losing his ability for solving mysteries, the patient and then the huge twist at the end, all played into an amazing episode. I thought it was brilliant.

10) Let's say that House is at Hogwarts and is standing in front of the Mirror of Erised, the mirror that shows your heart's deepest and most desperate desire. What do Ты think House would see?

WOW, what a tricky question! I think House would see himself standing with himself and his father. They’d be smiling and patting each other on the back and he would know that his father and he never had the past they had, and that House had grown up in a happy, well adjusted household. That или he’d be having sex with Cuddy…..who knows ;)

11) One of the mottos of the Показать is "Hope is for sissies". Do Ты agree?

I actually disagree with that quote. I think that being miserable and feeling bad for yourself and sinking into your own self pity is a lot easier then pulling yourself out of pit of misery and putting yourself out there. I think it’s easier to think that the world hates and you’re just screwed then to think that everything will be okay and that it’s possible to change your life.

12) Do Ты miss the clinic patients?

I miss them, but not enough to really think about why they’re not there when the episode is playing.

13) Who do Ты prefer: Old, new, или new new (Foreman, Chase, Taub, 13) team?

From what I’ve seen of the new new team…..I like them the best. I think that I like them the best because my two Избранное ducklings ever, Chase and Taub, are both in the team at the same time. It seems that the team plays well off of each other and they made me laugh a bunch which is always a good sign.

14)The Показать has had prominent guest stars. Who's your favorite?

Hmm…favorite guest звезда and Избранное patient is different for me. My Избранное patient is Emma from “Fetal Position” but my Избранное guest звезда has to be James Earl Jones…..I still think it’s beyond awesome that Darth Vader/Mufassa was on our show!

15) The Funniest/Saddest/most frustrating episode
Funniest Episode- “The Down Low”
Saddest- “Wilson’s Heart”
Frustrating- “Unfaithful”

16) Ты have been a Фан of all of House's romances with the ladies (Hameron, Hacy, Huddy).Which elements attracted Ты to each relationship?

Well to be honest my Любовь for all of the relationships sort of fell in chronological order with the order of appearance if that makes sense.
When I initially fell for Hameron, it was because it was the first ship I noticed on the show. Cameron always treated House so sympathetically and with a lot of understanding. She was trying to understand why House did the things he did at the same time we as viewers were so it was easy to sympathize with her. It also seemed like House was responding well to her. But the дата (coupled with the entrance of Stacy) ended my Любовь of Hameron because I realized that is House thought she was trying to fix him, the relationship would never work out.

I don’t know many House Фаны that don’t Любовь Hacy, или at least didn’t appreciate it. Who doesn’t Любовь a tragic Любовь story? It is the only person that all of the House Фаны can agree that he truly loved. I mean their story was so heartbreaking and really made good TV to watch, I still Любовь Hacy for the record…I’ve just moved on.

Wow…Huddy, the only couple I truly ship now, and the only couple I’ve ever been this devoted to. I think the main reason I Любовь them so much is because of how layered they are as a couple. Originally I fell in Любовь with the couple because they were funny, sexy and the whole banter/sexual harassment thing they had going on was a really attractive quality for me. When they started exploring the fact that these two people are both so screwed up and almost afraid of each other, it made me Любовь them еще because through their relationship we got to learn еще about them. Not to mention that Cuddy was House’s doctor during the infarction….that’s one hefty piece of their back-story. I can’t really put my Любовь of Huddy into words and it’s not like I’m going to convince anyone who doesn’t like Huddy that it’s amazing, and for everyone who loves Huddy….they already know what I’m talking about ;)

17) Do Ты agree with what Cameron did to Ezra Powell in "Informed Consent" and Wilson to his patient in "Known Unknown"?

To be honest, I’m not sure what I think about euthanizing people. I don’t think that anybody should have the right to play God…I think people deciding that it’s okay, even with the permission of the сказал(-а) person, to take someone else’s life is in some sense…wrong. But I can understand why they both did it, and I can completely empathize with them and probably have done something similar.

18) House may be a jerk but we forgive anything he does, he's above reproach but we are judgmental on all the rest. Why do Ты think the Фаны have double standards concerning House? Do we Любовь him еще или do we expect еще from all the other characters?

I think it’s just that, we expect еще from the other characters. I’ve recently become frustrated with people because they have been getting so angry with Cuddy about her stunt at Thanksgiving because it’s not like House hasn’t done worse. But then again I really hated Wilson in “Dying Changes Everything” because he left House and сказал(-а) hurtful things to him….which is essentially what Cuddy did to him in “Ignorance is Bliss”. I think because House is just such an oddball in society that we expect and accept bad things from him, but when the “good” characters sink down to his level, we immediately recognize how wrong it is…..I guess everyone else on the Показать shows the reality of life and how Ты really come off if Ты act like House all of the time.

19) Which has been your Избранное arc so far?

The Tritter arc, while I hated Tritter and wanted him to go away when I was watching season 3 for the first time, his presence in the Показать brought a lot in everyone on the show. It showed House being drug down to his lowest and showed what he was truly capable of when provoked enough, it showed that Wilson could only handle being self sacrificing up to a certain point, that Cuddy, if backed into a corner, would protect House as best she could, that Chase actually wasn’t the sneaky turd he was in season 1….it allowed for massive character growth from all of the characters.

20) Survivor arc. Who were Ты rooting for to become House's new team?

I was actually cheering for the ridiculously old fraud, Cole and Amber. But now I look back on it, I’m glad we got the characters we did, I think that all of the jokes the old fraud and Cole had would have gotten old fast…and if Amber had made the team, we may have never had her as Wilson’s girlfriend или as an evil hallucination.

21) One of the most controversial topics of the Показать is Foreteen. A lot of Фаны and critics have renamed them to Boreteen (Boring Foreteen). Do Ты agree?

I go back and forth with Foreteen all of the time. I can honestly say they are not one of my Избранное things on the show, but I don’t hate them. I think the biggest problem I had with them was their massive amount of screen time. I found them a little boring and when we had to watch them for large chunks of the episode talking about essentially the same thing. That was when I didn’t like them. But to sort of make it better, I loved their fun moments together like in “House divided” because they were cute and open minded together which made me like them considerable amounts more.

22) Best and worst part of the House fandom

The best part of the House fandom (At least on Fanpop anyways) is the general Любовь we have for everyone here. It’s so refreshing to come to a place where people are actually nice to each other and don’t say horrible things to each other just because they have the anonymity of the internet to hide them.
The worst part of the House fandom, besides the entitlement people feel to have things exactly the way they want them on the TV show, is actually not on Fanpop at all. I have recently ventured over to the House fandom on livejournal and it has made me beyond angry many, many times. The general lack of companionship and the horrible things people say without any regard for other people’s feelings. They bash continuously and then jump down people’s throats who don’t have the same opinions as them………..it’s just not very nice at all there, if Ты would like a good Описание of the House fandom on livejournallink
by ticcy describes it excellently.

23) The biggest Любовь story of the Показать especially in s6 is the Hilson relationship. What makes Hilson shine over most of the interactions on the show?

I guess because the writers have combined great comedy with great companionship/drama. They have some of the funniest scenes in the entire Показать and then they have some of the most moving ones. They always come back together and are obviously meant to be together (in my opinion as friends) for the rest of their lives.

24) You're a huge Cuddy and Huddy fan. If Ты were forced to pick, would Ты prefer a full-blown Huddy relationship but Cuddy eventually leaving the Показать или would Ты prefer Huddy never happening but Cuddy remaining only as House's boss and nothing but that and her character being developed through other characters?

I don’t hate Ты as much as I thought I would for this Вопрос ;)
It’s actually incredibly easy for me to answer; I’d pick Cuddy any day. If Huddy was going to have a relationship and then she would just leave at the end of it anyway…then what would be the point? I’d not only lose my Избранное ship, I’d lose my Избранное character as well. Although I’d be slightly miserable that Huddy would never be, I’d much prefer to have Cuddy’s cleavage around for a very long time :)

25) Most WTF moment on the show

I think for me it was how Cuddy got her baby…finding Rachel in an abandoned shack was kind of farfetched……..

26) Ты are allowed to ask David берег one question. What would Ты ask him?

What was your inspiration for “Three Stories”, how did Ты come up with it?

27) Ты are in charge of the Показать for one day. Ты are allowed to choose a director, a screenwriter, the storyline and the guest stars. What are your choices?

I’d pick Greg Yaitanes to direct, Peter Blake to write, the storyline would be discovering Cuddy’s past and then I wouldn’t know who I would cast, but the major guest звезда would be Cuddy’s mother.

28) Hugh Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard and Lisa Edelstein. Who would Ты die to meet?

Probably Lisa Edelstein because she seems to have such a wonderful personality, Hugh would be amazing too.

[b]29) If Ты could own any благодарность from the show, what would it be?

House’s motorcycle….always wanted one

30) Did Wilson do the right thing by giving Tucker a piece of his liver?

I think that Tucker was in the wrong to ask Wilson to do such a huge favor for him…..Wilson was his friend but his doctor first, THAT WAS WRONG. But I could see myself doing exactly what Wilson did, so I’d be a hypocrite to say what he did was wrong. I don’t think it was wrong per say….but he should have never been put into that situation in the first place.

31) What were your feelings and thoughts during the infamous breakfast scene in "Known Unknown"?

To be honest I laughed my way through it. Lucas was messing up, Cuddy was obviously appalled…it really just made me laugh. I did feel kind of bad for House that his whole hallucination had been revealed to Lucas, but I was еще interested that Cuddy knew everything that happened in the hallucination; enough anyways to have Lucas mention that she was his “savior” in it.

32) Were Ты satisfied with the way Cameron left Chase and House?

Yes actually I was pretty satisfied with it. I mean, I kind of wish that they hadn’t wrote Cameron out of the Показать because no matter how many times I disagreed with what she was doing/saying, I still think she played a vital part in the show. She was the moral compass….no matter how skewed it was.
But yes, her exit is one of my Избранное scenes from this Показать ever now. Her words hit so close to Главная and were so accurate, it shook my opinion of House as a person severely for a while, lucky I had that long жопа, попка break to get over it ;)

33) If Ты could change one thing on the Показать what would it be?

I’d bring back some еще of the ethical and controversial issues that the Показать started with. Some of the older seasons really made Ты think about what the world was like and what western societies deemed as right and wrong and what actually might be right and wrong. I’d like some еще of that.

34) What is your opinion on Wilson? Golden boy или manipulative bastard? Maybe both?

I think Wilson is a good mixture of both. I think in some cases he really is a truly good person and looks out for other people…but I think he is a huge manipulator. I think we see Wilson as being so good because he hangs around with House a lot, and House is pretty far from good. Wilson is an easy foil to House because he represents normal ideas and has a hint of humanity whereas House in many cases doesn’t. But I don’t think that makes Ты necessary good…..I just think it makes Ты normal. I think he has good motives a lot of time when he is manipulating people but just like your quote says on your Профиль salemslot, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Just for the record, I Любовь Wilson.

35) One of the most important elements of the Показать is the OT3, the Holy Trinity (House,Cuddy,Wilson). However, we rarely see Wuddy interacting without it concerning House. Are they really Друзья или are they Друзья because they are Друзья with House(relation by affinity)?

If Ты would have asked me that before the introduction of Rachel into Cuddy’s life, I would have сказал(-а) that Cuddy and Wilson were only allies (I wouldn’t have even сказал(-а) friends) because of House. But even though I don’t think they are what Ты can really call friends, I think since Rachel they have been building up their own relationship that has nothing to do with House. In “Epic Fail” Wilson mentioned they were having lunch dates every Tuesday, and I assumed that started some time while House was institutionalized. So while I think a huge, HUGE part of why they even associate is because of House, I think they might have a chance to form something a little stronger….and I for one would Любовь to see that happen.

36) Which storyline that has been inadequately developed would Ты like to see on screen?

Well they mentioned in “Birthmarks” the fact that House has a biological father out there that we’ve never met….I’d really like it if the writers explored that road a bit.

37) The characters of the Показать are humans so they have done unforgivable things. From the below, what do Ты think is the worst?

a) Telling a woman that she would suck as a mother and call her child all kind of names?
b) Physically hurting a cripple out of spite?
c) Betray your best friend?
d) Have no respect for your own life?
e) Be ashamed of your family?
f) Abandoning your family?
g) Cheating on your spouse?

d) Have no respect for your own life?
This in my opinion is the worst of the bunch. I personally think that suicide is absolutely appalling and I see no reason for it. It’s the most selfish thing Ты can possibly do, Ты can lie to yourself and think it’s only going to affect you, but everyone around Ты is affected by what Ты have done….and it ruins some people’s lives. This for me, is by far the worst of the bunch.

38) Do Ты think that the producers' decision to interact with the Фаны via Twitter and LJ was a wise decision или did it add еще fuel to the already precarious relationship between Фаны and TPTB?

I thought it was a great idea to start with and now I believe it was a horrible idea. It’s fueled the fires of entitlement and craziness and people are jumping down TPTB’s throats.

39) Has the Показать changed Ты in any way?

Not really. Its made me think about things differently, but I’m pretty much the same person I was going into the show.

40) What would Ты say to those that claim that the Показать has Остаться в живых its touch? How would Ты persuade them to continue watching the show?

Well to be honest, I wouldn’t want to convince them to stay and watch the Показать because who wants those people that constantly complain about what’s going on in the show? Yes the Показать has changed…mainly because its been 6 years now, they can’t keep it the same forever. They’ve started focusing еще on the characters now and not the medicine as much…..but if they hadn’t people would be complaining that there’s too much medicine and not enough character development. People are always going to find problems and become dissatisfied with something once it changes, but if it doesn’t change people are going to find problems and become dissatisfied with it. I think that if Ты don’t think it has the magic anymore then there’ no convincing you, I still Любовь the show, and for me, that’s all that really matters.

41) How do Ты think the Показать will end?

I would Любовь it if everyone ended up happy, but I really don’t think that’s the case. I think that the Показать will end similar to how every episode ends. House will have a case to solve, Wilson will nag him about the morals of it, the team will nearly kill the patient, Cuddy will yell/banter with him about the case and then House will go Главная to his apartment, hang up his cane on the side of the диван, мягкий уголок and watch TV till the picture fades away.

42) Anything Ты would like to add?

If anyone has read this far, I’m impressed! I'd also like to thank salemslot for all of her hard work....these were amazing Вопросы to answer...I only hope I live up to them Далее time when I'm interviewing!
added by House34
added by PotterGal
Source: http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y279/marykir/HL/TV/House/Season4/Promos/20080512-S4E16/?start=40
added by angiii7
posted by XXwhy_meXX
what to do now?
the season 7 promo is out.
and it's confirmed.

I've been watching House ever sins season 1, and up Intel now, I've been a HUGE Hamerone fan, season 1 was ALL Hamerone, season 2 had great scenes,season 3 had the kiss......and then.....
watching episodes, hoping just to see a scene with the two characters:P not even knowing what the Hell happened to the patient!
it became an addiction to me!
I couldn't study, couldn't sleep, couldn't do ANYTHING!!

but, what am i nagging about.....
Camerone is not even in the Показать anymore:P
House and Cuddy are officially the only ship on House...
continue reading...
added by karlyluvsam
Source: let-it-be-4 @tumblr
Credit: House M.D. on YouTube.
house md
season 5
joy to the world
dr lisa cuddy
cuddy's Рождество surprise
added by la_nina
Source: All the lovely Huddies on HuddyOnline
added by misanthrope86
Source: лиса, фокс (screencaps: comforting lie)
added by xjsx
Source: Lucas Leal.
added by PotterGal
Source: another_trauma @ livejournal
Хью Лори
house md
added by mchuddymerderek
by dontdisturb93
house md
Хью Лори
season 6
season 5
house md
Not as much swearing as the other one, but they are talking like teenager girls *lol*
house md
lisa cuddy
allison cameron
lisa edelstein
Дженнифер Моррисон
Another Christmassy fanvid featuring the Mariah Carey song ''All I want for Christmas'' and loads of Hugh's photos!
Хью Лори
house md
Мэрайя Кэри
added by Joy3570
Source: http://zequins.livejournal.com/
added by Silas_Quinn
Source: Silas-Quinn.deviantart.com
added by Mafz
Source: Mafz