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Psilocybin-Road сказал(-а) …
Well, it was a stalling winter season, but it looks as if the movement is back in action and stronger then ever! I'm glad to see it so....if there is ever going to be change in the system, IMO, there needs to be a great dissent (in action of course, but in thought too), so bring on the revolution! Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Apparantly Occupy L.A. was raided by the police last night. To all those prostesting in L.A. who are thinking about their Далее steps - stay strong, stay peaceful, and keep the spirit! Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Did Ты guys here about the pregnant woman who was punched in the stomach by an officer, then got his in the stomach by another, and then was pepper sprayed? This police brutality happened, of course, AFTER she had warned the cops that she was pregnant and was trying to get out of the crowd. Three days later she found she had a miscarriage. So sad. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Excuse me *kicked in the stomach, although it doesn't really make much of difference I suppose, does it? Больше года
Astralwing прокомментировал(-а)…
OMG that's horrible!!! She could prosecute him for some kind of murder charge couldn't she? Больше года
Persephone713 сказал(-а) …
If Ты know what this movement is about then Ты know, Ты can be anyone of any class, Ты just want JUSTICE, EQUALITY, and our Nation to PROSPER. The fact that the jobs bill was killed, says something about our Politicians in the House and Senate. Put Pride aside and get things done for people not Голоса или money. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Couldn't have сказал(-а) it any better. :) Больше года
chihiro95 сказал(-а) …
occupy oakland was my first protest my parent let me go to. I'm so happy :) Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
That's awesome. Good for you! Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
It's spreading people....truth and Любовь is spreading...all around the world...thousands of cities...it's here, it's in Australia, it's in Европа and in the UK.....our time is now. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Just got back from an Occupy protest with Astralwing and Lantage1 and I got on TV!!! Channel 18, ABC at 10:00pm. Or, visit their website, it should be on sometime tonight: link Опубликовано Больше года
Astralwing прокомментировал(-а)…
Super excited I'm checking it out as we speak! : Больше года
Astralwing прокомментировал(-а)…
:D Больше года
chihiro95 прокомментировал(-а)…
that so cool Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
If anyone is interested, I've made a video supporting a protest astralwing and I are going to. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
AND, forgot to mention, SORRY - LANTAGE! Больше года
Astralwing прокомментировал(-а)…
Yeah Ты turd LOL ;) jk Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
And WE went screaming into the night. Screaming against the injustice of the bought establishment. Darkness now, WE said. But WE scream for free dawn. Ты cannot stop OUR screams. Now with your buying and selling of politicians and members of congress, not with your lobbying, или your abuse, your handcuffs, your batons, not even your guns. Your power only goes so far, but OUR power is infinte. It is forever. WE are gods of a world that was long назад declared ours. OCCUPY AMERICA!!!! Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
YES, Стена улица, уличный is to blame for the 2008 financial crisis, the state the economy is in now. NOT just the damn white house, because remember, who controls the white house? The corporate elite on Стена STREET! Стена улица, уличный has spent FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in a ten год period lobbying to get what they want, on campaign donations, buying and selling the politicans, bribing members of congress. Стена улица, уличный has IRON CONTROL over our economic policies. And the criminals on WS need to be in fucking prison Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
PEOPLE need to take their money out of all the big banks (who take in 30% of corporate wealth) and put their money into local banks and credit unions!!! HOW DARE Bank of America start charging Five dollar fees every месяц for anyone with a debit card, when WE the people were the ones who bailed them out in 2009!! Опубликовано Больше года
Astralwing прокомментировал(-а)…
Dude banks are NOT supposed to do that that's fucked up! I may just take out my money in general and hide it in my mattress или in a safe. ;) Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Banks are constantly taking advantage of the poor. Constantly. Time to leave them...and find some еще community oriented banks. Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
The republicans are calling us anti-capitalists and un-american. Well, I ask you, what can be еще American then standing up for the people and petitioning for a government redress of greivences? WE are fighting for democracy, and WE are excersizing our constitutional right! And we are NOT anti-capitalist, we are anti-corporatism and anti-plutocracy! Опубликовано Больше года
Astralwing прокомментировал(-а)…
Hypocrytes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P And yet they're taking all of our tax dollars to buy bullshit and giving it to the mexicans and samalians...AND there is no еще social security. What...the...fuck? And they claim we're being anti-capitalists?? Fuck THEM! Больше года
big smile
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
WOO! Me and Astralwing are off to a local protest on Saturday! Опубликовано Больше года
Astralwing прокомментировал(-а)…
YAY! :D I can't WAIT! Likelikelikelike LOL Больше года
Astralwing сказал(-а) …
I saw on 5 news last night an exerpt about Стена Street, though they сказал(-а) barely anything that protestors were just there and still protesting, not going anywhere. That's it. No motive why или what they stood for. They didn't even provide a lie. Pathetic. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Assholes aren't they?? лиса, фокс has been ridiculing them, and CNN has been like, "yeah...just some people and stuff." ABC has made a poor attempt at covering police brutality, by barely Показ anything at all. BUT - MSNBC, did a really, really good job on coverin the police brutality. I was impressed. Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Just know that the revolution will not be televised. We must expect the Стена улица, уличный bankers trying to dis-credit this movement - but no worries. We will rise above. WE are expanding and this is JUST begining. :) Больше года
Cherry9090 сказал(-а) …
I joined to stand proud and strong Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Good for you, sister. :) This is a moment....and if the american people realize that THEY are the ones who have the power, then this moment will turn into a Movement. This is a revolution for democracy. лиса, фокс news can call us anti-capitalists if they want to, but we all know we're certainly not that. We're only anti-corporatism. Fuck the haters, let's get together as a people, as a comunity, stand together in solidarity, in union, and in love, and OCCUPY AMERICA! Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
I'm with u 100% on this! Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Good to have the support. :) Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
This is our revolution!! Let's ALL stand in solidarity and ACT NOW! Power to the people, and NOT the Corporations!!! Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
I stand and I will not Переместить :) Больше года