Sel found out the awful news while she attending a концерт in L.A., and immediately left to go home.
Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.
A miscarriage means something went wrong with Mandy's pregnancy and she Остаться в живых the baby. Selena had officially announced she was going to be a big sister just three weeks earlier.
Sel found out the awful news while she attending a концерт in L.A., and immediately left to go home. She canceled some of her upcoming concerts too.
Demi immediately sent a tweet to Selena saying "I Любовь you." Selena's going to need Друзья like Demi to get her through this tough time.
Let's hope Selena and her family make it through this difficult time.
Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.
Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.
A miscarriage means something went wrong with Mandy's pregnancy and she Остаться в живых the baby. Selena had officially announced she was going to be a big sister just three weeks earlier.
Sel found out the awful news while she attending a концерт in L.A., and immediately left to go home. She canceled some of her upcoming concerts too.
Demi immediately sent a tweet to Selena saying "I Любовь you." Selena's going to need Друзья like Demi to get her through this tough time.
Let's hope Selena and her family make it through this difficult time.
Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.
1. Steal Edwards сделать ставку, ipod and fill it with nothing but Rap and fill Emmetts with classical.
2.Pay a couple of guys to say 'ew' at Rosalie.
3.Tell Rosalie that Alice is pregnant.
4.Fill Edwards closet with nothing but Team Jacob shirts.
5.Break all the mirrors in Rosalies room, tell her that her face did it.
6.Call Jasper 'chill pill'.
7.Sell Edwards piano.
8.Get all the Cullen's stuff out of their rooms and then throw it over the line.
9.Smash Edwards CD's and then say there was a spider.
10.Pretend that Ты can see the future and that Ты can read minds, when Edward или Alice say that they can laugh at them.
11.Call Edward a stalker.
12.Tell Bella that Edward is going to leave.....then say just kidding.
13.Read Twilight infront of them...and hate it.
2.Pay a couple of guys to say 'ew' at Rosalie.
3.Tell Rosalie that Alice is pregnant.
4.Fill Edwards closet with nothing but Team Jacob shirts.
5.Break all the mirrors in Rosalies room, tell her that her face did it.
6.Call Jasper 'chill pill'.
7.Sell Edwards piano.
8.Get all the Cullen's stuff out of their rooms and then throw it over the line.
9.Smash Edwards CD's and then say there was a spider.
10.Pretend that Ты can see the future and that Ты can read minds, when Edward или Alice say that they can laugh at them.
11.Call Edward a stalker.
12.Tell Bella that Edward is going to leave.....then say just kidding.
13.Read Twilight infront of them...and hate it.
Yeah,this is the first Статья I've written,so it probably won't be good.
O.K I have a 7 год old niece and she might not seem evil,but trust me she is.If Ты met her you'd think she was a sweet,little angel
Her mom,my sis Heather,got married a few years ago.Well the man she married had 2 kids.Ever since she lived with them,she's been evil.
She tells my mom No
She tells us she hates us.She thinks she's the boss.She hits me and then says I hit her first(i'm old enough to know Ты don't hit when Ты don't get what Ты want)She calls me fat.she can't take a joke and then says im fat and don't "play"because I don't like being outside and hate sports.There's еще but I don't really want to write anymore.Tell me what Ты think in Комментарии please:)
O.K I have a 7 год old niece and she might not seem evil,but trust me she is.If Ты met her you'd think she was a sweet,little angel
Her mom,my sis Heather,got married a few years ago.Well the man she married had 2 kids.Ever since she lived with them,she's been evil.
She tells my mom No
She tells us she hates us.She thinks she's the boss.She hits me and then says I hit her first(i'm old enough to know Ты don't hit when Ты don't get what Ты want)She calls me fat.she can't take a joke and then says im fat and don't "play"because I don't like being outside and hate sports.There's еще but I don't really want to write anymore.Tell me what Ты think in Комментарии please:)