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I do think that Ты probably should avoid the following sites I am going to list. I will add еще to the Список when I find еще sites I think Ты should probably avoid. So if anyone sends Ты Ссылки to the following sites, Ты have been warned that they could be tricking you. Some of these are obviously bad by the name of the Ссылка but some of them are very sneaky to trick you.


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Who do Ты have a crush on?

If Ты had to дата anyone here right now, who would it be?

Name one celebrity Ты would want to make out with

Name five people Ты hate and why Ты hate them

Name all the people you've had a crush on before

Have Ты ever embarrassed yourself in front of everyone in school? If Ты did, what did Ты do?

What embarrassing thing has a parent done to you?

Have Ты ever cheated on your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Have Ты had your first kiss, if Ты have, were was it and who was it with?

Have Ты ever seen a parent naked?

Have Ты ever seen Животные reproducing?

Have Ты stalked anyone,...
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1)"Why, do Ты find me irresistible?"

2)"No, I just dress better than you"

3)"You're a double gay. No returnsies!"

4)"I Любовь the секунда grade insults, *insert name here*. Honestly, isn't it strange how "gay" has come to replace "stupid"? And so what if I was gay? Insulting my sexual orientation is pointless.

NOW...if a girl says you're gay, and Ты actually are, I find the best burn is: "At least I can get a boyfriend."

5)Look them in the face with a deadpan expression. Simply say, "Yes. I'm gay," and walk away. Take their thunder away. It's such a juvenile thing to say in the first place.
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44 Ways to Make a Girl Happy

Ladies, this will make Ты tear up :)

Fellas, read all of it:)

1-Touch her waist.

2-Talk to her.

3-Share secrets.

4-Give her your jacket.

5-Kiss her slowly.

Are Ты remembering this?

6-Hug her.

7-Hold her.

8-Laugh with her.

9-Invite her somewhere.

10-Let her be with Ты when you're with your friends.

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11-Smile with her.

12-Take pics with her.

13-Pull her onto your lap.

14-When she says she loves Ты more, deny it. fight back.

15-When her Друзья say i Любовь her еще than you, deny it; fight back and hug her tight so she can't get...
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I never thought I would be doing a Список like this because when I do lists based on looks it's on women. As a straight guy, it's easier for me to rank women than men. However, when I put my mind to something I try my best to come through. I had already done this Список with women and I remember being asked if I would ever do it with men, so here it is. Keep in mind this is all just my personal opinion as a straight guy and it wasn't easy to figure out AT ALL! Please Комментарий but be polite. Also, always Комментарий because I worked HARD on this and during a time I had just had laser eye surgery and...
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posted by Lady10358
Found this on Google
1. If you're lucky enough and find someone with the shirt: FREE HUGS или If Ты find a рубашка store selling it, hug the shirt/person and if they/someone notices you, say "It says free hugs!"
2. go to the Еда court and go to a fast Еда place and take tons of straws and put as many possible in your mouth and stand on a таблица Пение elmo's world theme.
3. Go to one of those toddler toy/clothing stores and hold up a baby outfit/toy and yell as loud as Ты can "I Любовь THIS TOY! I'D PLAY WITH IT день AND NIGHT!"
4. Go to the bathroom and hide in a stall until Ты see an old lady/guy...
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1997 a girl named Lauren was walking in a forest and suddenly
disappeared; she hadn't been discovered untill 2000 when a young girl
named Mary found Lauren's body which had chest markings that said, "I
wasn't pretty enough." Lauren's ghost will appear in your mirror,
telling Ты that you're not pretty enough and ................................. See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See...
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posted by thatguywashot
1.Pull aside an unruly child in a preschool Sunday School class and say: "If you're bad in here, you'll go to Hell."

2.A week beforehand, find a member of ACT-UP. Tell him the scheduled sermon is entitled "Why God Sent AIDS to Punish Homosexuals".

3.Put stray Собаки in пальто closets.

4.Un-tune the piano.

5.Replace the pianist's sheet Музыка with "Stairway to Heaven".

6.Going through all the hymnals, mark song 666.

7.Find an empty seat, and ask the person Далее to it: "Is this сиденье, место, сиденья SAVED?"

8.Toss around a giant пляж, пляжный ball before service, like at Grateful Dead concerts.

9.Ten минуты before it starts, find...
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How is it going, everyone. Welcome back to Watching Outside Your Xbox Window While Ты Rant at Night. I’m your host, TatsMojo, and today, we’ll be taking a look at the strangest video games that Ты have never heard of. Number 10: Katamari Damacy. This strange little gem was made on the weird side of the world, Japan. You’ve probably never heard of this (What the fuck am I doing?)
In all seriousness, when I hear about these weird games and the whole, “What were these developers doing? Snorting LSD and drinking PSP and doing funny weed?” is a mindset that just screams that Ты really...
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posted by deathding
MUSIC! Again, for the MENTALLY RETAR- I mean, people who don't know what Музыка is, it's basically....


And no, immature 7th graders, armpit farts don't count as music. -___-

Seriously though, there's just something I Любовь so much about music. Maybe it's the way songs get stuck in your head, maybe it's the great melody, but there's just SOMETHING about Музыка that just sounds so extravagant and attracts me like a мотылек, моль to a flame!

Because fact is, Музыка is majestic. It can be unambiguously incredible, and is an extremely unique part of media. It destroys the grotesque evil in this pathetically...
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posted by Bluekait
Your butt is wide, well mine is too
Just watch your mouth или I'll sit on you
The word is out, better treat me right
'Cause I'm the king of cellulite
Ham on, ham on, ham on whole wheat, all right

My zippers bust, my buckles break
I'm too much man for Ты to take
The pavement cracks when I fall down
I've got еще chins than Chinatown

Well, I've never used a phone booth
And I've never seen my toes
When I'm goin' to the movies
I take up seven rows

Because I'm fat, I'm fat, come on
(Fat, fat, really, really fat)
You know I'm fat, I'm fat, Ты know it
(Fat, fat, really, really fat)
You know I'm fat, I'm fat, come...
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posted by IloveMyLord
The scholar does not consider Золото and jade to be precious treasures, but loyalty and good faith.
Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain или freed a human soul.
Mark Twain
An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
Elbert Green Hubbard

Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its сердце the absolute principle of self-sacrifice.
Woodrow T. Wilson
Loyalty ... is a realization that America was born of revolt, flourished in dissent, became great through experimentation.
Henry S. Commager
Total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is emptied of all concrete content, from...
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posted by selenagomezfan7
Sel found out the awful news while she attending a концерт in L.A., and immediately left to go home.
Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.

A miscarriage means something went wrong with Mandy's pregnancy and she Остаться в живых the baby. Selena had officially announced she was going to be a big sister just three weeks earlier.

Sel found out the awful news while she attending a концерт in L.A., and immediately left to go home. She canceled some of her upcoming concerts too.

Demi immediately sent a tweet to Selena saying "I Любовь you." Selena's going to need Друзья like Demi to get her through this tough time.

Let's hope Selena and her family make it through this difficult time.

Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.
1. The only bird that can fly backwards is the hummingbird.

2. The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.

3. A goldfish has a memory span of 3 seconds!

4. A крыса survive longer without water than a camel.

5. Toupees for Собаки are sold in Tokyo

6. A дельфин sleeps with one eye open

7. A крокодил can't stick it's tounge out

8. A mammal's blood is red, an insect's blood is yellow, and a lobster's blood is blue!

9. Loud, fast Музыка makes termites chew faster

10. A blue whale's tounge weighs еще than a elephant

11. Ablutophobia is the fear of bathing

12. Acarophobia is the fear of itching

13. Agyrophobia...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
1. Steal Edwards сделать ставку, ipod and fill it with nothing but Rap and fill Emmetts with classical.

2.Pay a couple of guys to say 'ew' at Rosalie.

3.Tell Rosalie that Alice is pregnant.

4.Fill Edwards closet with nothing but Team Jacob shirts.

5.Break all the mirrors in Rosalies room, tell her that her face did it.

6.Call Jasper 'chill pill'.

7.Sell Edwards piano.

8.Get all the Cullen's stuff out of their rooms and then throw it over the line.

9.Smash Edwards CD's and then say there was a spider.

10.Pretend that Ты can see the future and that Ты can read minds, when Edward или Alice say that they can laugh at them.

11.Call Edward a stalker.

12.Tell Bella that Edward is going to leave.....then say just kidding.

13.Read Twilight infront of them...and hate it.
posted by werewolflover
Yeah,this is the first Статья I've written,so it probably won't be good.
O.K I have a 7 год old niece and she might not seem evil,but trust me she is.If Ты met her you'd think she was a sweet,little angel
Her mom,my sis Heather,got married a few years ago.Well the man she married had 2 kids.Ever since she lived with them,she's been evil.
She tells my mom No
She tells us she hates us.She thinks she's the boss.She hits me and then says I hit her first(i'm old enough to know Ты don't hit when Ты don't get what Ты want)She calls me fat.she can't take a joke and then says im fat and don't "play"because I don't like being outside and hate sports.There's еще but I don't really want to write anymore.Tell me what Ты think in Комментарии please:)
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block, where a group of ponies that are Друзья live on the same block in Ponyville. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering*
Master Sword & Tom: *Standing in front of a house*
Master Sword: Эй, everypony. Great to see Ты again.
Tom: Shut the f**k up.
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: Tom, what was that for?
Tom: We need to forget about the jokes, and get things moving so the director won't get angry at us.
Master Sword: But we can't forget about jokes! This is a comedy show!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: I never сказал(-а) we weren't going to do...
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The puzzle game Tetris is well-known all over the world for its catchy Музыка and captivating gameplay. Tetris can be played without charge at link. Good Old Tetris and Colortris are two additional free Tetris games that adhere to the original.
Genres Inspired by Tetris
But in addition to the original Tetris, there are a ton of other Tetris-related games on this page that are well worth playing. The 10x10 subgenre is one of the most well-liked offshoots, and there are many 10x10 games to play, including Block Champ, TenTrix, and Wood Blocks.
Tetris Redesigned
Numerous variations of the Tetris format...
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posted by blossomyumyum
Have Ты looked at someone and just thought,
“We don’t know each other’s names. We have so much in common, so close yet so far.”

Everyone always dreams of having a song sang to them, every guy needs to have their sing sang back.
Here are some ways that Ты can find your soulmate:

First, realize that Любовь is love. That whatever comes will come naturally.
Kiss slowly and gently, because gay only means happy.

Listen to each other’s input. Give time to Показ interest.

Let each other sing.
Music is often your best way to express feeling and emotion.
Realize too that sometimes lyrics are the best...
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Hey… So it’s been a bit since I did one of these. I’m gonna level with you, people, I did not enjoy 2020 and, despite having so much free time, I felt very unmotivated to try digging up the PS2 every time I popped in the PS4. I didn’t want to try any of the old stuff and just wanted to dedicate my time to one console. Not to mention, the pain in the жопа, попка of finding a decent PS2 game when they can go for over a hundred dollars tops. That said, after my вверх 20 Games of 20202 Статья and being really proud with how it turned out, I thought about giving PS2 games a try. I don’t hate talking...
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