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I know that I was supposed to make an Статья on the movie Clerks, but after the amount of what I have read today, within such a short span of time, I feel that I have to make this article. And despite the Название that isn’t really all that funny, I choose not to make jokes with this. I don’t want to add any funny images, as much as I enjoy that. This is an Статья that contains serious subjects and is a real problem with the modern culture. On August 27th, 2019, ProJared released a video discussing the drama he was in. For those that don’t know, ProJared was a gaming Youtuber who made reviews on video games, mostly RPGs. Ты may have heard about ProJared from his Scandal involving cheating on his wife, making lewd Комментарии on people, and sending nudes to his fans, some of which were сказал(-а) to be underaged. These are false. ProJared did send nudes, but only to those willing. He was divorced from his wife, или already agreed to, by the time he sent nudes, and he did not intend to send nudes to underaged minors, some of them having lied about their age. Do I agree with ProJared sending nudes in the first place? No. A content creator, of any kind, should never, ever, ever send their nudes to people online. Even if they ask, there is nothing stopping these people from using those pictures in a way that leaves the creator ruined in some way. It’s a foolish mistake that no one should do for any reason. That being said, accusing ProJared of pedophilia over this is manipulation and has done nothing but make his life worse and possibly ruined his Youtube career. Despite all that, there are people who still disagree with him and call him a cheating pervert. And I will admit, I was one such person. I was a Фан of ProJared throughout high school. I loved his Видео and his sense of humor. He was just a dorky guy but he had charm and despite that, he made it by just doing what he loved. And when I heard about this, I felt betrayed by him, that he would do this to his wife and to the community. But once all this came to light, it all became clear just how atrocious Отменить Culture really is, and I fell for it.
ProJared is far from the first to be roped into this. Hell, he isn’t even the most Последнее example. But he is the most Последнее that caused such an uproar in the community that it left people confused and disgusted throughout Youtube and Twitter. CancelCulture has been around for a long time, even before Youtube. Ladies and gentleman, celebrity media, a total mockery of journalism. It seems that news channels, ones like TMZ, are so thirsty to get some steamy hits on Знаменитости that they will run after them for anything. People always go around talking about how Знаменитости have it easy, and while I can certainly see why, having to deal with people running up to Ты on a daily basis with cameras and microphones must be a big pain in the ass. One important figure would be Michael Jackson, famous pop звезда who was accused of pedophilia. Ever since, he was mocked as a child molester and ridiculed until the день he died, and even then, people kept making it. But as of late, three guys, three people who are quite the despicable bunch, created a documentary called Leaving Neverland, which was all about discussing why Michael Jackson was a pedophile from the words of “witnesses” themselves. The documentary garnered a lot of attention, resulting in radio stations pulling Michael Jackson’s Музыка off stations and лиса, фокс even removing the episode of The Simpsons that featured Michael Jackson from airing. Even though the creator of the documentary has been Друзья with Michael, which Ты would think would give him far еще insight on the matter еще than anyone, but the guy has been proven to change his Комментарии daily, even within the same documentary, before claiming that he imagined his own child getting molested, resulting in him calling Michael Jackson an abuser… mmm hmm. The guy has been called an opportunist on several occasions, hoping to garner attention that he had since Остаться в живых for little to no reason. He’s been called out by several celebrities, including comedian Dave Chapelle and rapper Snoop Dogg. Now this is a Scandal that has gone on for over a decade, and while I do believe Michael Jackson was losing his sanity in his last years, I don’t believe he was a molester. I never saw it like that and the fact that this man who is an opportunist and is willing to take the chance at bringing up a Scandal of a dead man is just sickening.
Another controversy that came not even shortly after ProJared’s Scandal was the controversy of Slazo, a Youtuber who was Друзья with ImAllexx, who, along with a few other Друзья of his, accused Slazo of being a rapist who would rape women and as a result, was made into a criminal. But soon after, ImAllexx was found out for not only being a liar, but had made up the entire Scandal with his Друзья in privacy, having full intent of framing Slazo as a rapist. Once it was found, ImAllexx, instead of apologizing, made himself look like a victim in the whole matter, as did his posse. Not even long after that, the group, ImAllexx included, started to throw each other to the Волки in the hopes of saving their own skin, calling out their messy backgrounds and their own things like how they drew porn of minors или how they insult people over minor things, so not only are these snakes disloyal to Slazo, they are also willing to stab each other in the back when things go horribly wrong. Thankfully, Slazo was proven innocent and has been getting traction back, but still, those claims can follow Ты forever. Doesn’t matter if it’s true или not, people won’t be willing to accept an alleged rapist. Jobs don’t take in people who were associated with that, whether innocent или guilty. They don’t care. ImAllexx is someone I genuinely hate because of how much of a piece of human garbage he is, throwing someone, a friend, under the bus for false accusations and then playing the victim card, and I don’t even watch Slazo. But hey, as long as someone is known for being a liar, people won’t believe them, right?
Not even a day. Not even a день after the ProJared apology, we have another attack on someone. This time, it’s Alec Holowka, creator of Night in the Woods and co-founder of the studio, Infinite Fall. He was accused of sexual assault allegations after the woman was brought to Canada, started a short relationship, and then called it rape, leading to Infinite Fall from cutting ties with Alec and the gaming industry leaving him in the dust. Now, there is little evidence telling us what Alec did is true или not and we can only go off the words of the victim. That victims name is Zoe Quinn…. Okay… Alright… I’m going to put aside my hate for this particular person and just state the facts. If, in fact, Zoe Quinn was abused by Alec Holowka, I will admit that I am wrong and apologize. However, here’s the thing. Zoe Quinn is a notorious liar and manipulator. She has lied to countless people, accused hundreds of things that were always proven false, and has manipulated people, even people from her own gaming company, and left them in the dust. Zoe Quinn has been doing this since the Gamergate days, another can of Отменить culture which… I really don’t want to talk about. If Alec is truly an abuser, I will admit that I am wrong. However, we can't just blindly believe the words of someone, especially someone who has lied numerous times like Zoe Quinn, and if this is all a lie, than shame on Infinite Fall for falling for such accusations and, I’d say shame on Zoe Quinn, but Ты gotta remember who we’re talking about. She has no shame.
And Ты wanna know what the really good thing is? The вишня on вверх of this shit sundae? This all happened in 2019. Everything. The ProJared leaks, the incident between ImAllexx and Slazo, Leaving Neverland, and Zoe’s accusations on Alec. All of this in the span of one year. Fuck, most of these happened just in the summer of this year. We are believing in victims far too much. Yes, victims confessions are just as important as any piece of evidence, but there is this thing called innocent until proven guilty. The reason why this is mandatory is so that people don’t get falsely accused and put on witch trials for things they most likely do. People are too trusting to trust of the audience, be it due to past accusations или because men are all pieces of shit, или for just sheer idiocy. Отменить culture is on the rise and it is getting worse and worse every day. Well I’m here to say that enough is enough. I have had it with these motherfucking accusations hurting the reputation of innocent motherfucking people. When does it stop? When does all this false accusing and harrassing ends? Simple. When we make it stop. What are both sides of the story? What is the evidence? Let’s stop taking the victims at face value and look at the bigger picture. When we do that, we may actually change things, we may stop all this Отменить culture. But what do I know, I’m just a white male who makes edgy humor and rant articles. I may have already raped an entire school bus by the time this Статья comes out.
added by Dreamtime
added by Crazedsitcomfan
added by TimberHumphrey
posted by cute20k
1. Dial a Болталка number and confuse the person who Ответы by saying things like;
"Why did Ты call me?", "How's Billy Bob?", "Thank's for last night! (make kissy noises in phone", "I'm sorry to hear about your loss (hang up immediately)", "What happened to your mother is horrible! I'm so sorry she had to leave us on that note!", etc.

2. Look up Болталка statements in foreign languages and recite the statements to those who speak the language.

3. Post a Болталка Статья like this.

4. At walmart или somewhere similar, go up to an obese woman, или a man for extra affect, and wish them good luck with...
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Reasons why being a guy is so much easier than being a girl.
1.First off Ты aren't sick once a month.
2.You can't get pregnant so Ты aren't the one stressed on birth control , Ты do it and that's it.
3.You don't have to spend hours picking an outfit.
4.You don't have to spend hours putting your make up on.
5.You don't have to spend hours making your hair to stay decent.
6.You get ready to go out in just 30 минуты tops.
7.You pee standing.
8.Your parents don't tell Ты at what час to be Главная when Ты in high-school.
9.You can sleep every night somewhere else than Главная as a teenager cause your parents...
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Hi! :)
Here are the вверх ten to impress the guy Ты like, just out of my personal oppinion, only try what Ты want to try, my sources are personal expirence as a woman:
10. Respect the men, example: no its not just a game, its football/soccer and its еще important than breathing to most guys. ;)
9. ....but don't be too suck up-like.
one of my Друзья heard her crush loved chickens according to the guy, so she was thrilled when she got invited to his "Amazing" party, I was really happy for her and asked her wheather she'll like to borrow a fiver to buy acessorie for the party, but she сказал(-а) thanks...
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added by Rodz
Source: desktopnexus
added by 050801090907
added by spongefan612
added by ShaclowStalker
added by 27-5
added by angel_cake
1. Cognitive Dissonance - the idea that when we hold two conflicting thoughts или beliefs, we unconsciously adjust to make one fit with the other. My social psychology professor gave an example of a student who values studying all the time, but широкие брюки, слаксы, брюки off when it comes to their Избранное Телевидение show. So the student tells herself that watching the Телевидение helps her study later when it really doesn’t. However, telling herself that helped her eased the anxiety.

2. Hallucinations are common - one third of people Сообщить experiencing hallucination at some point in time. Similarly, normal people...
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posted by OmegaLeader
101 things to do when your bored~
Original link

1. Look up urban legends, and/or ghost stories in your town. Investigate!

2. If Ты live in a city with public transport (bus, train, subway), plan a trip using the transit system. Take some Друзья along for company, или just enjoy the ride and people-watch!

3. Get yourself a roll of quarters and find a video arcade.

4. Strike up a conversation with a total stranger.

5. Learn to tie sailors’ knots.

6. Volunteer. It’s fun and you’ll get good karma. :o)

7. Hang out with old people. They have great stories and sometimes need the company.

8. Perform...
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1.people excpect Ты to be good all the time and stay the same

2.Your Друзья get jelious when Ты hang with other people.

3.more people then Ты think hate Ты and think your stuck up.

4.If your a mean Популярное person people might ditch you.

5.People talk about Ты behind your back because your selfish and think your the best thing in the world.

6.The teachers know not to put Ты with your Друзья because Ты talk to much.

7.You hang out with alot of people but еще then 90% of them are just hanging out with Ты because your popular.

8.If your a Популярное girl and Ты have had afew boyfriends some people will start calling Ты a slut.

9.If your a Популярное boy and Ты have had afew gilfriends people will think your a player.

10.if Ты had a good friend and then Ты became Популярное they might stop hanging out with Ты because they think there not good enough.
I believe in my сердце that we shouldn't have to change или selves или stop following our dreams just for someones approval because this is our life and they have to live theirs if we have a dream that our сердце is at then we need to go after it and ignore those haters because they'll make Ты stronger.For example if Ты want to be a singer be a singer,If Ты want to be an Artist be an artist.If Ты want to be different and original than be original because Ты have to fulfill your dreams.If Ты stop because of haters ,you will never feel happy или complete and you'll let the hater win by giving...
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posted by Me_Iz_Here
There are a lot of creeps on Omegle. Whether you're just bored, trolling, или being a creep, Ты will definitely run into a pervert on Omegle. So here are some comebacks Ты can use.

Stranger: Horny?
You: Yes.

Stranger: ASL.
You: Sorry, I don't speak American Sign Language.

Stranger: 17 M looking for horny females
You": 85, M, looking for other gay men.

Stranger: Wanna chat with hot girls? Go to "Babesofomegle . com"
You: No thanks I don't feel like seeing whores like you.

Strangers: Wanna fuck?
You: How the fuck are we gonna fuck if you're so fucking far away and I'm not gonna fucking tell Ты where I fucking live so we can fuck Болталка strangers.

Stranger: Ты like dick?
You: Yes, I do like Dick. He's very nice. I don't get why people make fun of him for his name.
You: Ты ARE talking about the person, right?

Other ways are to just repeat the same thing over and over again, или copy everything they say.
Of course, guys, u don’t have to do ALL these things, just a few on the Список would b nice =P..hahaha

45 things a girl wants but wont ask for:1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her. ( somewhat true )..:)
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.

Are Ты remembering this?

6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your Друзья together.


11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves Ты more, deny...
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posted by MarMar_XigLux
“ Killing someone with a spoon is not bad, but I prefer the chainsaw it's faster.”
~ Serial Killer on spoons

You found out Ты hate someone. No, not just hate. Ты FUCKING hate them. No, not just FUCKING hate them, Ты wanna strangle them until their head pops off then shove it down the loo but then it'll go into the sewers and then the police/the fuzz/cops/pigs/gorillas will be like, all, "omfg wutt iz goin on why iz der a hed in me toilet" and then they'll find you're fingerprint on them and be all "haha we fund woo it was it was [insert name here] and then Ты be like "omgomgomg" and then...
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posted by KilledbyanAngel
Tomorrow is Valentines Day, so here's an Статья - How to Say "I Любовь you!" in 51 different languages!

1. "I Любовь you!" (English

2."Ek is lief vir jou" (Afrikaans)

3. "أحبك" (Arabic)

4a. "Ես սիրում եմ քեզ" (Armenian)

4b. "Yes sirum yem" k’yez (Armenian - Phonetics)

5a. "Я кахаю цябе" (Belarusian)

5b. "JA kachaju ciabie" (Belarusian Phonetics)

6a. "Обичам те" [i](Bulgarian)

6b. "Obicham te" (Bulgarian - Phonetics)

7. "Et vull" (Catalan)

8a. "我愛你" (Chinese [traditional])

8b. "Wǒ ài nǐ" (Chinese [traditional] - Phonetics)

9. "Volim te" (Croatian)

10. "Miluji tě"...
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