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Hey, everyone. After the mistake that was Trigger Man, and having fallen into a state of suicidal depression, also mixed with the state of the world, I decided to turn toward religion in the hopes of turning my life around. Sure, hearing about some of the stuff that goes on in the bible, like how God ruined Job’s life over a bet with the Devil…. Not sure what that was about, but I am a true Christian now. It is not my place to Вопрос the work of the lord. But because I can’t go to church because… ya know… the world right now, and since actually Чтение a book is a challenge for me, I am going to Показать my Любовь for God in the only way I know how: By playing video games. And we have one right here, The Bible Game, for PS2, created by Crave… Entertainment… Goddammit! Иисус died in fucking vain!?

Okay, so jokes aside, it’s hard for me to say what my religion is. While I do believe that something had to have created this strange world we live in, we didn’t get to where we were today by some divine intervention. I’m all for humanity. God didn’t give us the bucket! We had to make that ourselves, and our lives became vastly better because of it. I’m team human! And hoo boy, if today’s game helps me just denounce religion all together, I will not be surprised. So The Bible Game was a family party game released back in October of 2005. And yep, that’s correct. This game was released not even a месяц before the seventh generation of consoles came out and the 360 and PS3 were upon us. The game was published by none other than Crave Entertainment, but was developed by Mass Media Games. I’ve seen this logo on a lot of Namco Museum games back in my childhood, basically collections of old Namco arcade games like Pac-Man, Dig Dug and so on. Apparently they also had a hand in making Saints Row 2, Darksiders, and as Последнее as the Definitive Edition of Mafia III. Of course, it seems they were mostly responsible for just porting those games, because when I Поиск up the games, I can’t find out much that Mass Media does with the games themselves. Apparently they’re still around today, so it’s good to know that The Bible Game didn’t kill them immediately. Much like it’s probably gonna kill me. This game has been mocked by many Youtubers and has reviews ranging from mediocre to just flat out bad, except from The голубь Foundation, which gave this game a five звезда review, even calling it one of the best games of the year. Yeah, when I think of games from 2005, I think of Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry 3, Shadow of the Colossus, and motherfucking Bible Game on the PS2!
So the intro starts, and uh… yeah, that’s a Christian Название screen alright. I don’t know what it is, but the weird Цвета on the intro just make it look so…. Bizarre. Like I’m staring at some sort of public access stuff. или at least a Tim and Eric sketch. Also the Музыка in the Название screen sounds like the most tedious elevator Музыка ever. It just sounds so mind numbing, especially when my copy of the game makes it skip and I think it’s about to crash. Also also, what the fuck is up with my PS2? The poor thing sounds like it can barely handle the awesome might of God, because when it loads the demo, it sounds like it’s about to take flight like a jet engine. Like it is fucking humming and I’m kinda scared the disc is going to catch огонь inside my PS2. Well, before that happens, I should press start and see what waits behind me. Well we got some ugly жопа, попка characters to choose from. I can be Ben Shapiro, Cowboy Kent, Rocket Power, Jailbait, Angelica from All Grown Up, and Morman. I’ll go with the Cowboy, because Ты can’t get еще holy than that. So we get into the game and it’s a fucking Тест show? I gotta be real with Ты people, this game is throwing so much at me and I don’t even know how to process it all. So yeah, it’s a Тест Показать inspired by many others like The Price is Right или something. Alright. I think I can handle that. My grandmother is devout Christian, I went to Sunday school at least for a week when I was a kid, went to a bible club back in elementary school for free Oreo’s, and I am Irish, so that kinda puts the knowledge of God into me by default. I think I got this. Is what I would say, but the game doesn’t even ask Вопросы so far. So it’s Болталка if Ты will even get a turn. On my first go, I didn’t even get a turn. Everyone went before me, doing jobs like Simon Says with a огонь или helping Simon tear a temple down, and by the time it got to a Challenge run, my game crashed. So, great start. Reset!
So this time I get to go first and play a fucking sickening hurling minigame, throwing plates at soldiers. With everyone’s cursors being in the way, it’s nearly impossible to get the right cursor to where Ты want to go. Plus it feels so damn delayed too, so it was honestly a miracle I came in third rather than dead last in a four player group. After that, it was bible trivia. And the best thing about going up against AI is that I can super fucking cheat. In the digital age, there’s nothing stopping me from just pausing the game, going to Google and finding out that it was Abram that told Hagar to name her son Ishmael. Also, this pause screen is terrifying. Other than it being a fucking epilepsy warning with the flashing lightning, it’s a dark screen with lightning strikes and a single smiling cartoon face in a box in the center. It’s so damn freaky and I don’t like it. Of course all the pausing in the world isn’t gonna stop the AI from answering before Ты do. Not that I’ll know because it crashed again. Ugh! Reset!
Okay, so the game saves after each mini game. Not sure why, because it doesn’t save progress. So the Далее mini game is jumping across rocks to collect the light. And oh my god, another timing game with your jumps. The cursor just goes so fast and, again, it feels delayed. When I let go, it still moves just a bit before actually stopping. Thankfully, due to cheating, I managed to get to first place in the first minute. After that, the AI dicks around, pretty much fucking themselves over, especially purple, doing testimony, really dragging it on. Ты don’t get fair turns. The AI can decide when Ты get to go Далее and it can take forever. Up Далее is racing Jonah’s whale, riding it’s blowhole to try and hit the rings in the center. It’s so disorientating and mashing X in an out of rhythm manner starts to wear on your thumb. Speaking of wearing Ты down, the Christian rock Музыка that started out as hilariously bad starts to grate after a while, hearing the same Nickelback and Creed tier music. And yet despite that, I still finished the first round in first place… And yes. Round. There’s more. UGH!
I felt like I was playing this game for hours already, and then I learned that’s just round one. So after that, it’s Noah’s Ark and it sucks. It’s a game where Ты gotta collect two same Обои of Животные before someone else does and it’s boring and the damn Creed Музыка is getting to me. It isn’t even Creed, but it sounds like it. After that, Jacob’s Ladder. Just match the arrows and you’ll win. I hope Ты like hearing other people’s buzzers go off when they fail, because the AI does it a lot. And it’s not fun in the slightest. Shit, the movie, Jacob’s Ladder was еще Christan than this. Ты know, the movie about the guy losing his mind and seeing crazy visions like his dead son, a hospital of skin freaks, and a tentacle monster groping his girlfriend… Yeah, don’t hear about that in Sunday School. After that, another fucking challenge. Seven Days. It’s like the soldier one but less control. Ты aim your Стрела around a big hole and shoot and hope Ты hit еще coins than the AI. Please, can we stop!? Can we stop with these fucking challenges? I hate these in particular! Though I do find it funny how one of the player’s generosity to pass was, and I quote, “Bequeathed with Wrath God”. That just got a laugh outta me. Maybe the madness has set in, I dunno.
But here it is. The final round. The Garden of Eden. Everyone picks a Фрукты and if Ты pick once, Ты lose immediately. Everyone got greedy and Остаться в живых and I just fucking backed off and won. And yes, I feel like such a winner. I spent $10 on the fucking Bible Game and talked to the game Показать host who looks like he’s PCP’d out of his fucking mind while the other contestants look on in the distance…. I hate this game. Well, that’s it for the game show, but we gotta at least check out all the challenge rungs. All...twelve of them. I really don’t wanna, but I always go above and beyond, или at least pretend to, with these PS2 games, and goddammit, Bible Game on PS2 will be no exception. So we’ve discussed David and Goliath, Noah’s Ark, Jacob’s Ladder, Jonah’s Whale, Seven Days, and Leap of Faith. That’s at least half-way done. So next, Tower of Babel. Переместить your cursor around and break the tower. It’s honestly the best one so far. Simple, but not terrible. Red Sea is next. This is the worst one so far. The controls feel fucking reversed at times, and once Ты fall behind, the only way you’re going to get back is if the AI does worse than you. Not that it will. It’s way too easy to fall into the waters Далее to you, it’s easy to get tripped up by sea urchins, rocks and crabs. Ты have no chance of getting through this one, even with practice. It’s a mess. Next, Staff of Aaron. It’s vomit inducing. It throws like a million snakes at Ты to kill but Ты can only shoot one beam at a time. If that beam isn’t gone, Ты don’t get to огонь another one. And when there are like multiple snakes and it starts to take multiple hits to kill one. Yeah, it’s no wonder I came in last. Fuck Aaron. Up next, False Idols. Well at least this one is chaotic enough to seem fun. It’s annoying when the idols Ты kick around bounce off Ты and the Стена instead of going into the hole, but it’s not… the worst. Далее is Lion’s Den. It’s confusing, people can take your traps from Ты at the last minute, and it’s еще worth it to just let the lion’s dogpile Ты near your trap than to even attempt a strategy. It sucks. Okay, last mini game. Walls of Jericho. And oh my god, it may be the fucking worst. It’s Red Sea, but on horse back, Ты an get combo stunned if Ты are stuck behind a bunch of rubble, the draw distance is pathetic and on a fucking PS2, and the turns can screw Ты over as well and make extra sure Ты get hit by something. Boy, I sure saved the worst of the bunch of last. Yeah, I hate this game.
So yeah, that’s about it for The Bible Game. It could be stated that I got a bit heated at this game, much like how the disc felt like it was heated in the духовой шкаф, печь when I pulled it out of the PS2 because good god, what material was it made from. But the game isn’t even the worst game on here. Far from it. It’s bad, obviously. But it’s mostly just boring. Twelve tedious mini games that are okay at best and Стена of Jericho at worst. AI that is both dumb but really painful with how slow they are. And gameplay and mechanics that just make a twenty минута long game feel like hours. I have no reason to come back to this game. I had еще fun watching Bible Man, the classic Christian superhero than I did playing this game. It’s far from the worst game on here, but oh man, it is… not a fun time. The Bible Game. еще like the Bible Lame… Nailed it.
Award: Bargain Bin Bazaar. Made for grandma’s and mothers to buy Ты when the new GTA game is just too violent. Ты can always get it at a budget and it’s probably worth even less than that.
added by kingcesar67
I know that I was supposed to make an Статья on the movie Clerks, but after the amount of what I have read today, within such a short span of time, I feel that I have to make this article. And despite the Название that isn’t really all that funny, I choose not to make jokes with this. I don’t want to add any funny images, as much as I enjoy that. This is an Статья that contains serious subjects and is a real problem with the modern culture. On August 27th, 2019, ProJared released a video discussing the drama he was in. For those that don’t know, ProJared was a gaming Youtuber who made...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Already, everyone, I’m gonna level with you. I haven’t been out of my house in three weeks. I haven’t seen the son, I only leave my room to eat или use the bathroom, and I’ve been glued to my chair for so long that it has left a permanent mark of my ass. And why is it that I have been in such a horrid state? Because I’ve been playing nothing but Slime Rancher.

Where do I even begin to talk about a game such as this. This is a game that feels so well crafted and so perfectly made that Ты can feel the developers Любовь and care in it. They make Обновления frequently for the game and...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Let this indie Название be a lesson to anyone wanting to review games, if Ты play a game weeks или even months in advance before Ты actually talk about it, always go back to it, especially if it’s an online title. Cause it may change things so much that it will also change your entire opinion, either for the worse или for the better. Thankfully, this is for the better.

So to elaborate, I am not a Фан of online shooters. I played a bit of Team Fortress 2 back in the day, but never got too crazy into it, played online modes of CoD 4 and Halo, but not excited. And Overwatch makes me wanna...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello everyone and welcome to the Далее half of In-Indie. I was able to binge a whole lot of new indie titles to get this out and boy, do we got some greats and some… not so much. But we’re here to talk about not just a great, but one of the best. A game that many online are calling the Dark Souls of the indie scene…. Wait, that’s not rig- Hollow Knight, everybody.

So yeah, this is a game that many would compare to Dark Souls and I would as well, but not for the reasons a subhuman, like, a video game journalist, would call this a Dark Souls game. Yes, the difficulty is there, which...
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I am aware I am super late when it comes to talking about this movie, but I felt like that, now that I have analysed it, anal-ized it, and pretty much picked out everything about this film, I feel like now is the perfect time to discuss this film and see what it’s worth is. So with that being said, let’s talk about Spielberg

In the Последнее years, Steven Spielberg has been seen as an old coot who can’t make it with the times, hides all his bad Письмо behind a ton of CGI, and just some guy who should probably retire with all of his money and Присоединиться the ranks of washed up directors like...
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added by MeiMisty
added by Blaze1213IsBack
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. Ты can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 12: Get Everything On The List

Christmas was just around the corner. The Nut House would be open on Рождество Day, but closed from the 26th, to the 31st. Many of the guests were telling each other what they had on their Рождество list, when Parker walked in with...
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"Let. M-me. In."

Number 05 fell back into a lean against the stony, plain gray Стена behind her, still attempting to focus the blurriness in her swollen right eye. Though she herself couldn't see it, she knew that it probably looked just as bad as it felt.
Meanwhile, her good eye could still see the man who sat in the middle of the small box of a room, the flickering light above them swinging back and forth dismally.
She could see the back of his head shifting, large lumps crawling around frantically beneath his scalp like a house full of rats under a pale and stained comforter....
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posted by kingcesar67
Hellfire Lyrics
A new musical based on the Victor Hugo novel and songs from the Дисней film
The Hunchback of Notre Dame the Musical - Hellfire Lyrics

Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti (I confess to God almighty)
Beatae Mariae semper Virgini (To blessed Mary ever Virgin)
Beato Michaeli archangelo (To the blessed archangel Michael)
Sanctis apostolis omnibus sanctis (To the holy apostles, to all the saints)

Beata Maria
You know I am a righteous man
Of my virtue I am justly proud
(Et tibi Pater (And to you, Father))
Beata Maria
You know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar,...
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added by 8theGreat
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. Ты can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 10: Mack

Parker: *Angry as he sits down, waiting for his Еда to arrive*
Kevin: Get ready.
Liam: His fist will hit the table, in 3. 2. 1.
Parker: *Hits the таблица with his fist*
Kevin: Now he's gonna go to the кухня and knock on the door.
Parker: *Walks to the kitchen,...
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Welcome of my Хэллоуин inspired movie reviews.

I been Чтение many of Wind's reviews only to realize "I SUCK at reviewing".. But also, his Хэллоуин review did give me a review.. Lets talk about the third..

Now, firstly. Movie two, that was suppose to be the end of Michael.. The producer wanted different stories.. Different villain s.. But people just wanted Michael. So they were forced to revive him. Hense why the Фильмы became worse and worse.. Even after Хэллоуин H20 gave us the perfect death. No, it wasn't enough for people.. Just like Jason and Freddy. Michael had to be done to death.....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. Ты can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 8: Going Too Far

Song: link

Yellow Triangle: *Eating a hot dog when he hears the music*
Pencil: Where is that coming from?!
Parker: *Walks into The Nut House wearing a marching uniform, marching with a stick in his hand*
David & Liz: *Watching Parker*
David: What...
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Nappa stops in mid-air.
Nappa: Vegeta!
Vegeta: What is it, Nappa!?
Nappa: I can fly.
Vegeta: (stammering) ...Yes, Nappa, yes Ты can.

Vegeta: Nappa, what are Ты doing?
Nappa: It's his turn, Vegeta. I have to wait for him.
Vegeta: Wha... I... uh... (nose starts to bleed)
Nappa: Ты okay, Vegeta?
Vegeta: Yes... just... just having an aneurysm out of sheer stupidity.
Nappa: Wow. (beat) Didn't think Ты were that stupid, Vegeta.

Vegeta: (loudly screams out of frustration) I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!! I WILL NOT BE HUMILIATED BY A LOW-CLASS WRETCH!!!
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 Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go.
Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go.
Terra Strong voice actor/actress who played Raven сказал(-а) that the company will bring back Teen Titans Original for a season 6. But a catch is people have to support Teen Titans Go Movie. Meaning it has to do well in the Movie theaters. или no original Teen Titans season 6 will not happen. Terra Strong сказал(-а) that is what the company told her. So support Teen Titans Go to the Фильмы in the Movie theater. I don't see why people wanna hate on Teen Titans Go. I was at Bookman's store before looking at the comics. And they had Teen Titans Дети comics. When they were babies. And comics called Titans...
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posted by mrcodegeass
Bernadette is a Fanpop member named Yorkshire Rose. She has been on Fanpop for a long time and Fanpop's a better place because of that.

What makes Bernadette such a special friend is that she's one of the most generous and friendly people that Fanpop has ever had. She constantly gives out some of Fanpop's most delightful props. Getting a благодарность from her is always a treat.

There are several people on Fanpop that are really kind and Bernadette is among the most kind that Fanpop has ever had. She has several Друзья on Fanpop and she seems to generous to all of them.

Berni makes Fanpop a better place. She brings happiness to Fanpop and makes the website a еще charming and optimistic experience. It's always nice to look at her profile's Стена to see all the adorable messages that her Друзья have sent her.

Thank Ты Bernadette for being a wonderful friend and for making Fanpop a еще friendly place.
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Narrator: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards by an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Narrator: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left of...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Dunedin, New Zealand.

Lewis: This assignment is tougher than any of us expected.
Derek: Yes, I agree. Thankfully, we still have enough ammunition to last us a couple of days.
Lewis: But what if her men attack us again? First they kill a dozen of American tourists, then two men from ASIS. How much longer is this going to happen?
Derek: I don't know. One thing's for sure, we're going to need help.
Lewis: Okay. Look outside, and keep guard while I call our superiors.

London, MI6 Headquarters.

MI6 Operative: *Walks to a man sitting behind a desk* Sir, Agent's King, and O'Rourke on the white scrambler....
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