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posted by KitkatKaysa
(Before we start I would just like to point out that this is how to get CLEARER skin. I'm not promising that you’re going to get clear skin, because technically nobody has perfectly clear skin).

So if you’re Чтение this Статья Ты either want to achieve and maintain clearer skin или you’re just really bored.

First off let's start out with the basics....

Of course Ты should cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin 1-2 times daily.

-A cleanser is what cleans your skin. It removes the dirt, oil and makeup off your skin. Be sure to not wash your face еще then twice a day, unless Ты were sweating profusely.

-A toner is something that Ты use after a cleanser. It acts as somewhat of a backup to the cleanser. It’s еще geared toward people with oily skin, because it balances out the oil. So, if Ты don’t have oily skin I recommend using it only once a day. Remember to get one without alcohol, because it can aggravate and dry out your skin.

-A moisturizer is what Ты would call lotion for your face. Remember even if your skin is very oily Ты still HAVE to moisturize. When all you’re doing is cleansing, cleansing, cleansing your skin is going to get stripped of its natural oils. When your skin gets stripped of natural oils, it’ll try to replenish the natural oils by producing sebum. This means excessive oil, which leads to breakouts. Ты won’t have to worry about your moisturizer making Ты break out as long as your buy an oil-free moisturizer.

So these three products are essential to get and maintain clear skin. I would recommend natural products.

I use Burt’s Bees: Soap Bark and Chamomile Cleanser, 100% witch hazel (use it as my toner) and then some Болталка moisturizer. Remember though…products are good, but Ты shouldn’t rely on them. They only do so much.


So now we’re going to focus on so oh-so simple things Ты can do that will help Ты get and maintain clearer skin.

WATER! Yes, you’ve heard this 1,000’s of times. Truthfully though, Ты are supposed to be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water flushes out all of the toxins in your body…So it’s going to be what cleanses your body inside and out.

SLEEP! Zzzzzzzz…..Again Ты all heard getting your Z’s will help Ты maintain clearer skin. You’re supposed to get 8 hours of sleep (there’s that little magic number 8 again). When Ты sleep your skin regenerates itself and you’re non-stressed.

*Here’s a little helpful tip: Try and sleep on your back, because when you’re laying on your back your face is not touching your подушка (which is full of oil, dirt, makeup, grease, germs, etc. YUCK!) and your hairs out of your face. If Ты must sleep on your side change your подушка case at least once a week and pull your hair up and pull your bangs out of your face.

HYGIENE! Well duh! This is another obvious one. If Ты don’t have good hygiene Ты might as well Kiss your clear skin goodbye. This includes washing your face 1-2 times daily, washing your hands before Ты touch your face and washing your hair. Also, cleaning your makeup brushes will help, because Ты don’t want to put those dirty makeup brushes on your face. Make sure anything that touches your face (example: your cell phone) is at least cleaned off with an anti-bacterial wipe once every two days. Make sure the environment all around Ты is clean! When everything is clean around Ты you’ll definitely feel it.

EXERCISE. Ты may be thinking “huh? Exercise? How can that help”?, but trust me it does. Exercise increases blood circulation which is really good for your skin and it lowers your stress levels. Plus, exercising always helps me feel a lot better about myself!

*Remember to clean your face after Ты exercise! Dirt + oil + sweat= A breakout

YOUR DIET :/….Truthfully Ты are what Ты eat. Ты need to make sure Ты eat foods that are good for you! The еще colorful the Еда the better (THAT DOES NOT INCLUDE M&M’S, SKITTLES, GUMMI BEARS или any other colorful Конфеты for that matter). Any Фрукты или vegetable is better then a bag of skittles. There are foods that can fight breakouts for example tomatoes, lemons, strawberries and blueberries are all high in antioxidants, which all cleanse your body. It’s hard to eat so healthy, but there are tiny little tweaks Ты can make. Instead of buying regular old potato chips go for baked chips. If your craving a sweet go for dark Шоколад или some fruit. Instead of having pop have a glass of water with lemon, tea, или сок (but actually сок can be just as high in sugar). Try to avoid greasy food, which is the definition of bad health.

RELAX….This kind of goes under the same category as sleep, but just taking 5-10 минуты out of your день (relax, power nap или meditate) can really lower your stress levels.


Some other basics to get and maintain clearer skin…

Ты should try to exfoliate once a week at the least. An exfoliater removes dirt and dead skin that accumulate on your skin after so long. Your skin will have nice soft glow after Ты exfoliate! I use CURE Natural Aqua Gel (a little pricey, but it’s worth it).

Clay Mask- Another thing I do at least once a week. A clay mask is something that draws out all impurities to the surface of the skin. So to all the people out there with oily skin this is for you! I use April Bath and Showers Clay Mask. I found it at the dollar store for only a dollar. It’s the only clay mask I have used and I plan on continuing to use it. I actually stocked up on them. xD

A moisturizing mask- This is optional and is еще geared towards people who have dry skin. It will moisturize exceptionally and will make your skin baby soft! I use Skin Food: рис, райс Mask. It leaves my skin sooo soft.

Facial Steaming-Is good to open up those pore. I recommend doing this before Ты use a clay mask. Just get a boiling bowl of water (or if the water in your sink gets hot enough fill your sink up) and hover your face over it…Also put a towel over your head, because it will contain the steam! Ты can do this once a week for a glowing complexion.

Lastly….Green tea!

I personally have not used it as a drink yet, but there are so many rave reviews on it!

I won’t explain much, I’ll let the reviews do the talking, but not only does it help clear and maintain skin it has sooo many other health benefits. It’s just as good as water! What I like to do is mix green чай leaves (I just cut open the чай bag), honey (which is something else that is supposed to be good fighting acne when applied to the skin) and water together in a little bottle. After I moisturize I splash it on my face a few times, rub it in, rinse it off and moisturize again. I’ve noticed that my skin has improved since using this.

Just remember that acne (blackheads, whiteheads etc) is not something to be ashamed of. Don’t let it ruin your life, because it’s a normal thing! So…I hope this proves to be helpful to at least one person. Good Luck! (:

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