Болталка Things about Dib.

Diblover111 posted on Apr 17, 2010 at 12:01AM
Ok so I know a lot of you know I'm freakin' in love with Dib. And I know most of you have no idea who Dib is. So here are a few things about Dib

1. He has glasses.
2. Everyone, including his dad, thinks he's insane.
3. His dad is a freakin' famous scientist, so his dad has no time for his children.
4. When his dad does have time, he always talks about how Dib should study "Real science"
5. No one knows anything about Dib's mom or what happened to her. NO ONE
6. Dib is obssessed with the paranormal. He believes in ghosts, bigfoot, and, of course, aliens.
7. Dib is probably the smartest kid in his class.
8. Dib is 12 years old.
9. Dib's teacher is really creepy. Her name is Ms. Bitters.
10. Dib once was officially declared crazy. He was put in an insane asylum, but escaped.
11. Zim (Dib's arch enemy) once ruined Dib's childhood. Since it's hard to explain the whole story, just look up Bad Bad Rubber Piggy episode.
12. Dib's sister hates him for no reason, and often tries to send him into an "nightmare world"
13. Dib has a dimension in his brain that consists of many nightmare creatures.
14. Dib's main goal in life it to expose Zim as an alien.
15. The one girl (Tak) Dib has ever come close to loving, turned out to be a alien, and he sent her back into space.
16. Dib is a part of an association called the Swollen Eyeball.
17. Dib has had many paranormal experiences, but no one believes him on anything.
18. Here's a video for Dib...

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Больше года Diblover111 said…
Apperently it didn't do my video. here