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Aoi ~ The oldest member of the band. An absolutely amazing guitarist and a totally lovable guy too. Used to have a lip piercing

Alarm clock ~ During the winter Kai finds it really hard to wake up so he sets two alarm clocks to go off an час before he's meant to wake up

April Fools день ~ Kai got tricked on April fools день and didn't really understand what had happened until 5 days later

Anger ~ All the members of Gazette [except Aoi of course] agree that Aoi is the grumpiest of them all and can be very 'hotheaded'

Austria ~ Gazette's photobook 'Verwelktes Gedicht' was shot in Austria


Bath ~ Place where Aoi he gets еще inspired to Составить melodies and lyrics.

Batteries ~ What Kai always buys at convenience stores

Bikkle ~ A drink that Uruha sometimes treats Reita to after Reita has done something nice for Uruha [e.g when he helped him to transport an amp from his room]

Bis ~ Another band on ps-company who are very good Друзья with Gazette

Bonkura ~ People used to call Reita 'Bonkura' when he was means 'blockheaded'

Bugs ~ Reita HATES them [especially mosquitoes]


Конфеты maker ~ If Reita wasn't a rock звезда he сказал(-а) he's probably be a Конфеты maker

Carpenter ~ If he wasn't a musician, Aoi would want to be a carpenter.

Cherries ~ Reita сказал(-а) that he finds a woman with a вишня in her mouth erotic

Cocayne суп ~ Gazette's first ever mini album. It was released on the 28th May 2003 and has some Популярное songs on it such as 'Beautiful 5[shit]ers' and 'Shiawasa na hibi'

Кока-кола ~ What Uruha craves after a live

Cooking ~ Kai-chan's favourite past time. He loves to cook with cabbage and various recipes can be found on his section of the site. And he wears the cutest little фартук So take a look and maybe even try out some of his recipes here. Rei-chan says that he doesn't like Kai's cooking...but admits he can't cook ^

Clone ~ If Uruha won the lottery then he'd make a clone of himself...and call it Uruha 2!!

Curse Видео ~ Reita and Ruki both say that the most frightening thing they've ever done is watch a curse video


Dialect ~ Aoi can speak 3 dialects which is the reason if Reita wanted to be another member for the день he would choose Aoi

DIM ~ 4th Studio Album. Released on July 15, 2009.

Dir en grey ~ Kai likes Dir en grey

Disorder ~ Gazette's first full length album filled with awesome songs like 'Saraba', 'Carry?' and 'Anti pop'

Dreams ~ Our guys really have had some weird dreams...Ruki's nearly been killed by a cat, Uruha's been shot, Aoi saw laughing corpses, Reita was the vocalist of Gazette and...Kai's mother was Reita

Drinking ~ Drinking...all of Gazette do it...whether it's Asahi Super Dry, Smirnoff или яблоко сок

Drivers licence ~ Kai got his drivers licence on the 6th January, yay!! All of the others already had theirs...Kai just got his a bit later




Face-off ~ Reita's favourite movie of all time

France ~ The place that Kai and Reita most want to go

Frankfurters ~ I take it he doesn't mean just the sausage and еще like the whole of the hot dog...anyways, yeah, Ruki likes to eat these

Fun ~ During lives, Kai always checks to make sure all of the members are having fun


Gackt ~ Kai once сказал(-а) he really wants to have a 'session' with Gackt.

Gambler$ ~ A brand of clothing Ruki likes to wear

Gazette ~ All our lovely gaze-guys rolled into one band, what could be better? We all Любовь them for who they are and what they do so let's hope they continue the way they are...all the luck in the world to Ты Gazette!!

Glasses ~ Uruha thinks that he looks smart in glasses

Grandfather ~ Once Uruha is a 'gramps' he won't think about doing things in your youth without understanding

Grinning ~ Uruha has a habit of looking at people and grinning

Golf ~ At school Ruki attended golf club


Happiness ~ Aoi is happiest when he's making music, Reita when listening to Музыка or, like when Kai's happiest, at lives. Ruki's happy when he can feel the winter breeze and Uruha's happy when he's in Любовь

Herniated disk ~ Ever since he was a child, Ruki had problems with his spine and had to get it operated on in the first год in high school

Homesickness ~ Sometimes, when on tours или away from home, poor little Uruha-chan suffers from homesickness

Hospital ~ In an interview Kai once talked about the time he was hospitalized. He сказал(-а) that it was a very emotional time, and that he received 1000 cranes...


Initial D ~ Reita's favourite comic


Judgement день ~ A dvd of one of Gazette's концерт packed with amazing live performances


Kai ~ Gazette's lovely, amazing, caring, inspiring drummer. He joined shortly after Yune left and shows some absolutely amazing talent on the drums! He's the member that prefers яблоко сок to alcohol.


Laptop ~ Something that Reita really wants.

Letters ~ Ruki admits that he never apologised to his parents when he had done something wrong but, instead, wrote them a letter of apology and slipped it under their pillows when they were sleeping

Lip ring ~ Aoi used to have one

Loans ~ The worst mistake of Uruha's life was, as he said, taking out a lot of loans

Лондон ~ Ruki сказал(-а) that he really wants to come to Лондон one день

Luna Sea ~ The band that influenced all of the Gazette members...apart from Aoi...because he сказал(-а) lots of bands have influenced him


Macho ~ Reita would like to be macho in 5 years time...and еще macho in 10 years time

Marilyn Manson ~ He сказал(-а) that he wanted to go to a Marilyn Manson концерт

Man ~ None of Gazette are dissatisfied with being a guy and none would particularly prefer to be a girl

Marlboro ~ All of the members of Gazette smoke this brand [or used to] apart from Reita who prefers Mild Seven Light

Mars ~ Uruha wants to migrate to Mars

Mayonnaise ~ Kai loves mayonnaise

Meat ~ Reita сказал(-а) he gets excited in front of the meat store

Mind and сердце ~ When Uruha first meets someone he always notices their personality, mind and сердце first.

Monkey ~ Kai sometimes compares himself to a monkey

Mouthwash ~ After lives, Aoi has a habit of gargling mouthwash


Naked ~ If no-one's around then Kai sleeps naked

Nervous ~ People frequently say that Ruki's a nervous person...I have no idea why they think that but...maybe there's another side to Ruki that we haven't seen?

NIL - Considered by many, GazettE's best CD

Nose bandana ~ This is Reita's trademark and yes, he does have a nose but Kai admitted that he worries about the lack of seeing it




Pandora's box ~ Kai: "To me eroticism is like Pandora's box, you're not allowed to open it." Reita: "But Ты open that box every night." Kai: "That's true..."

Pearl ~ Kai's drum make, a very Популярное choice with a lot of indies drummers

Пианино ~ Kai first performed in front of an audience at his mum's Пианино recital when he was in the first год of his middle school

Pick-up line ~ Gazette's pick up lines consist of 'I like you' [with an added kehe for Ruki's version], 'Since I like Ты a lot, will Ты go out with me?' and 'Stick with me!!'

Presents ~ Uruha once сказал(-а) that receiving presents from Фаны is very important to him

Ps-company ~ Gazette's current record company. Популярное bands and artists such as Miyavi , Kagrra and Alice nine are signed up to ps-company too as well as the not-so-famous-but-just-as-good bands like Kra, Bis and Devil christ 13




Reila ~ A collection of three singles, Reila Lesson G, Reila Lesson O and Reila Lesson D.

Reita ~ Gazette's bassist, always mistaken for not having a nose. Although he can be quite quiet, Reita sometimes reveals his mad side and sends the fangirls crazy.

Rivals ~ Kai says his rival is Ruki...and Ruki says his rivals are all of the other members...

Ruki ~ The vocalist and most daring member of the band onstage. Ruki's the youngest member and is admired and loved for his determination and total madness. He has some cute times and some scary times but that's Ruki and we all Любовь him for it

Runny nose ~ On stage, Aoi always checks to make sure he doesn't have a runny nose.


Satan bitchies ~ Gazette's online Магазин чулок lots of [well, a few] Gazette items

Scented baths ~ Aoi likes scented baths

Shinjuku Station ~ Station where the band hosted a secret Показать on November 15, 2008. It was supposed to be for 215 people, but instead +7000 people showed up, causing the police to shut it down after 2 songs.

Sideburns ~ Aoi has a habit of playing with his sideburns

Sleep ~ Reita and Kai both find lack of sleep the worst thing on tours...and Kai always moans 'sleepy'

SMAP ~ The first ever live Kai went to

Stacked Rubbish ~ 3rd Studio Album. Released on July 4, 2007.

Strawberries - Ruki hates them, because, when he was little, on his birthday he ate to many and got sick.

Stress ~ Being in a band is an extremely difficult time and the members relieve their stress by games, smoking and knocking out in the car

Superstition ~ Gazette aren't very superstitious and the only superstitious stuff they think is to believe in themselves and that the еще modest someone is, the еще people will be drawn to them...not exactly what I call anything to do with superstition but still...


Takanori Hatakeyama ~ A Japanese боксер and Reita's hero

Teasing ~ Uruha сказал(-а) that teasing Kai is Популярное among the members poor


Uncle ~ Uruha's an uncle. He has two little nephews

Uruha ~ Gazette's other guitarist. He does the most amazing гитара solos and has such a unique sense of style. Very Популярное among fans, loved by Фаны and very highly respected by Фаны for all his hard work!


водка ~ Uruha loves to drink it...he's a vodkaholic


Wakaramichi ~ Wakaramichi was Gazette's first single released on 30th April 2002 and Kai also has it as his ringtone

Warts ~ Uruha had a 'huge wart', as he says, on his neck when he was litte and got it cut off with scissors when he was 8


X Япония ~ The first ever live Ruki's went


Yakuza ~ Uruha's most frightening memory was being chased by the Yakuza [the Japanese mafia]

Yune ~ He was the ударник, барабанщик of the Gazette until January 21st 2003. With him, they recorded Doro Darake no Seishun, Warakamichi, and Senchimentaru Onigokko. The last known musical appearance of him was on 27/06/2010, on a tribute Показать to Buck-Tick, with the band 「ONE NIGHT BALLET MOONLIGHT HIBIKI」(he was under the name of Dr. Dekith)
Yune's blog: link

Detail: the фото is still from the time he was on the GazettE

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