Total Drama Island Fancharacters Club
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added by Butterscotch000
Source: Me! ALL ME!
added by silvaria_fan23
Source: A Base From DeviantArt
added by Elkhat-Law
added by NoahxCourtney77
added by Lolly4me2
Source: deviantART
posted by bcthestrongest
Demon " nigga Trent is scary as hell even if im his friend"
Nicki" who the fuck does Heather think she is she touch my сделать ставку, ipod one еще time i vote her and kick her behind out"
Шоколад "yea im with Leshawna but little miss cit is on me im not her fucking friend she needs to see that"
Kush "well i made it here and im so dam sick of the juvenile bothering me and my brothers i kick his жопа, попка if he didnt have his нож and his crew"
Vac Lh and Lb "its awesome to hang with Trent but being bother by Duncan the juvy needs to go down"
Kenya Конфеты and Cebella" yes we made it with chef and them but Heather and Alejandro needs to go down"
November October and December"we Любовь the juvy Duncan and the nigga Trent but Harold hurt our паук he is so gone sorry leshawna"
posted by jadore_renard
 падуб, holly, холли Goldman-Grey
Holly Goldman-Grey
first of all, if Ты at going to use my OCs can Ты please take your time to read their info? I'm kind of tired having them portrayed completely out of character. I know I probably sound like a major сука for complaining, but it really does get on my nerves when people do things like make a character who's a vegan eat meat and actually enjoy doing it -_-'

Talia Channing; formerly 'Tappy'

Nicknames: Tali

Date of Birth: December 2nd (16 years old)

height: 5'3

weight: 106 lbs

personality: Talia is a shy and rather quiet girl around people she doesn't know, but once she warms up to Ты she never...
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added by poophead4837ext
Source: myself
added by poophead4837ext
Source: myself
added by xxXsk8trXxx
added by colecutegirl
Source: Присоединиться me crack
added by obssesedTDIgirl
Source: Me, TheEdMinistrater on DA for base
added by bcthestrongest
Source: me
added by bcthestrongest
Source: me
Minka: I need Ты guys to try to convince people to vote Золото off.
Rochelle: Okay.
Minka: Say they're obviously not serious about this game if they got caught twice.
Rochelle: Okay.

*Gold's Confessional*
Annie: So we're hearing Minka telling оранжевый to vote us off. We have to do everything in our power to convince people to make us leave.

Geoff: Yo, Violet.
*Izzy and Amethyst walks up to the jail*
Annie: We need Ты guys to convince everyone to vote Yellow off.
Izzy: Okay.
*Hunter's din*
Zoey: Эй, guys, can we talk?
Scott: Sure.

*Red's Confessional*
Elodie: So Rochelle and Zoey come into...
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I'll only put the prologue .. because I can't the actual story (since they all have random-ass names and they ALL start with Vetos POV.. e_e ) I'll find it later though ;p

and this was made before Veto had a girlfriend, Blake only had navy blue hair
I'm pretty sure this is the first ...story thinger I made about OCs
(unless Ты count my утиль, барахло, мусор I wrote at 8years ...)


Blakes POV

There's these two girls I know, Nicole and Ronnie. They're both really sweet,friendly and awesome. Nicole has long brown hair, with радуга streaks in it, which is pretty damn awesome. She has EPIC purple...
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I never actually wrote a prologue или an index (kinda pointless I guess) but its worth a shot...
I'm obsessed with writing& I had an idea for a story :P I'll need parts too.

Either there both for a Prologue или one would be an index... I fail at Письмо things...

Ever since I was a kid, my best friend was Luna Reid. Although we call each other by our last names. She has beautiful long light brown hair, and real colourful eyes. If Ты look into them long enough, they look like they change colour. Thats not the point. When we were around 13, we told each other we would never date. No matter how...
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this may be very bad because this is my first story

mirra p.o.v
finnaly karate class is over! i'm very tired and my Кости are hurting everywhere! god i really have no freaking idea how i can do all these stuff it's ten o'clock, after karate class i dicided to go and get something to drink so i walked to a cafe nearby, but when i walked down the streets i hear some.......screaming.....i didn't waiste a секунда and ran to the place the screaming came from

there i saw 5 boys punshing,kicking at hitting a boy who was lying on the ground with a bat."HE!!" i screamed as loud as i could. the boys looked...
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Kylie: Aimee? Is everything alright?
Aimee: I'm okay don't worry. Just leave me alone.
Jesse: We're here for you!
Aimee: I know! I сказал(-а) leave me alone!
Kylie: Please...
Aimee: *eyes turn red* I сказал(-а) leave!
Aimee: *looks at Jesse on the ground with his head and hands covered in blood* Jesse... *looks at Kylie with her face covered in blood* Kylie? No... No.. I- didn't...!
Bad Aimee: Well, well, well look at this mess! We better clean this up soon! What if we have company!
Aimee: W-what!?! Your me... What is going on!?!
Bad Aimee: Yes I am a part of you. Nice to meet you!
Aimee: You're a part...
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