Demon " nigga Trent is scary as hell even if im his friend"
Nicki" who the fuck does Heather think she is she touch my сделать ставку, ipod one еще time i vote her and kick her behind out"
Шоколад "yea im with Leshawna but little miss cit is on me im not her fucking friend she needs to see that"
Kush "well i made it here and im so dam sick of the juvenile bothering me and my brothers i kick his жопа, попка if he didnt have his нож and his crew"
Vac Lh and Lb "its awesome to hang with Trent but being bother by Duncan the juvy needs to go down"
Kenya Конфеты and Cebella" yes we made it with chef and them but Heather and Alejandro needs to go down"
November October and December"we Любовь the juvy Duncan and the nigga Trent but Harold hurt our паук he is so gone sorry leshawna"
Nicki" who the fuck does Heather think she is she touch my сделать ставку, ipod one еще time i vote her and kick her behind out"
Шоколад "yea im with Leshawna but little miss cit is on me im not her fucking friend she needs to see that"
Kush "well i made it here and im so dam sick of the juvenile bothering me and my brothers i kick his жопа, попка if he didnt have his нож and his crew"
Vac Lh and Lb "its awesome to hang with Trent but being bother by Duncan the juvy needs to go down"
Kenya Конфеты and Cebella" yes we made it with chef and them but Heather and Alejandro needs to go down"
November October and December"we Любовь the juvy Duncan and the nigga Trent but Harold hurt our паук he is so gone sorry leshawna"

Holly Goldman-Grey