Mind Of A HighwayCreature Wall

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big smile
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Эй, hard rock fans....I am on a mission to bring rock to Fanpop! There are so many different клубы that haven't been made for so many great, classic bands yet. So I'm gonna make em'! I will be posting the Ссылки below. If Ты want еще of my clubs, message me. I'll send Ты the Ссылки so Ты can join. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Link one - Captain Beyond. link Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Thank you! Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Not rock, but equally awesome musicion - link Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Obama has withdrew the troops from Iraq (finally)! Any thoughts? Опубликовано Больше года
stramming прокомментировал(-а)…
Not soon enough... Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Yeah, really. Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
I've just made a new club on Bill Hicks, one of the most intellectual performers and funniest comedians of our age. Feel free to Присоединиться the club, and if Ты haven't even heard of Mr. Bill Hicks, please do yourself a favor and check him out! Here's the link:link Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
K Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Fanpop deleted one of my awesome clubs, this makes me sad. I thought Fanpop believed in freedom of speech and expression? Опубликовано Больше года
Astralwing прокомментировал(-а)…
Which one was it? Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
It was one of my new ones, "The Музыка Mind of Charles Manson." The club was a celebration of the philosophies and Музыка that Manson created while in San Quinten and Corcoran prison. He also created an environmental group called 'ATWA: Air, Trees, Water, Animals'. The club of course was NOT in celebration of Tate-Labianca murders of the 1960's what so ever. It was meant to be a positive club that reflects upon the case, and the cool music, and the group of ATWA. I see no reason why it was taken down. Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
I sent them a message, so hopefully they get back to me with an explanation of some sort... Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
There seems to be an even еще abundant amount of police brutality lately concerning the occupy protests. Apparently a pregnant woman was punched in the stomach by a cop, then had a bike run into her stomach by another, and then pepper sprayed.Three days later...she had a miscarriage. Talk about shitty public servants. Read the whole artical here: link Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom. - William Blake Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
"When the doors of perception are cleansed, everything will appear to man as it truly is; infinite." Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Today is November 5th! It's bank transfer day! Get your money out of the big banks and put it in the local banks and credit unions! Let these big banks fall! Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
How is everyone doing? Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
Pissed at my phone -,-!!!! Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Hey, fuck Ты phone! Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
It's giving me hell on posting shit!!!! Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
I just got back from a protest with Lantage1 and Astralwing. It was a good time. I even got on TV. :) Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
My new Club - link Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
FUCKING POLICE ON Стена STREET, MAN!!!! WTF?? Check out the Видео I Опубликовано in the video section...it's just fucking stupid!! Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
I did Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Good, the truth needs spreading. Police Brutality can not be tolerated. Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
I agree Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
TV Land....aka, America. Sadly, reality has been exchanged for an artificial one. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
I have such Любовь for civil disobedience....and BIG WORDS!!!! Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
5000 Protestors in on the Occupy Стена улица, уличный protests now...how cool! Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
700 PROTESTORS ARRESTED for blocking traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge - even though they were led to protest there by the police. They were then trapped by оранжевый barriers and then many were arrested. The cops are NOT on your side, people. Опубликовано Больше года
InvaderRaven прокомментировал(-а)…
I hate the cops anyway so I'm with Ты all the way dude. Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
GET THIS - On the Occupy Стена улица, уличный Protests - the authorities led protestors onto the brooklyn bridge so they could protest - and then arrested hundreds of them for blocking traffic!! A blatant trap for those exercising their rights in civil disobedience! The NY Times printed an artical about this on their website, then CHANGED it 20 минуты later so the NYPD wouldn't take any blame. Here's a link to the artical below. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
link Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Стена улица, уличный Protests. Civil Disobedience is not one of our rights apparently. 80 peaceful protestors have been arrested and there is even a video of an authority going nutty and pepper spraying a group of protestors who were BEHIND the baracade set up by the police. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
I'll be adding the link to this video in the video section for all to see. Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
NO mainstream news channels covered the 5000 protestors on Стена Street. Jeez, I wonder why? Possibly because it isn't in the best interest of the corporations and the REAL owners of this country. Don't wanna add to the protest numbers. Guess Civil Disobedience doesn't exist in the reality that our "News", if Ты really want to call it that, is filtering the masses. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Excuse me, I was exagerating. It wasn't 5,000 protestor. It's еще like 1,000, and the highest it has gotten to so far is 1,500. But still, it is ridiculous that this is not being covered. Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Here's some news all, starting this week, I will be posting Болталка Видео of me ranting on various political/social issues. Hopefully I don't screw up too much and they will be enjoyable to watch. Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
ill watch them Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Rockin'. :) I look вперед to your comments, if ya post em'! Больше года
Astralwing прокомментировал(-а)…
I will watch them too that'd be interesting to watch :) Больше года
Astralwing сказал(-а) …
Эй, I Опубликовано a Музыка video by Within Temptation called Mother Earth. They're rock opera kinda like Evanescence but this song sings about how much power She has. Hope Ты like it. =) Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Cool, I'll check it in a bit! Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
We must search....search for all that is occult, all that is forbidden, and all that is hidden. Because what is the truth? All of the above. So what will we do? Search! Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
The school system is designed to make Ты a good, hard working, obedient DRONE. It's for making Ты just smart enough to do your work and be able to function in society, but just DUMB enough not realize the lies and the hypocracy that is circulating constantly in this country. Put a stop to the lies and educate YOURSELF! School is for brainwashing, not educating. So Ты wanna be your own god, wanna be dependent on only Ты and Ты only? Then skip prom and go to the fuckin' library. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
I am tired of all the ignorant and uneducated idiots that are ruining this world. I'm not even talking about the greedy rich или the corporations. I'm talking the PEOPLE. The PEOPLE have become ignorant and happy-go-lucky. Unaware, oblivious, incapable of any real critical thought. The PEOPLE are SHEEPLE. But I know how to fix this. It's called reading. It's called google. Documentaries, books, articals. It's called, SELF-EDUCATION. School isn't going to cut it. Ты have to do it yourself!! Опубликовано Больше года
Astralwing прокомментировал(-а)…
Especially when school teaches Ты one-sided things...like Liberals. I hate to say it, but most teachers, even professors at colleges, are Liberal. I wouldn't have a problem with this, but it's the fact that we're not evenly balance. We have to have balance. Mr. Furrer is the only teacher in that stuckup school that's Conservative but he speaks the truth, he teaches us the truth. Not many teachers are willing to do that. Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
I Любовь the Earth...it's just so capable of doing whatever it wants with us. Big boom in population? Earth says, "No problem", and gives us AIDS. No use "saving the planet" because we're just a phase - and the planet will save itself. A lot may say that this is an uncaring thing for me to say...but I think it's beautiful. Опубликовано Больше года
southern-belle прокомментировал(-а)…
haha "No problem, heres some AIDS" i Любовь that! and i don't think its uncaring, i think its real (: Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Earth rapes Ты and gives Ты a disease in the greatest way possible. Больше года
Astralwing прокомментировал(-а)…
To вверх it off when we reach our capacity rate as a race, the Earth will provide some natural disaster to wipe most of us out, if not all. Look at the dinosaurs. They were the вверх of the "foodchain" and once they reached their point of maximum capacity rate, the earth provided a massive extinction. Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Yep. Динозавры were only one phase of the earth, and so are humans. Больше года
Cherry9090 сказал(-а) …
Just wandering what do u think about the necronomicon?!?! Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Cherry! Sorry it took me so long to get back to this, I just completely overlooked your post, sorry about that! My thoughts on the Necronomicon - I think it's a great literary creation by a brilliant man, that being, Автор H.P. Lovecraft. That was where the term for necronomicon originated. I believe its occult meanings originate from a Brit named Kenneth Grant - who made the unconsciouss connection between the literary invention of the Necronomicon and Aleister Crowley. Grant believed the necronomicon was a book that could be read only in astral form through the use of rituals. Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
LOL that's Ok!!! And I believe the same and I own a copy and the read was amazing I enjoyed it very much .... Plus I'm able to scare bible assholes with it apparently in their eyes it's an satanist book that can raise the devils army and stuff.. After Чтение it the book myself I'll say their ate spells and chants and incantaions with in the pages but I thought it was funny how the *bible thumping berthas* ran like hell after seeing that I own a copy Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
I have Опубликовано a new artical called "Questioning The Gods". Please feel free to read. Опубликовано Больше года
InvaderRaven прокомментировал(-а)…
I read it and loved it <3 Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
I'm glad Ты dig, InvaderRaven. Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
I read and enjoyed it Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Ego is a too much thing Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Ron Paul....is constantly being ignored by the media, and it is unfortunate that his party is playing games with him. He's been truthful for 30 years, and he's an honest libertarian with well set standards. Some I do disagree with sure, but all the same...he shouldn't be being ignored. Опубликовано Больше года
snowwhitesilver прокомментировал(-а)…
Word! Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
I am a supporter of President Obama. I believe he is a good man...who, very unfortunately, is unable to really do anything due to a biased congress. Опубликовано Больше года
MissfitJinx прокомментировал(-а)…
that is true. he inherited george куст, буш crap outhouse toilet. Больше года
MissfitJinx прокомментировал(-а)…
add me Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Yep. Obama gets a bad rap. He's a smart man, but what can he do? Nothing, besides carry on plan of the old bosses. Thank Ты for adding me. Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
When the power of Любовь overcomes the Любовь of power, the world will know peace. - Jimi Hendrix. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Take god off our money - take him out of our pledge - he's not for everyone - not everyone wants him anymore - it's not 1836, it's 2011. Time for a change. Time to drop 2000 год old superstitions and develop and progress as a society. Опубликовано Больше года
Lantage1 прокомментировал(-а)…
too bad our society cant Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
i wish they could im sick and tired of hearing about him *god this god that* god can go suck a dick for all i care hes nothing to me just a fairytale and nothing еще Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Just wrote an artical on Jehovas Witnesses. Please feel free to read and comment! Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
i did i read and прокомментировал(-а) and i enjoyed it LOL Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
I am of the opinion that all soft drugs should be legalized. Marijuana, LSD, peyote, DMT, etc. These are mind expansive, value changing drugs. They have risks, like any damn thing else, sure, but they can proove useful, and they can enlighten. Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
I'll be honest I am 100% against drugs idc how hard или soft they r their all bad and I have seen stupid they make p act when in use they all should be outlawed if ppl need drugs to appear smart they their dumber them shit when straight ... I'm sorry I'm just against it and anyone who does them Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
That's your opinion, and I am find with that. But let me Дебаты Ты a bit here, especially about Марихуана here - if Ты do your research, Ты will find that weed in particular is a pretty damn безопасно, сейф drug. In fact, I don't even really see it as a drug, I see it as a herb. Weed is in fact MUCH еще healthier and better for Ты than cigarettes are, as they don't have the cancer causing substance. It is also relaxing, and I truly think if Ты like...crop dusted Iraq with marijuana, there would be no war over there. People would be standing around and be like, "what are we doing with our lives, bro?" LOL. Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
I agree with u and also sleep u can get to much and think u have to sleep all the time или I feel time или like me never sleep или hardly do sleep and stays up becomes stressed and stuff Больше года
snowwhitesilver сказал(-а) …
Thank Ты for creating this club. I fear where society is headed, and that free speech will just be a thing of the past one day. I just got railroaded in the Fanpop club 'cuz I сказал(-а) it should be fine to have клубы for certain porn stars...not porn movies, или live-action porn, but like a club for Jenna Jameson, 'cuz I read and loooooved her book, and I wanted to share my thoughts on that, see who agreed. I do tend to swear a lot, but it's nothing no one has heard. It was just a question.... Опубликовано Больше года
snowwhitesilver прокомментировал(-а)…
Correction, 'HASN'T heard' is what I meant to type..........damn type-o's! Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
It's stupid they didn't let Ты make the club for Jenna Jameson. Personally, I don't see the problem creating a club that talks about porno films/stars if it doesn't Показать the films themselves. WTF fanpop? btw, thank Ты for joining my club! Больше года
snowwhitesilver прокомментировал(-а)…
No prob, and thank Ты so very much! I couldn't even believe what happened, it was a shock! I don't know what's wrong with ppl these days, but I believe in civil liberties! I'm glad Ты do 2! It really means a lot! Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Sometimes when drifting asleep, I'll snap back awake after seeing a swirling black and white pattern in my mind and feeling a vibration in my head. I've always wondered what caused this, and after doing some research, I think it's my solar plexus chakra being activated after development in my spiritual growth. It's brief, it's vague, but it's my consciousness trying to ascend. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
"Love everybody, make them feel good about themselves." Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Idiot wind....blowing through the buttons on our coats. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Someone MUST destroy Bill O'reilly...he is not worthy... Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Screw school. It teaches Ты nothing except how to properly play the game. Preparing Ты and teaching Ты on how to be a good obediant worker. Educate yourself and figure everything about this world for yourself. School is for making Ты dumb, not for making Ты a critical thinker. Опубликовано Больше года
4everNicole прокомментировал(-а)…
LOL right on it is so stupid еще fights happen at school then the neighborhood Больше года
Iheartscene17 сказал(-а) …
Awesome club dude :D Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Thank you, thank you! Больше года
klarissa03 сказал(-а) …
#12.(: Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Thanks for the add, and thanks for joining! :) Больше года
teamalecdemetri сказал(-а) …
Joined(: Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Thank Ты very much! I appreciate it! Больше года
teamalecdemetri прокомментировал(-а)…
Youre Welcome :] Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Love. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
...is the answer. Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Read a book.....read a book.....read a book....read another book. Опубликовано Больше года
TeamSongz4eva прокомментировал(-а)…
i am! i am! yu know i am!! Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Good :) One thing I have learned.......school is for breaking your spirt in order for Ты to obey your corporate masters, colledge is for getting laid, and the библиотека is for getting educated. Книги save lives by protecting higher, еще intelligent forms of thought, and decreasing ignorance. Больше года
Cherry9090 сказал(-а) …
what do u guys think about fate?i mean ppl r always saying *fate will decide* i think we diecide our own fate in who and what we become Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
That's a very good question, and it's a Вопрос I've always had trouble answering, myself. I don't believe in fate, mostly because Ты would think such a universal thing would have good things create. Instead of true Любовь we have the slaughtered carcass that is left of humanity. Call me a downer and I will call myself a realist. I have no interest in fixing things, I only have interest in telling people how things are. I am a lover of freedom and truth. Hope is important too, but if it gets in the way of truth, I say fuck hope. Here it is, I don't believe in fate because WHO is exactly the fucked up decision maker here? Who или what thing decides the fate of every living или dead thing или matter или energy in this universe? I don't think such a thing exists. I believe that what will be will be. The people, as I've always said, have the power. No fate here....just the decisions of action and movement by mankind. It's the best I can explain it.... Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
I agree no teacher,friends,god,parents decide what and who we become that's up to us Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
Fate is not real WE decide who we r,what we will do,who to love,and who to believe in not fate not teachers not parents and certainly not god Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
I do not believe in an old man in the sky. I refuse to accept and conform to such dumb, propagandic, fascist-like, immoral standards and suicidal mentalities of Christianity. I believe only in the randomness of the universe. I am a humanist, and I try my best to help other human beings out when they are in need of my assistance. I am also a advocate of self-education and the abolishment of censorship. It's me in a nutshell. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
And might I add, meaningful randomness of the Universe, if Ты can dig what that is. Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Ah, I got ya now, JayJay. Ты dropped Catholicism, cool. But just so Ты know, Ты never really converted to Christianity, because to be a Catholic is to be a Christian. ;) Hahaha, but I totally get what Ты mean. Are Ты a left leaning christian? Because those are the people who are for allowing gay marriage, and other social issues such as that. Catholics (and the majority of Christians, unfortunately) hate gays. I've never understood why....but I guess people always feel they have to find someone in the world to hate. Grr...homophobes. Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
I Любовь a good rant, can ya tell? Больше года
spunkyonyx сказал(-а) …
integration not segregation!!! i believe in equal rights! i was raised like that by my mom she taught me that no matter what skin color или nationality someone is they are just as good as Ты and everyone else in the world! I can proudly say that i was born in the USA but i have Native American, German, and French in me and i dont give a f*ck what anyone else thinks of my nationalitys! I am proud of What and How i am, and i dont give a f*ck if someone dont like me! what about u guys?????????????? Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Right on JayJay, right on. I do not believe in ethnic pride, but I certainly see where you're coming from! The color of your skin does not dictate the limits of one's mind and loving power. Fuck all the haters. All races must ROCK ON. Больше года
spunkyonyx прокомментировал(-а)…
yes i see ppl all the time walking around with the words "WHITE PRIDE" tattooed everywere on there body, i personally hate color suprmises! i litterally hate racism and its sad that i have to live in a house with a racist father but he was born in the 50's so its what he knows so i cant change him! but i hate being called a N*gga lover it irritates the hell out of me! Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
So true. Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Hello out there. Are Ты alive and are Ты thinking?? Thinking is the only way to insure the progress of humanity. Let's get some speech going up in this сука here, people!! Опубликовано Больше года
spunkyonyx прокомментировал(-а)…
lolz ive been tying ive been trying! Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
I am alive but thinking hmmmm idk to tired Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
LOL Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Fucking PMRC....god damn censorship bullshit.....this country is going down the road of fascism. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
I hate the FCC too.....we're all slaves to this system....we're all slaves to our own ignorance. It's the PEOPLE, man. Power is among the majority and that is the people. If only the people would realize this, we wouldn't have to deal with the fascist bogus. Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
So...after 10 years...we finally have a dead Bin Laden. Thoughts, anyone? Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, all I'm looking for. Everyone feel free to speak the mind and inquire until the end of time. Опубликовано Больше года
spunkyonyx прокомментировал(-а)…
I think its great but how do we know that they didnt just kill a guy that lookl like Bin Laden???? they've done it two times before!!! Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Because they supposedly did DNA tests. Notice how I say "supposedly" because, of course, I've never seen the test for myself. I don't even think they've been released on file for the public. Hell, Obama won't even release a photograph! Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Thoughts on Censorship?? I despise it. It prohibits freedom of expression and First amendment rights. Literally everything is censored. TV, music, magazines, newspapers, all mainstream media news sources of course, classic literature, advertisements, on and on and on. If it were up to me, censorship would be abolished. Ты can not prohibit expression, and Ты can not prohibit the production of art. ABOLISH THE FUCKER. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
All we need to keep is a ratings system, and maybe a warning label. Otherwise, abolish the damned thing. It does nothing but make us an ignorant and fascist society. Больше года
Lantage1 прокомментировал(-а)…
it bothers me to see people actually enjoying a Показать they are watching when all Ты hear is because this *bleep* a*bleep* *bleep* is just a dumb *bleep* my *bleep* man..how the heck can Ты enjoy something like this? just like the cds at stores, like your experience tylor, Wal Mart. lazy BASTARDS! Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Exactly. If I say "bleep you, dude" instead of saying "Fuck you, dude", then it just takes the purpose straight out of the lyric. Больше года
spunkyonyx прокомментировал(-а)…
lolz i hate when stuff gets censored! lolz i got a Эминем cd thats censored and i hear like one word in ever 4 sentences! lolz Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Hey. Peace, everyone. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Anyone old enough to vote yet? I'll be 18 in 2012. Guess who I'm voting for? No one. I will be staying Главная on election день because this country was bought and paid for a lonnnggg time ago. America is run by 800 to 900 rich assholes who don't give a fuck about anyone else. They're going to do whatever they want to do. Doesn't matter who Ты vote for. The shit they shuffle around in this country every год doesn't matter. The politicians are the illusion. I don't vote. I don't play the game. Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 сказал(-а) …
I was told recently thank revenge is a good thing,I'm like how?the person replied 'an eye for and eye' but I don't believe that way yes I was violently abused and yes I'm still suffering emotionally but I choose to forgive because 'an eye for an an eye leaves everyone blind' if u go around ur whole life seeking revenge then the hatred will eat ur soul and blacken ur сердце and me personally I am not like that.what do u guys think? Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Ты are correct. "An eye for an eye" is a quote by Ghandi. If I were you, I would rather take Совет from Ghandi then the person who told Ты "Revenge is a good thing." Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
EDIT: Never finished the quote in my above comment. It should have сказал(-а) "An eye For An Eye Wil Make The Whole World Blind" Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
I agree with u on that I do have a voiltent streak in me but I choose not to us it unless I have to Больше года
TeamSongz4eva сказал(-а) …
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
My thoughts on Любовь triangels, hmmm....they suck!! Больше года
TeamSongz4eva прокомментировал(-а)…
LOL i swear i could just see Ты nansering tht Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
THE DEATH PENALTY. What are your thoughts on this issue? Is it reasonable punishment, and is it justice? Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
Interesting subject, I believe that the ones who are stupid enough to do, drugs,theift,murder, these are either stupid kids are bray dead adults of ppl are stupid enough to do it then they should Храбрая сердцем enough to serve their punishments Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
That's an interesting point of view, actually, Cherry. I've never thought to bring bravery into the equation. My thoughts on this -- everyone tells me the death penalty is pure justice for the crimes murderers have committed. But is it really justice? I mean, death is the END of suffering. When death arrives, the pain of life is over. Isn't justice served better with a life sentence in prison? The idea of the death penalty is that a murderer will get his punishment, death. It seems fair. But then again, something just seems off-kilter with the idea of murdering our murderers. Don't ya think that may be a tell-tale sign of a bizzare and macabre society? Больше года
spunkyonyx сказал(-а) …
why are some ppl so cruel??? i mean i see ppl getting beat up and bullied and picked on! i use to be one of the ppl who got beat up and bullied school! but then i was trancfured! but i dnt understand why some ppl are just so damn mean and cruel! Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
It's a good question. People are cruel for many reasons. Most, I would say, psychological. Something went wrong, and they take it out on others. Possibley they feel insecure of themselves, или things are not right at Главная with their family and loved ones. There are a thousand reasons and excuses for people's cruelty. Nonetheless, these reasons do not justify their actions. Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
We ALL need to learn to be passive. We need to understand that we are all of the same material, we are all from the same planet, and we are all one. We need to learn how to open our fucking minds and Любовь each other. Больше года
spunkyonyx прокомментировал(-а)…
i dont reflect my problems on others cuz its not there fault they didint cause me to be the way i am! lolz thanks! Больше года
spunkyonyx сказал(-а) …
Hi im Jay! Im Cherry9090 and TeamSongz4eva's lil sis! i like this Иконка lolz!!! lolz hi!!!............... *blushes and runs and hides* Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Hello! Welcome to the club. Feel free to speak the mind! Больше года
spunkyonyx прокомментировал(-а)…
hello! thanks! okay lolz! this is gonna be fun! Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Life is just a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves. Опубликовано Больше года
TeamSongz4eva прокомментировал(-а)…
if thats the case i never wanna wake up from it Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Good for you. It's hard for most (me included) to enjoy life. Больше года
TeamSongz4eva сказал(-а) …
how do Ты think? i think in words and pictures:)) and obviously my thoughts are in black and white<3 Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
I think in small clips of film. Больше года
TeamSongz4eva прокомментировал(-а)…
LOL i do too Больше года
TeamSongz4eva сказал(-а) …
your thoughts on abortion? personally i think its wrong because even if Ты didnt want that child well someone else cant have a child and well we should let them take advantage of us.ya know? me personaly have never had an aborton или a child and i dont know anyone who has had an abortion but it fucks up your life from wha i heard...

Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Whether или not I agree on abortion depends on the stage of development of the fetus. Remember boys and girls, for the first four (or is it six?) weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is not fullly formed, it does not yet have thoughts, it does not yet feel anything. It has no consciousness. So, if you're going to have an abortion, have it in the first four (six?) weeks. Do this, and Ты are not, I repeat, NOT kiling a child, Ты are merely preventing it from existing. What Ты are really doing is destroying the fetus. However, after that four to six week period of fetus development, it begins to form nerve ending and starts to obtain the ability to feel. Then it is a whole different story. Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Good subject btw, Bee. :) Loving your Стена posts so far. Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
honestly i dont bleive in it for a few reasons theres a difference between y u should или should get it done.if u where forsed and the ending resort is pregancy and u cant take care of the child then its ok but putting the child up for adoption is better ,now if u going aroung sleeping with ppl even a steady bf without prtection and u wind up prego then y make a child suffer for ur going?use protection for wait until marriage dont be stupid and dont make an innocent child even a fetus suffer its wrong.but agine this is my own opoin and i think its wrong but it all depends on the person Больше года
TeamSongz4eva сказал(-а) …
i was watchin a documentary on drugs like Кока-кола and X..well im sittin there and i am not even on thta stuff and i feel what they feel?? why?? and i dont even h\ave to cuz i have Ты guys and Ты guys make me feel that way..and lemme say its kinda stupid cuz if Ты do Кока-кола and snort the shit up ur nose then Ты guna get a hole in there and then Ты gots to get surgery..stupid!!!!!! and then on X...well it messes with your brain:(( why do peeps do drugs:( i hope the ones i Любовь out there dont do Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
I don't know why people decide they want to do drugs. Perhaps it's pure pressure, wanting to fit in или be cool, или maybe they just want to be daring and try something new for a cheap thrill. Who knows? Only "drugs" I would do come from the earth - mainly weed, LSD, peyote, soft drugs such as those. But we should remember that weed is not a drug -- it is a herb. And LSD is a fungus that grows on rye. Больше года
TeamSongz4eva прокомментировал(-а)…
okkkkO_O whats your point :(( Ты didnt make me feel any better Cree Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
i have lived with ppl who do drugs my dad and brother and im totally 100% aginst it ppl act stupid and do stupid things when they do them i have no use for ppl who do them its a poor reason to make freinds and fit in becuase all it is stupid ppl put emos down becuase they cut well drugs is like cutting its gets addicted and hard to stop just like drugs.i perfer to keep a clear head and het high on Любовь and life who needs fake happiness? Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
What are your thoughts on America's involvement in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan? Aka, the Iraq "War"? Опубликовано Больше года
Lantage1 прокомментировал(-а)…
its all Показ us how powerful we are. but its just a waste of money and time. wasting people for no cause is wrong, well wasting people in general is wrong. Больше года
TeamSongz4eva прокомментировал(-а)…
meh it been goin on since 9/11?? man i was in kindergarten when the war started now im a freshaman and its still goin on **sadly shakes head** Больше года
TeamSongz4eva прокомментировал(-а)…
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
"Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity." - George Carlin. What do ya think of this quote? Опубликовано Больше года
TeamSongz4eva прокомментировал(-а)…
LOL i think its kinda funny:)) but meh its true in a way..beacause it means that there is no way to fight for peace..just like fucknn wont get your virginity back:)) Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
lol, it is funny. George Carlin is a GREAT stand up comedian. He's my Избранное comedian, and also one of my heros. Больше года
TeamSongz4eva прокомментировал(-а)…
LMAO I GOTA LOOK HIM UP i only listn to Brian Regan Больше года
Cherry9090 сказал(-а) …
I have noticed mainly on here that kids think its ok to me mean and hateful.Now I know speaking your mind is all good but if Ты cant do it cilvly and with diginty then why open your mouth,no body is better then one else.We all bleed if Ты cut us,we all cry if Ты break our hearts,no why add еще pain? it just shows that some ppl dont realy care and it hurts the ones who who actully care.Like me for example.I tend to get my сердце broken alot becuase i care alot.so whyr ppl hateful? Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Has there been a specific incident of this, или are Ты speaking in general? Either way, you're correct. People need to work out their differences with the acknowledgement of respect for each other, and complete civilty. Violence truly is never the answer. Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
im talking mainly what i have wittnessed growing up and on here but yes i totaly agree with u y be voilent? when u cant solve things the cilvil way Больше года
TeamSongz4eva сказал(-а) …
wow wow wow :) i think i might like this:) im Bee everyone and the post below mine is my sis:) Любовь her..let me say something i think when Ты Любовь someone because of the way they carry themselves and not mostly on the ways that they look...man it really makes the world a better place:P Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Truth has been spoken! Больше года
TeamSongz4eva прокомментировал(-а)…
:) Больше года
Cherry9090 сказал(-а) …
what i have come to relize или see over the год on here now this may not be the case with everyone but!when teens mostly say *well ill just kill myself или i wont to kill myself* 9 times out of 10 are looking for attention.now the ones who are depressed and cry alone and keep to them sleves r the ones that will 99% of the time will take thier own life.now thisi s what i have wittened on here im not saying is everybody Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Yes, I agree. I hate it when people talk about suicide only to get attention because they feel insecure of themselves. A lot of those people actually like to label themselves as "emo", and yet at the same exact time, they're always saying, "Don't label me". People like those are retarded and need a reality check on their insecurity. Real people who have suicidal thoughts however, like Ты said, usually еще often then not keep it to themselves, and only let their feelings be known through the devices of poetry/songs/or stories that they may write. Suicidal people tend to be sometimes еще creative, I find. Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
yes i totsly agree with u on this altho i am labled by other as *emo* becuase i tend to be over emotioanl alot and i have hurt myself but i do everything i can to stay away form that stuff i hate lables just be ur self and if someone labels u then just ignore it but yes i hate when ppl say things like that it makes me want to say *go ahead!* but im not that mean even tho i know they r sayimng it for attention i am always there comfertaing them even tho deep down i know they r gonna be fine Больше года
InvaderRaven прокомментировал(-а)…
hi its me Irkans,i had 2 make a new account,send me a request back pleez.love ya sis Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
Kk Sis Больше года
Cherry9090 сказал(-а) …
i joined Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Thank you! Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
most welcome Больше года
HighwayCreature сказал(-а) …
Jehova's Witnesses - today's subject. However sweet those little old ladies may seem, they ALL have the same damn mentality - that they are the only ones who have the 'right' religion. Once Ты get a moronic thought like that in your head, what do Ты go doing? Ты start going door to door and trying to convert people to YOUR religion because Ты think that YOUR god is the only way to go. Out of all the infinite possibilities of the universe, how can Ты be so narrow minded? Lame bullshit. Опубликовано Больше года
HighwayCreature прокомментировал(-а)…
Please comment, feel free to post your thoughts, people. Больше года