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Chapter 17: Awakening Nessie’s POV

    My eyes slowly opened. I noticed that I could see a tiny bit clearer and my sense of smell was a little еще finely tuned. I didn’t feel exhausted или weak anymore and there was no pain. I looked down in a panic, I was wearing different clothes and my stomach was flat. That is when I realized that I must be dead.
“Renesmee?” Jacob asked his voice breaking
    As I sat up in confusion he was at my side. He was looking at me so strangely.
    “Oh god, did Ты die too Jake?” I gasped at the difference in my voice, it had always been silky, but I practically purred as I spoke now.
    He smiled at me as though he hadn’t seen me in years. “Nessie we aren’t dead. Ты really aren’t dead…I tohught that I Остаться в живых you” He whispered as he grabbed my face ferociously our lips met urgently. I started to lay back down pulling with me, when. I noticed my parents and grandfather in the corner watching in amusement.
I sat up and looked at them all in mortification. It was so strange that my face didn’t flush like it used to. “What exactly happened?”
Jake looked at me wistfully, “You started to die in childbirth and our son saved your life.”
    I looked at him in mystification, “Don’t Ты mean our daughter? I held Sarah I saw that we had a girl. Where is she? Is my baby ok?”
    Jake grinned as he stared at my grandfather and my parents who chuckled.
He smiled at me happily and kissed my forehead. “Yes everything is fine.” He smiled wider, “ Sarah is alright and so are her brothers and sisters. Ты are the mother of sextuplets.”
I felt dizzy for a minute. “SIX?!” I asked in disbelief.
My grandfather shook his head in wonder. “I don’t know how Ты did it Renesmee. I don’t know how they didn’t kill you, even for an immortal it was close. No wonder Ты had such bad morning sickness. Your сердце stopped beating we thought that Ты were dead. Jake was going to change Ты but it all happened so quickly.”
“SIX babies…” I whispered again feeblemindedly. “I carried SIX babies?”
    Jake nodded amused by my reaction, “and Ты gave birth to them too.”
    I looked at him in wonder as sobs filled my throat. “Why don’t I remember,” I touched my cheek as I continues to sob tearlessly, “And why don’t I have any tears?”
    Jake looked at me in anguish, “You were dying Nessie, our youngest son bit your womb on the way out. He saved your life by changing Ты into a full vampire.”
    I contemplated it all for a moment it was a lot to take in. I shook my head slowly, “But how did we have so many babies?”
My grandfather nodded clearly enthused by my interest in the scientific standpoint. “ I figure that this has to do with the genetic make up of both of Ты but especially Jacob. It is almost as if Ты had a litter for lack of better words of course.
Jake looked at him through narrowed eyes, clearly offended.
Grandpa continued, ignoring his reaction. “I have been thinking about it, imprinting is meant to make the genetic lineage stronger. When Jake was transformed into a vampire he became a sort of super vampire, as did Seth and Leah. They retained their ability to shape shift as well as gaining the qualities of vampirism. They overpower Sam and the rest of the shape shifters. They are as strong as newborns permanently, like Ты Nessie and stronger than just about any vampire I have ever encountered. My theory is that the genetic line up of the two of Ты together was so well-built that it encouraged as many Дети as possible to be conceived.
“Aren’t multiples genetic?” My mother spoke up. “Jake has twin sisters.”
My grandfather nodded, “I am sure that is part of it too. It makes sense, this is the beginning of a new race so to speak it needs to start strong. They are all half vampire and half human. Interestingly enough, they also contain the extra chromosome for shape shifting that Jake has”.
My mother smiled at me, “Nessie Ты have your own little army.” She joked..
I looked wildly around the room, “Where are they, are they ok? I want to see my babies.”
My father smiled at me, “ they are fine they are out of their incubators. They no longer need to be in them. They are downstairs with everyone. He fell silent listening to the thoughts below as he chuckled. “It is taking Tanya’s coven as well as our entire family to keep them busy, they are impatient to see you”.
He eyed me carefully, “how are Ты feeling?”
“Daddy I am fine.” I truly didn’t feel that different except for the fact that I no longer had a heartbeat, which was really strange дана that mine was always so fast; the silence was new.
“We need to make sure that Ты are in full control of yourself the Дети are part human, we cannot take any chances,” my mother informed me.
I turned to her, “Mom, I can handle it.”
Grandpa looked at me critically. “She doesn’t seem to be like normal newborns. Perhaps it is because she was part vampire her entire life".
My father assessed me silently. “Her thoughts are perfectly normal.” His eyes widened in revelation. “ She isn’t even thirsty.”
I spoke calmly yet firmly, "I do not thirst for blood, I need to see my children."
Jake stood up and yelled out the door, “Amore, can Ты come here please.”
She timidly walked into the room with my Uncle Emmett, Seth and Uncle Jasper flanking her. She flinched away from Jake.
He sighed and looked embarrassed, “Amore I am really sorry I had no right to blame you. It wasn’t your fault. Can Ты forgive me?”
She scrunched her eyes up like a shrewd merchant. “That depends are Seth and I the godparents of all 6 babies?”
Jake turned to me with an eyebrow raised.
“What is this all about?” I demanded.
Jake looked down, “Um when I thought Ты died I kind of flipped out on Amore and sort of blamed her for not seeing the entire future…”
I looked at him in shock, “Oh Jake, Ты didn’t… Amor, it was most definitely not your fault.”
She glanced at me sadly, “I guess my powers are fading или something.”
I shook my head, “No they aren’t look, I am fine and Sarah is fine just like Ты said.”
She smiled a little as she stepped into the room. Uncle Jasper hovered closely behind her and I felt his calmness wash over the room; he was scared that Jake might change his mind and snap at her.
She made her way towards me and hugged me, “I was so scared that we Остаться в живых you,” she whispered.
I hugged her back, “I'm not going anywhere, and Ты are most definitely the godparents of all six.” I cringed, “Are Ты sure that Ты want that kind of responsibility?”
She nodded excitedly, “Oooh Aunt Alice and my mom and I have to go shopping…”
I giggled at her.
Jake looked at her with shame,“Can I ask Ты a favor?”
She nodded, Amore rarely held a grudge
“Amore do Ты see any problems with Renesmee going right to the babies?” Jake asked her.
Her eyes clouded over, “Do Ты really trust me with that?”
He nodded, “Yes, we do.”
Her eyes drifted far away as she pondered what might be. She held Jake’s hand so that he could see what she did, and after a moment they both smiled.
“It will be perfectly fine, she is not a typical newborn, like I was for example.” Amore joked.
My parents, grandfather and Uncle laughed with her at the memory.
Grandpa nodded, “Very well but just to be безопасно, сейф I want her to have some blood first.
My mother left the room and returned with two cups of blood for me. I closed my eyes happily as I drank it, I was relieved that I was done with eating raw Животные and was back to something that I was familiar with.
Once I finished, Jake helped me up. As I walked by Amore’s mirror I gasped at my reflection. I had never really paid too much attention to my looks but I was mesmerized by the woman I saw. She was tall, had long bronze ringlets that fell down her back. Her skin was creamy like fresh milk. Her lips were full and perfect. The only freaky part were the red eyes. I was wearing a silver satin, floor length платье, бальное платье with спагетти straps that clung tightly to my newly lean figure. My hands rested on my flat stomach as I longed for my babies.
I turned to my husband with determination, as my velvety voice pleaded, “Jacob, I need to see them. I promise I am fine I wouldn’t risk their well being Ты know that.”
He smiled at me as he wove his hand through mine, he turned to face my parents and grandfather. “We are going downstairs now, I trust her judgment.”
He led me down the stairs, I couldn’t help but notice that all of my movements were еще fluid than normal. As I entered the living room I took note of the smiling faces of my family… but I focused intently on the 6 strangely beating hearts and the Энджел faces that accompanied them.
My hand flew to my mouth as I saw my beautiful, dark haired brown eyed Дети for the first time. They all looked like a combination of me and Jake but with Jake’s dark hair and russet skin. “Jake, they are beautiful,” I whispered, unable to breathe или think.
My Uncle Jasper lingered nearby my side I could tell that he was nervous. I looked at him and squeezed his hand, “Don’t leave my side, please. But I think I am going to be ok.”
He smiled, “Don’t worry Nessie I will stay with you, Ты will do just fine.”
I walked up to each of my Дети they all struggled to get to me, sobs mounted in my throat as I touched their silky smooth faces. They were so warm. Sarah struggled the most to get out of Alice’s arms.
“Nessie, take her first before she falls.” My aunt Alice commanded.I took her from my aunt who kissed me on the cheek, “That dress was perfect I outdid myself.” I rolled my eyes at her she looked at me seriously, her voice breaking. “Renesmee don’t Ты ever scare us like that again.”
I nodded, "I don't plan on it." I kissed her cheek as she kissed mine at the same time.
Cradling Sarah in my arms I stared at her. Uncle Jasper stood very close to me while Jake was on my other side. I ignored them I was consumed with this little stranger who I knew so well.
She reached her hand up and touched my face. I laughed in shock as I realized that she possessed the same power as I did.
Silently she shared her first memories of me as I was dying… much the same as I had done with my own mother years ago. She crinkled her nose looking at me intently, “I tried to keep them calm mama, but they don’t listen very well.” She pouted in my arms. A tear trickled down her cheek.
I rocked her in my arms,“Don’t cry baby, it’s alright.”
Jake looked at me, “She is the alpha of the pack.”
I stared at him incredulously as the rest of my family did.
“Excuse me?” I asked.
Jake smiled, “She already explained it to me. Sarah is the alpha amongst the babies. They can communicate the way that Seth, Leah and I can."
Emmett groaned, “That is going to be fun…”
Jake looked at me sadly, “Sarah blames herself for not having better control over them. She thinks that it is her fault that Ты died.”
I looked at my baby horrified, “Oh Sarah! My sweet little Sarah. Is that true?”
She nodded. I turned to my husband. “Did she just NOD?”
He grinned, “Yep… did Ты expect anything less than spectacular from our children?”
He leaned down and kissed me. Sarah placed a hand on each of our cheeks and the happy image of our family reunion played out with us kissing. She was Показ us how happy she was that we were together and I was ok.
I kissed her forehead and then handed her to Jake as I met the rest of my children. They were all remarkable and I couldn’t wait to learn еще about them and bond with them. I already felt close and bonded to Sarah because for the extent of my pregnancy I was connected to her, she was the only one that I thought was in there.
    My grandfather handed me the smallest baby boy, “And here is the hero of the day. He saved Ты Nessie.”
    I looked down at my little man and felt my chin quivering. “I don’t even know what to say to you. Thank Ты for saving me."
He placed a hand on my cheek, I wondered if he had the same power as his older sister. His was a little different. He could speak in full intelligent adult sentences, there were just no pictures. He was only hours old! As his hand touched my face his words filled my head, “Of course I would save Ты mama. I Любовь you, I will always protect you.” I kissed his forehead.
    My grandmother looked up from the baby boy that she was holding, “So do Ты have any names picked out?” The room filled with laughter as I shook my head weakly, “yea, one girl’s name”.
Jake kissed my cheek, “We have a boy name picked out too.” I looked at him curiously. He gestured towards the baby he was now holding. He was the spitting image of Jacob, I had seen baby pictures of him before and the resemblance was uncanny. Jake looked at me to see my reaction, “I was thinking he would be Jacob Edward.” I smiled, it was perfect. My father looked up in surprise.
“As far as the other names, we have plenty of time to work it out,” he told me.
I shook my head, nope I have them all picked out. Amore looked at me in wonder, “How?”
I smiled, “It’s easy they will be named after those who Любовь them and have helped to keep them alive and well. I looked to Jake to see what he would think.
He smiled, “You go ahead and pick Ness I am sure that they will be perfect.
I looked down at Sara. “Well Miss Sarah, Ты are named after a very special woman. Daddy’s mommy."
She placed her hand on my face, her thoughts were confused she wondered where she was.
I smiled sadly at Jake as he looked at his daughter, “She is in heaven sweetheart, watching out for all of you.”
I continued on, “Your middle name is Esemeleah. Ты are named after your grandmother Esme, Aunt Emily, and Aunt Leah. Grandma and Leah looked at me, I could tell that they were touched.
“That is beautiful Renesmee,” my grandmother сказал(-а) as she took her namesake from me and handed me another little girl.
I looked down at baby C, she was beautiful, her dark brown hair was straight with some bronze highlights. Her brown eyes reminded me so much of my mother, she appeared to be very shy and she hid behind my hair. I giggled at her, “I know who I am going to name Ты after. Ты remind me of someone very important. My mother. Ты are Isabelle Alicia-Rose; named after three of the Избранное women in my life. My mother and Aunt Rose and Aunt Alice smiled at me. I couldn’t figure out if Belle had any powers или not she was so shy she could barely look at me. “I Любовь Ты sweetness,” I whispered to her, as I kissed her cheek I handed her to my mother who cradled her the way that she used to hold me.
    Next Amore brought me another girl baby D. Amore smiled at me, “She is very interested in artwork. She is so tiny but she has been staring at my drawings, I feel like she is critiquing them." She giggled at the baby as she passed her to me.
She seemed shy like her sister, she also hid behind my hair but her curiousity got the best of her and she peered out occasionally. A passing луч, рэй of sun hit me and I was blinded by the sparkle of my skin. Her eyes opened wide as she pointed towards all of the separate Цвета and then she started playing with my dress. Apparently she was interested in clothes too. I smiled to myself, I could picture her and her Aunt Amore being very close. “Well little one, Ты remind me of someone very dear to my heart. My first true friend…Sienna. Your first nme is also part of your Uncle Nahuel's name as well. He helped to save mommy and Aunt Amore awhile back. Your middle name is going to be Renee. She is Grandma Bella’s mommy."
She scrunched her eyebrows as though she was deep in thought over her new name but then nodded in approval. Amore smiled at me sadly as she took her from me, “Thank you…” she whispered.
I smiled at her, “I will never forget who Ты were in the first place, I Любовь Ты now but I will never let go of Sienna…”
Amore kissed my cheek, “I Любовь Ты too Ness.” She walked off with her new little shopping buddy.
My father handed me the Далее in the yet to be named category. “Two еще he smiled.”
I looked at my son, Baby E. He had very wise brown eyes. Those eyes reminded me of the oldest soul that I knew. My father in law. I smiled at my baby, “I am going to name Ты William, after your grandpa. We will call Ты Billy. He is a very wise man, a tribal elder and it is a very special name. Your middle name is Seth, after your uncle."
Jake’s eyes crinkled as he smiled at me he didn’t have to say anything I knew that it meant the world to him.
    The last baby to be placed into my arms was the tiniest. “Ah, my little protector”, I сказал(-а) with a grin. He beamed… a baby that was less than a день old and he BEAMED at me…
“You are going to be named Elijah, after your Uncle Emmett, Grandpa Carlisle and Uncle Jasper- three of the most wonderful men that I know. If Ты pick up any traits from them Ты will be a wonderful man someday I know it. Your middle name is Charelsam, it is something I just came up with Ты are named for your Grandpa Charlie Grandma Bella’s daddy; and for your Uncle Sam. He placed his had on my cheek, “Do any of them protect you?” He asked.
I smiled at my little guardian, “They all do love, but not nearly as well as Ты do.” He beamed again and then settled back into my arms sleepily. I looked up with a happy smile, "So that's it, Sarah, Jake, Belle, Si, Billy and Eli."
Jake wrapped his arms around me as I cradled our sleeping son, "The names are perfect Nessie." He kissed my cheek and I turned my face to meet his lips. I was even еще attracted to him than ever before. I didn't know if it was because we had almost Остаться в живых each other, или if it as that I was a vampire now или even if this was becuase he was the father of my children. But desire for him tore through me as I moved closer to him. Eli stirred in my arms and distracted, I pulled away from Jake. He smiled at me and whispered in my ear, "Later..." I sighed and lay my head on his shoulder. as my Uncles and Seth and Nahuel snickered.
Just then I noticed that Tanya, Carmen and Eleazer were gone.
“Where are the Denali’s?” I asked.
Uncle Emmett looked at me worriedly, “We didn’t want to say anything but –um Kate and Garrett still haven’t returned they became worried and took off a little while before Ты came down.
I looked at my father anxiously, “You don’t think that the Volturi…”
My father looked at me firmly, “I am not going to think anything until I hear bad news или Alice или Amore have a vision, nd Ты would be smart to do the same. Speculation never helps anyone."
I sat down on the диван, мягкий уголок cradling my tiniest son as I worried for our friends.
posted by kiwi12
part 22

Leah called that afternoon. She сказал(-а) she was babysitting Claire and wanted me to come hang out with them. She was watching Claire until ten and Claire would be in постель, кровати at eight. It sounded nice. In a weird way. I figured I was as безопасно, сейф there as I was with the vampires. As I was wondering how to go about obtaining the Cullens' permission, Alice skipped in. She looked curious "Your future just disappeared" She сказал(-а) matter-of-factly. Edward was passing by the hall and paused. Bella wasn't near, so he had full access to my mind. "You don't have to ask permission. Ты are our guest. Just let...
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posted by emmett
*I did not write this*
Dear Diary,

So today was like any other day. Almost killing every human who starts to smell too good, toying with people’s emotions and kicking Emmett’s butt at chess. Ты know same old, same old.

Though, today was exceptionally hilarious. I was playing a game of chess with Emmett, with 9 boards, and I was winning, naturally. So because I was winning Emmett got all upset and broke my all time fav chess piece, the little night on his little horse. God I was mad about that, he knew it was my fav and he had to go and kill it! So I went and did something a LOT worse! Haha...
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Missing Ты could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew Ты were missing me too..

"I feel the Half of Me Missing when You're Not Around.. I Miss Ты with every Breathe.. Ты mean the World to Me.. или May be even More..." Jake whispered in My Ears on the Phone & a shiver ran down through My Spine

I've been floating these days in the Air. I feel hideous 'cause I can't Help Smiling and So I feel an Urge to Hide My After-All-She-is-Insane Expressions. My Heartbeats weren't Normal these Days and so was My Body Temperature. My Nights were Sleepless..

"I Miss Ты too" I sighed

"I hope to see...
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"We may consider that It's almost Impossible to get what we are asking from God Since Long.. But Its NOT always Impossible.. Ты got to Believe it, Ты Never know that Ты can Actually get what Ты desire.."

It was a Typical Sunday Morning for Me.. though It was the Valentine's день for all Others. I was still in my постель, кровати as always as I was working late last night.. My Alarm rang so Loud & I stretched in My Bed. I knew I got to Endure this день because we may say all the Time that We're Happy for our Друзья & everyone that they are so Truly in Love, But somewhere Deep inside ourself, We'll...
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posted by melikhan
Despite Twilight's popularity, the Книги have received criticism. Stephen King stated, "the real difference [between J.K. Rowling and Meyer] is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer, and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good."However, King understood the appeal of the series, adding, "People are attracted by the stories, by the pace and in the case of Stephenie Meyer, it's very clear that she's Письмо to a whole generation of girls and opening up kind of a безопасно, сейф joining of Любовь and sex in those books. It's exciting and it's thrilling and it's not particularly threatening...
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posted by kiwi12
part 12

The phone conversation took a long time. At one point I heard Bella say "Yes I know she hasn't even met Sam yet" in a slightly exasperated voice. Edward must have heard something I didn't form the other end because he took the phone and сказал(-а) "Do not ever talk to my wife in that tone of voice Jacob Black... She's a human in a house full of Вампиры with Волколаки visiting frequently. Be reasonable... Thank Ты Jacob... If Ты would like I will give her contact information and she can keep in touch if she wants to." He started Письмо something on a notepad near the phone then сказал(-а) goodbye...
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Okay so this chapter is my favourite and I think Ты are going to enjoy (crossed fingers) it! Okay so just remeber to leave your feedback-it's always great to see it.

Alice wouldn’t let me go until she and Rosalie had дана me a complete makeover; I didn’t complain though, it was nice to have girl time. Jacob gave me a dazzling smile as I walked back into the living room a full час later, he and Emmet and jasper had probably been chatting about some new turbo engine.
“Wow Ты look... amazing,” Jacob breathed as I walked into his open arms while Emmet wolf...
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posted by kiwi12
part 10

"Ok sorry about that" Jacob сказал(-а) to me "Can Ты phase back?" I found I could. I heard Jasper mutter "I wonder..." then he spoke louder with purpose "You phase when you're angry right?" Jacob nodded "She doesn't. I think she phases when one of Ты are upset. She does have to be relaxed to phase back but so do all the Волколаки in the room." They all found this interesting.

"Did phasing hurt this time?" Embry asked me "Not as much" I lied "Is Quil alright?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't want to sound heartless nor did I want to be nosy. They hesitated too "Yeah... a friend of his fell...
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posted by kiwi12
I know they've been pretty short if that bugs Ты leave a Комментарий letting me know and I'll combine a few parts to make them longer. Also if Ты don't think I'm being true to the characters let me know and I'll try harder. Pretty much anything that isn't right I'd Любовь to know so I can make it better. Thanks.

part 8

"Absolutely not!" the mind reader сказал(-а) harshly "Why not?" the huge one countered. His mate asked what was going on. He whispered his thought in her ear. She looked mad "We can't do that!" He turned sulky "She's durable we won't hurt her." The mind reader growled under his breath "She's...
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posted by kiwi12
part 7

The huge vampire spoke for the first time. Utterly terrifying. "Are Ты human?" he demanded, eyes wide. "Yes" I answered, too defensively. The huge one's mate, the one who had kidnapped me, started making a Список out loud:

1. Her eyes change to Золото when she's around us and they turn red when Bella is the closest to her (I hadn't known that.)

2. She picks up a small bit of the gifts around her.

3. Her skin becomes a few shades paler when she's near us.

4. She's a bit too strong and fast for a human (I added that these were also only around vampires.)

At this point Emmett came near me and sat...
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posted by New_Moon_Master
Her heartbeat fast by the second. I watched her from the chair that I sat in Далее to the bed. It had been three days. She had not moved a muscle. My family stood at the Стена behind me, saying nothing, not even breathing. I had not spoken to them. I hated them. They had gone behind my back, and turned Bella into...what? I did not know. A monster without a soul? I could not picture Bella as that, but the thought was excrusiating. It was almost over, almost all her human scent gone. She smelled amazing, the same yet differant. Sweeter, and I did not want to kill her, which was very odd for me....
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"Carlisle!" I felt so relieved to see him again. I realized I had missed him a great deal. I couldn't help myself, I ran up and hugged him. He seemed quite shocked, but he rubbed his hand against my back soothingly.
"Bella...it's good to see you..." I pulled away and he was starring at Alice, who was standing several feet behind me. We had just arrived, after what was supposed to be a twenty four час drive but was only eleven. Alice had gone over twice the Опубликовано speed the entire way. Rosalie and Emmett-thank goodness-weren't there at the moment. Esme, and Jasper stood in the room behind...
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I jumped at the sound of her voice. She was back already? But I couldn't focus on that for long. What had Jacob just said? Had I really heard right?
"Over my dead body!" he rowred at her.
He took a step вперед and tried to pull me over to him by my waist. Alice's hand grabbed mine, and I started to get scared that a tug-o-war would begin. That would be painful. Jake growled. I looked back at Alice. She was glaring at him in such a terrifying way...she honestly scared me a little. She yanked on my arm, and I came flying towards her, out of Jacob's grasp. She flung me behind her body. My mind...
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I was expecting the kind of reaction I used to get when I'd say those kinds of things. But she just looked at me. Speculating. Was she actually thinking about it?! My сердце beat faster as I grabbed at the oportunity.
"I could stay with you." I blurted out, and then thought better of it. "Unless Ты wanted space, then I could find somewhere else. If Ты did not want me crowding you." I was so happy that I might get what I had dreamt of for so long, I was babbling on.
"What would Ты tell Charlie, Bella?" She сказал(-а) as though she could not believe I hadn't thought of that already.
I looked down,...
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Chapter Seven (what will embry do?)

I gulped and nodded. She knew what she was doing. Didn’t she? She smiled then jerked вперед on the bike, leaving me behind. I followed her quickly.
“Crap!” She yelled just before we got half way down the dust road. She screamed to a stop. I stopped just behind her.
“What is it?” I asked scanning her face.
“It’s those bloody ‘protectors’.” Her face was stony. “I was riding down here last week, and they told me to ‘pack it in или they’d stop me’.” She imitated Sam Uley’s voice. “They’re so weird. Sam Uley I think it was....
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Here is chapter 3 of My True Love. Please go to my Профиль to rate and leave Комментарии THANKS!!!

I was shocked at the sight I saw when I woke up. Everybody was rushing around carrying heavy bags and fancy looking equipment to the cars outside.
“Jasper?” I called, I was anxious to know what was going on and I knew that he was the only one who would give me a straight answer. He was at my side before I could blink.
“What is it that Ты want Nessie?” he asked with a warm but not quite genuine smile.
“What is happening?” I whispered “I just woke up and I can’t see mum или dad...
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it hurts to live. life to me is a секунда death, only like being left to bleed on a pavement instead of a quick stab, then to be left in peace. death and life are much the same thing now. only death seems еще peaceful, i already know, as i watch other people living there lives, there is nothing left for me. fun was like a greek word to me now. i didnt know what i ment. i thought about making the most of life before the pain killed me for sure. i couldnt remember HOW to have fun. what was the point of going to the beach? it wasn't going to bring my future back. it wouldnt make me feel any better....
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posted by PePs95
I haven't read any of the Книги yet, but i did watch all of the Фильмы released until now. I want to say that the story of the Twilight series is simply great! The intense love, the romantic atmosphere...everything in it is very involving! while watching both movies, my mouth was dripping and my body completely still. It was as if my mind was the only part of my body that was active. I was totally into it! I will watch both Фильмы again and i'll get totally inspired again. My feelings were totally mixed! I was engulfed by the magic of love!
Yahoooo! So my story is really coming along. So Ты think Ты know what's gunna happen do you? Well I think I might surprise you!Ok so here! I really hope that I did good on the last chapter. Sorry if on this chapter some facts are wrong. I am not exactly an expert on the Volturi. Thanks for all of your comments!

Disclamer: Sigh....... I do not own Twilight или any of its characters. No matter how much I wish или beg I never will. :( Stephanie Meyer does...

bella POV

"Ok I'm ready." I сказал(-а) and started running in the direction that Alec and Jane had ran. I caught their scent and ran up to them. They...
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posted by methoslover12
once there was a girl and a guy. well the girl is like "if Ты think that then i'll go". well the guy kept saying things that weren't mean but nice.well she thinks that they aren't for her. so she trys to leave and he grabs her by the arm and pulls her in and they Kiss a slow and sweet kiss. one that might make Ты сердце race. but suddnly she runs for she thinks her сердце is brokin. but he is right behind her and is ganing on her.then she stops and starts to cry. he asks whats wrong and she says "well I think I was just a girl who is a big fool that no one can love". then he says "you may think that your really smart and beautiful and well i Любовь you". and thats all it toke to make her feel better because she knew she was loved and that they were to be together forever.
the end