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posted by groovychicklisa
I decided that I'd might as well head over to Newton's that afternoon after school. The store was empty except for a couple who was looking at tents at the back, and Mrs. Newton welcomed me with a smile and a concerned hug.

"Hello, dear. I do hope you're feeling better."

I didn't know exactly what Charlie had told her when I hadn't come in to work, but she didn't seem to need an explanation, and I was grateful for that.

"Mike сказал(-а) that I should stop by to work out a schedule. And thank Ты so much for letting me stay on, it's really nice of you."

"Of course, dear. We all have our rough spots, don't we?" She pulled out a folder from under the counter and flipped it open. "Now, September is still a pretty busy month, so if it's possible I would like for Ты to come in every день after school until we close, and every other Saturday. Would that work for you?"

"Definitely." The store closed at seven, and then I would have to make ужин and do some homework. If I tried, I could probably stay busy until it was time to go to bed.

"Great! Then in October, the activity dies down a little, so I think we'll divide the shifts between Ты and Mike. How about if Ты work Monday, Wednesday and Friday one week, and then Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday the other?"

"That sounds great, Mrs. Newton." I looked around the store. The couple was still looking at tents, and a group of men in their thirties had come in and were checking out the fishing equipment. "Do Ты want me to start right away?"

"Oh, no, dear. Tomorrow will be fine."

"OK." I wished that she had сказал(-а) yes; I was not looking вперед to going Главная to an empty house.

"See Ты tomorrow, dear." She called after me as I left the store.

I reluctantly started the truck and slowly drove home. I thought about calling Angela for a moment, but somehow company wasn't very tempting either. I decided to keep myself occupied by doing some laundry until I would have to start dinner.

I was surprised, to say the least, when I got Главная and found Charlie's police крейсер in the driveway. He usually didn't leave work until at least after six, and it wasn't even five yet. When I got into the house, he was on the phone.

"… I just didn't know who else to call, she's never…" He spotted me coming into the кухня and paused mid-sentence. "Never mind, Bob, she just walked through the door. Thanks."

"Eh, hi?" I сказал(-а) hesitantly as he hung up the phone.

"Where have Ты been?" He demanded. "School was over forty-five минуты ago!"

"I didn't know Ты were waiting for me." I replied honestly. "Mike told me that Mrs. Newton сказал(-а) that I could keep working at their store a couple of days a week if I wanted to, so I stopped by there on my way Главная to get a schedule."

"Oh. That's good. Ты could use the extra money." Charlie nodded. "You just had me a little worried."

It had worried him when I hadn't come straight Главная from school. Putting this together with my state of mind over the past week, I realized that my basically catatonic state had scared him even еще than I had thought.

"Dad." I waited until he looked up at me so that he could see that I meant what I was saying. "I'm not going to do anything stupid, if that's what you're worried about." The idea seemed absurd to me, but apparently it was something he was afraid of.

"I know, Bells, I know. I just… I overreacted a little, OK? Isn't that part of my job Описание as your dad?" He patted me awkwardly on the shoulder and headed into the living room.

I sighed. I would have to work really hard to convince Charlie that I was fine. Which, of course, I wasn't. But I had no intention of letting him, или anyone for that matter, know the amount of pain I was really in. I would just have to put on an act, and hope that at some point it would no longer be necessary.

That moment seemed very far away.

Nightmares and Tests

Life goes on. It's a cliché, I know, but it's also true. I didn't necessarily Переместить along at the same pace, though; sometimes it felt like time was just skipping ahead without bothering to check if I was on board или not, and all I could do was cling on for dear life if I didn't want to be left behind.

Things got better in school after a few weeks. Most people got tired of staring at me and whispering behind my back every time I walked into a room pretty quickly, and eventually, Lauren was the only one who glared at me. Since that wasn't exactly new, I simply continued to ignore her. Even Jessica started talking to me again when she realized I wasn't going to make a Переместить on Mike.

My birthday came and went. I had told my parents that I didn't want any presents, which they of course ignored. Renée sent me a new camera with instructions to take pictures of all my Друзья and send to her, so she could at least pretend to be a part of my everyday life. From Charlie, I got a gift certificate to my Избранное bookstore in Port Angeles, which I was actually very happy for.

And since it was a Saturday, school wasn't a problem – not that anyone except for Angela knew that it was my birthday anyway. She insisted on treating me to coffee and a movie in Port Angeles, and I only grumbled a little before agreeing to go. I was happy to get out of the house, to be able to not have to think about not thinking for a while.

I was surprised at how draining it was to not think about a certain thing... or, еще specifically, person. When I got Главная after working at Newton's after school, I was completely exhausted. Every night after finishing my Главная work, I crashed into bed, and I was sure I would be too tired to dream. And every night I was wrong.

The nightmare didn't change, but I still woke up screaming from it. Some nights I managed to go back to sleep, but most of the time I just lay curled up under the covers until my alarm went off, watching as the sky outside my window slowly became brighter with the rising sun.

I got down a routine of not thinking about anything upsetting pretty quickly. I knew that I was becoming number by the day, but I didn't really mind. I was never really happy, but I wasn't really sad either, which seemed like a good bargain to me. The only time I actually felt anything at all was when the nightmare woke me in the dead of night.

I didn't realize that September had been replaced by October until I got to Newton's one Tuesday after school. Mike and his mom looked up as I came into the store, surprised expressions on both their faces.

"Bella, what are Ты doing here? It's Tuesday." Mike frowned at me.

"I know." So?

"You're working Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week." Mrs. Newton said, the frown on her face matching that on her son's.

"Oh." I realized what she was getting at. "It's October?" When had that happened?

"October seventh, dear." She looked a little concerned.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that. I must have gotten the dates a little mixed up." I tried, unsuccessfully, to figure out what had happened to the rest of September.

"Of course, dear." Mrs. Newton nodded in an understanding way. "But Ты can go on home, and I'll see Ты tomorrow, OK?"

"OK." I left the store and drove home, wondering what I could do to make the afternoon go by faster. Since I hadn't realized it was October, I hadn't planned for my new "freedom", and spending the rest of the afternoon in an empty house with nothing to do was not a tempting idea. I needed something to occupy me.

I ended up doing the laundry that was in the laundry basket, and then the beddings from mine and Charlie's beds. Then I washed the truck and reorganized the fridge and pantry. By the time I had finished this, it was finally time to start dinner.

I made meatloaf, but must have gotten something wrong, because it tasted funny. Charlie assured me that it was really good, but I was sure that he only сказал(-а) that so he wouldn't upset me. I ended up eating the Еда anyway, since I was starving.

When we had finished dinner, I went upstairs to do my homework. It was barely eight when I was done, but I still went straight to bed. I was dreading the nightmare, but could barely keep my eyes open.

The dream was different this time. We weren't in my кухня anymore, but outside the big, white house by the river. He turned his back on me and walked in through the front door, but when I followed a moment later, he was nowhere to be seen. I searched the entire house, but it was completely empty, deserted. When I came back to the first floor, I saw that his Пианино had been left behind, and when I looked at it, the sound of the song he had composed for me flowed through the air. That's when I woke up, tears streaming down my face.


"Crap." I heard Angela's voice through the door of the cubicle in the girls' bathroom. We were on our way to the last period of the day.

"What's wrong?"

"Girly week." I heard her rummage through her bag for a moment. "And of course, I don't have any tampons. Great. Just great!"

"Hang on, I've got some." I found a small box, still wrapped in plastic, in my bag and held it under the door.

"Thanks." She took the box, and a moment later she tossed it over the door. It fell to the floor, and when I picked it up, I suddenly froze.

"Angela? What день is it today?" My mind was desperately trying to process what had just occurred to me.


"I know that, I meant what дата is it?" I was pretty sure I knew, but I still had to ask.

"October eighth. Why?"

I found my calendar in my bag and quickly flipped back through the pages.

"Nothing, I just remembered that I have to get something for my mom, it's her birthday Далее week." I was surprised at how calm my voice sounded.

"Oh, OK."

There it was. A tiny, red X. August fourth. I flipped вперед to September first, where there should have been another X. Only there wasn't. I checked a couple of days before and after that date, but there was still nothing.

I absentmindedly noted that Angela came out from the cubicle and washed her hands.

"Bella?" Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "You ready to go?" I shoved the calendar back into my bag.


Had I just forgotten to mark the день in the calendar? Normally, I wouldn't have thought that was possible, but I hadn't exactly been on вверх back then. And the alternative was just… impossible to think about.

I tried to remember. First день of school. Angela had met me in the parking lot. Everyone staring. Lunch with Mike and the others. Classes all day. Nowhere in any of those memories did I find a trip to the bathroom to change a tampon.

Something else occurred to me. Even if I had just forgotten to mark the day, I should have gotten a visit from my little "friend" again the Назад Monday. And I was never late.

Shit. Shit shit shit.

"Angela." I grabbed her by the arm just as she was about to enter the English classroom. "I'm really not feeling very well."

"You don't look so good." She looked at me with concern evident in her eyes.

"Could Ты tell Mr. Mason that I went home?"

"Of course. Do Ты need me to drive you? Ты look like Ты could pass out any minute, maybe Ты should go to the nurse? Come on, I'll go with you."

"No, that's OK. I think I can make it home."

"OK, if you're sure." She looked skeptical. "Do Ты want me to ask Mike to take your shift at Newton's?"

I had completely forgotten that I was supposed to work that afternoon.

"Would Ты do that?"

"Of course." She assured me. "You go Главная and feel better. I'll call Ты later."

In a daze, I walked to the truck. There was a pharmacy in Forks, but there was no way I could go there. Everyone would know within the hour. I would have to drive to Port Angeles.

The whole drive there, I tried to convince myself that I was overreacting. I had just forgotten to mark the дата down in the calendar last month, and so what if I had never been late before? There was a first time for everything, right?

And we had always been careful, always used protection. But condoms are not a hundred per cent безопасно, сейф a little voice inside my head reminded me. I knew that, of course. At least on a strictly logical level. But I had never actually considered the fact that one of the times that they weren't would ever happen to me, или what the consequence would be...

I quickly found the right aisle in the pharmacy and picked a box at random. When I had paid, I asked if the store had a customer bathroom, to which the clerk shook his head. I went into the first coffee Магазин I passed on my way back to the car, bought a coffee to go and hurried into the bathroom.

I skimmed through the instructions, peed on the stick and waited. Two minutes. Was that some kind of torture the people who made the tests had come up with?

I ended up sitting on the toilet for almost five минуты before I dared to look at the test. When I finally did, there was a clearly visible plus sign in the little window.


My hand, as if it had a will of its own, came up to rest on my stomach. It didn't feel any different.

It did say that the test was only 99% sure. But I knew.

I was pregnant.


The drive back to Forks was a big blur, and I was surprised when I found myself on the улица, уличный outside my house. It was only a little after five, so Charlie wasn't Главная yet, which was good. I would need some time to pull myself together before facing him.

When I unlocked the door, I heard the phone ring, and I hurried into the кухня to answer it.


"Bella? There Ты are, I've called Ты three times." Angela's worried voice came over the line.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep as soon as I got home." I lied quickly.

"You must be coming down with that flu that's been going around."

"Maybe." Or, then again, maybe not.

"OK. I just wanted to make sure Ты got Главная OK. Do Ты think you're coming to school tomorrow?"

"I think so." If Charlie didn't kill me first. Which was a definite possibility.

"OK, I'll see Ты then."

I hung up the phone and sat down at the кухня table, unable to do anything but stare out the window, seeing nothing.

I was still in the same position when Charlie got Главная almost two hours later.

"Bella?" He called as he opened the front door. I heard him walk through the hallway. "Why are Ты sitting here in the dark?"

He turned on the lights and came into the kitchen. I hadn't even realized that the sun had set and it was pitch black outside.

"Bella?" I looked up at him. He had a concerned look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant."

I leaned my arms against the table, buried my face in them and waited for the explosion

I expected him to yell at me. I expected him to call me irresponsible and ask me what the hell I had been thinking. I expected him to be furious.

I did not expect what actually happened.

"Oh honey." I heard him pull out a chair, and he sat down Далее to me, awkwardly wrapping an arm around me. I leaned my head against his shoulder and let the tears flow freely down my face. "We'll figure it out. Everything will be OK, you'll see."

I desperately wanted to believe him.

I don't know how long we sat there, but eventually, I ran out of tears. Wiping my wet cheeks, I sat up straight and looked over at him.

"Have Ты seen a doctor?" He asked in a concerned tone. I shook my head.

"I just took one of those home-test things."

"OK, then the first thing we need to do is to get Ты to a doctor." He went over to the phone and dialed a number. "Hello… I would like to make an appointment for my daughter with Doctor Jamieson… tomorrow, if possible… yes, that will be fine. Thank you."

I was grateful that he took the initiative, because at the moment I didn't have enough energy to even get up from the chair I was sitting in. He hung up the phone and came back to the table.

"Tomorrow at four thirty. You're not working, are you?"

I shook my head.

"I was supposed to work today, but Angela сказал(-а) that she'd ask Mike to take my shift." Mrs. Newton hadn't called, but I should probable make sure that everything had been fine at the store. "I should call Newton's." I used my hands to push myself up from the table.

"It's closed, Bells." He pointed out. "And I'm sure they got on fine without you. Why don't Ты go and lie down on the диван, мягкий уголок for a little while? Ты look like Ты can barely stand."

I felt like I could barely stand.


Angela met me in the parking lot when I got to school the Далее morning. She gave me a concerned look when I slammed the car door shut behind me.

"Are Ты sure you're feeling better?" She asked doubtfully. "Maybe Ты should have stayed Главная today…"

"I'm OK, just didn't get a lot of sleep." I interrupted. It was true. I hadn't fallen asleep until well after two in the morning, and even then, my mind had been too busy to relax. I didn't remember the dreams, but woke up even еще tired than I had been when I had gone to bed.

"OK." She sounded skeptical. "Just give me a heads up if Ты plan on passing out или something."

"I'll do that." I couldn't even manage to sound sarcastic.

Angela hovered around me all day, probably waiting for me to faint или something. I realized just how bad I looked when coach Clapp gave me the once-over and sent me to sit down on the bleachers while the others played badminton.

I analyzed every little thing I felt that day, trying to make something fit with what little I knew about pregnancies.

Morning sickness, wasn't that supposed to be one of the signs? But I hadn't been getting sick, in the mornings или at any other time.

Tiredness. Got that one alright. I was so exhausted these days, I fell asleep the секунда my head hit the pillow. I had blamed the nightmares that didn't let me get a good night's rest, and the fact that school was getting еще demanding along with working at Newton's.

Dizziness. No еще than usual. Due to my blood pressure being a little low, I often got dizzy spells when I stood up too quickly.

And that was pretty much all I knew.

"Bella? Ты OK?" I snapped out of my thoughts and found Angela looking at me with a concerned expression on her face. "Aren't Ты eating anything?"

I looked around and realized that we were in the cafeteria. I must have spaced out as we walked from class. I felt my stomach growl, and quickly grabbed two slices of пицца and an apple.

We sat down at Mike's таблица as usual, and I gulped down the пицца before taking a bite of the apple.

"Hungry?" I looked up to find Mike observing me. I swallowed.

"Yeah." Always starving, could that be another indication? I remembered the expression "eating for two".

"Are Ты feeling better today at least? Ты still look really pale." He frowned at me.

"I'm fine, just a little tired. Ты won't have to take my shift tomorrow, if you're worried about that."

"No, that's not why I asked." He quickly assured me. "I just wanted to make sure Ты were OK."

OK was questionable…

"I'm fine, really." I tried to pull off a smile, and Mike seemed convinced, because he turned back to Eric, who he had been talking to about some game или other.

"Do Ты want to head over to the coffee Магазин after school?" Angela asked as we walked to Social Studies after lunch. We were in all the same classes this year, except for Chemistry and Math.

"I can't, I've got to go to Thriftway and do the shopping for the week before heading home." I held my breath as I waited to see if she would believe my lie.

"Oh, OK." She looked a little disappointed, but didn't push.

"We could do something Saturday, if Ты don't have plans with Ben." I suggested.

"Not until in the evening." She replied. "Do Ты want to go down to Port Angeles? I really need new sneakers."



I drove straight to the hospital after school; Charlie was meeting me there. I had told him that he didn't need to go with me, but he had insisted, and I was secretly glad that he would be there.

He guided me through the hospital and gently pushed me down on a plastic chair in the doctor's waiting room. Within a few minutes, a woman who was sitting behind a стол письменный, стол called my name. We followed her through a door and into an examination room, where she told me to change into a paper платье, бальное платье while we waited for the doctor.

I pulled the curtain between me and Charlie as I changed, and then pulled my sweater back on on вверх of the gown, since the room was pretty cold. The doctor came through the door just when I pulled the curtain back.

"Hello, Isabella, I'm Doctor Jamieson." She extended her hand to me, and I took it.

"Bella." I automatically corrected.

"OK, Bella then." She turned to Charlie. "Chief."

"Doctor Jamieson." They shook hands as well.

"What can I help Ты with?" She sat down behind the desk, and I took a сиденье, место, сиденья in the chair Далее to Charlie.

"I think…" I bit my lip. "I mean, I'm pretty sure that I'm… pregnant."

"OK, I see. Did Ты take a Главная test?" I nodded. "And when was the first день of your last period?"

"August fourth." She raised an eyebrow at that, but didn't say anything.

"OK, first I need Ты to step on the scale for me, and then I am going to check your blood pressure and take a blood sample to run some tests, just to make sure."

I got on the scale and she fiddled a little with the weights.

"112, that's sounds about right." She noted it on a piece of paper. "Could Ты sit down on the cot, and we can get the blood work."

I did as she said, and she put a gauge on my arm to check my blood pressure.

"A little low, but that's normal."

She jotted it down on the paper before walking around the стол письменный, стол and opening a drawer where I spotted some syringes. I immediately felt faint and closed my eyes. I had always had a problem with blood.

I opened my eyes, but kept them fixed on the Стена opposite to where the doctor was standing. Charlie came to stand beside me – he knew about my reaction to blood.

"Which arm would Ты prefer?" Doctor Jamieson asked.

"It doesn't matter." I сказал(-а) weakly, squeezing my eyes shut as I caught a glimpse of the syringe in her hand.

She wiped the crook of my right arm with something cold, and I bit my lip, waiting for the sting. I felt Charlie take my left hand in both of his, and relaxed a little.

It actually didn't hurt as bad as I feared it would. Almost as soon as I felt the stinging, it was gone.

"All done." The doctor said, pressing a cotton wad against the spot and bending my arm. I ventured a peek, and found that she had turned her back on me, probably having realized my revulsion to blood.

She pushed a button on the intercom, and the same nurse that had shown us to the room earlier came through the door. Doctor Jamieson gave the young woman the blood sample, and she left again.

"I'm just going to ask Ты a few Вопросы before I do the physical exam." The doctor pulled up her chair to the side of the cot. "Have Ты been experiencing any morning sickness?"

"No." I shook my head. "Is that normal?"

"Not everyone gets morning sickness, it's perfectly fine. Any fatigue или light headedness?"

"I have been really tired." I confirmed. "And a little dizzy, I guess, but not еще than usual."
"Have Ты been craving anything unusual, или has anything tasted или smelled different than normal?"

The meatloaf…

"No cravings, but some things taste a little funny."

"Any mood swings, sudden fits of crying?" I shook my head. "OK, all those things are perfectly normal. Now, if Ты could just Переместить over here, I would like to do a physical examination."

"I'll wait outside." Charlie squeezed my hand and left the room.

I climbed into the chair and managed to get my feet into the stirrups without too much problem.

"This is going to be a little uncomfortable." Doctor Jamieson apologized in advance. I winced as she snapped on a rubber перчатка, перчатки and braced myself.

It was very uncomfortable, but it was over in a few minutes.

"OK, Ты can get dressed again. I'll go get your father in the meantime."

She left me alone, and I quickly put my clothes back on. Charlie and the doctor came back into the room, and we all reclaimed our Назад seats.

"Well, I can, without a doubt, say that Ты are in fact pregnant. I don't need the results of the blood test to tell Ты that. Everything seems to be in order too, and according to schedule."

I had already known, really, but actually hearing the words from her was still a shock.

"By what you've told me about your last period, I would put Ты at about nine weeks." She opened one of the drawers in the стол письменный, стол and pulled out a couple of folders, handing them to me. "I want Ты to take these Главная and look through them, make sure Ты understand your options."


I looked at the вверх folder in my hand, and the black letters glared back at me.


"No." I started to shake my head vigorously. "No."

"You don't need to make any decisions right now, take some time to think about it and then…"

"She сказал(-а) no." Charlie interrupted her. He took the offensive folder from my hands and dropped it onto the desk.

"OK." She nodded. "There is also adoption. There are many couples out there who can't have children of their own and that would Любовь to give your baby a very good home."

My baby. Mine and Edward's baby.

I looked at the секунда folder.

Benefits of adoption. There was a smiling couple on the cover.

My head started moving almost on its own accord, and I let the секунда folder follow the first one onto the desk.

"Maybe Ты could tell us what to think about?" Charlie suggested. "It has been a while since the last time I did this, and I'm sure there are a lot of things I've forgotten. We need to make an appointment for another check-up, right?"

"Yes, I'll have Sarah schedule Ты for a three месяц check-up and an ultrasound in about a month. She'll give Ты the дата and time when Ты leave." She pulled еще folders from the стол письменный, стол drawer, handing them to Charlie this time. "Here are some things that Ты need to think about." She turned to me. "Do Ты smoke?"


"Good. And obviously, no alcohol. I'm going to give Ты a prescription for pre-natal vitamins that Ты need to take daily." She scribbled something down on a prescription pad and gave the piece of paper to Charlie. "Would Ты like to know the preliminary due date?" I nodded. "Well, taking into account the first день of your last period, I would put conception sometime between August thirteenth and nineteenth, and your due дата at around May eleventh Далее year. Give или take about two weeks, of course."

I nodded and, for some reason, tried to figure out what день of the week May eleventh would be.

"Thank you, doctor." Charlie stood and shook her hand, and I copied him.

"Come on, Bells." He put an arm around my shoulders and led me from the room.

We stopped at the front desk, where the nurse called Sarah was sitting.

"We need a urine sample, if Ты don't mind." She handed me a plastic cup. "I'll check Doctor Jamieson's calendar to see when Ты can come back while Ты do that, OK?"

I nodded and headed to the bathroom. It wasn't easy to actually hit the cup, but I managed. When I got out of the bathroom, I gave the cup back to the nurse.

"Thank you. Now, would Tuesday November fourth work for you? Same time?"

I calculated in my head. It was four weeks from now, so I wouldn't be working Tuesday that week.

"Yeah, it's OK."

"OK, then, have a nice day." She smiled as we walked away.

We drove Главная under complete silence, stopping at the pharmacy to pick up the prescription. I was starting to wonder if a delayed fit of rage was coming.

But when we got home, Charlie just handed me the cordless phone.

"I'll be in the living room if Ты need me." He was giving me privacy, but still staying close by.

I sat down at the таблица and stared at the phone for a few минуты before dialing the familiar number I hadn't used in over a month. When I hit the final digit, I held my breath and waited for him to pick up.

Instead, there was a female voice informing me that the number had been disconnected. It was such an anti-climax that I just sat there for a moment. Then I dialed Alice's number instead, only to get the same result.

That's when I realized that I had no idea where they had gone. He hadn't told me. I thought about calling information, but realized that they wouldn't be able to help me without a city, или at least an area.

I felt completely dispirited before I remembered that Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper were still in Seattle. I quickly called information, asking for the number to Rosalie Hale in the Seattle area.

"I'm sorry, we don't have any listing under that name." My hope fell a little again.

"How about Jasper Hale?"

"Nothing, I'm afraid."

Though I wasn't expecting a different response, I continued.

"Emmett Cullen?"

"I'm sorry."

"Do Ты have a number for anyone by the name Cullen in Washington?" Not that I thought they had stayed in the state.

"I can't Поиск the entire state, I'm sorry." Of course not.

"Seattle then."

"No, nothing."

I hung up, dropping the phone onto the таблица with a thump. I had no idea what to do next.

Charlie must have heard, because he came into the kitchen.

"You couldn't get a hold of him?"

"His phone's been disconnected. Alice's too."

"Call information."

"I don't know where they went." My voice was barely audible.

"What do Ты mean Ты don't know where they went?"

"I mean that he didn't tell me where they were moving to. или maybe I didn't let him, I don't know." I buried my face in my hands. Why had both his and Alice's phones been disconnected? Was he afraid that I would try to convince him to come back, to give us a секунда chance? Did he just not want me to know where he was? I tried to come up with another reason, one that didn't involve him cutting all possible ties between us, but I couldn't.

"I'll call the hospital; they should know where Doctor Cullen transferred to." Charlie reached for the phone, but I grabbed it first.

"No, dad. They're probably not at liberty to tell us anyway, and if he went to this much trouble to make sure I couldn't find him, then maybe I don't want to."

"He should know." Charlie objected.

"He should." I agreed. "But he's not here to know, is he?" Charlie was quiet for a moment.

"Well, you're better off without him, anyway. Both of you."

"Thanks dad." I offered him a weak smile.

"Do Ты want me to call your mother?"

Crap. I hadn't even thought about Renée.

"No, I should be the one to tell her." I sighed. I did not want to have that conversation.

"OK." He didn't leave the кухня this time, but lingered in the doorway.

I pressed speed dial two and waited as the phone rang across the country.


"Hi Phil, it's Bella. Is my mom there?"

"Sure thing, hang on just a minute." I heard him call her, and felt my сердце rate pick up notably as I waited for her to come to the phone.

"Hi sweetie. How are you?" Renée's voice came over the line.

The jury was still out on that one.

"I'm OK. I'm actually calling because I need to talk to Ты about something." Might as well cut straight to the chase.

"You can't just call to talk to your poor old mom? OK, shoot."

I took a deep breath and unsuccessfully tried to steady my racing heart. Deciding a direct approach was my best option, I jumped right in.

"I'm pregnant." She was quiet for so long I started to wonder if she had hung up. "Mom?"

"You are kidding, right?" I didn't reply. "Please tell me that you're kidding."


"Because the alternative is not an option. Have I taught Ты nothing, Bella? How could Ты be so irresponsible?"

"Mom, please…"

"It's fine, it's OK. Ты can still get an abortion, right? It's not too late for that?"

"Mom, I'm not…"

"No, Bella, listen to me. I am not going to let Ты ruin your entire life, do Ты hear me? I will not just stand by and watch while you…"

Charlie grabbed the phone then, seeing the tears that were rolling down my cheeks.

"Renée… no, Ты cannot talk to her… because Ты upset her… no, of course I'm not thrilled about the situation, but I'm sure as hell not going to yell at her, she's got enough on her plate as it is… well, then I guess it's a good thing that she's not living with Ты anymore, isn't it… I'll take care of her, of both of them… I'm sorry Ты feel that way."

He hung up. The phone rang only a few секунды later, but he just checked the display and then ignored it.

"She'll come around." He tried to assure me, patting my hand.

"I'm not so sure about that."

"Just give her some time. It was a shock for her."

"I thought Ты would be the one to yell." I mumbled, and he chuckled.

"Believe me, I considered it. But what would have been the point, really? What's done is done. All we can do now is accept reality and do our best to deal with it." He squeezed my shoulder. "Head upstairs and rest for a while, I'll order dinner. Anything special Ты want?"


"Mexican it is."
секунда chapeter...enjoy!

I could hear people talking outside in the hallway. The voices sounded confused and angry. I strained to hear harder. “Mr. Cullen, I don’t care whether Ms. лебедь is your girlfriend или not,” Mr. Greene was saying in a stern voice. “You don’t start fights with anyone at this school. Especially the new ones who don’t know the rules yet!” he сказал(-а) fuming. I heard Mr. Blair across the other side of the tiny office saying similar things to someone else, I tried to hear, but in my attempts, my eyes opened, and I saw Charlie sitting by the door with an upset look...
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posted by twerdx24x1
Edward comes into the house and says” What the hell is all my stuff doing in the garage?” Then i stood and looked Edward in the face and сказал(-а) “we have company who is living with us now. Don’t be rude come Присоединиться us.” In my head i was thinking to him. ‘They just showed up and knew our names and everything about us. It was awkward at first and then i gave them a tour and Alice saw your room and wanted it. So I helped her with your stuff. Paybacks a pain in the butt, Ты shouldn’t have of been mean to me while i was being transformed. Oh yeah, I heard every word Ты сказал(-а) about me.’...
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 Robert Pattinson has a hair cut
Robert Pattinson has a hair cut
I really don't think anything is wrong with it. I think he looks great both ways. I hope people don't get mad at him или anything because after all it is his hair. haha :) He also did a great job in Twilight considering how much pressure Фаны can put on actors. Team Edward!!! Not to betray what i just сказал(-а) but I also think that they should keep Jacob for the part in New Moon Taylor did a good job in the movie as well and i think that it is really unfair to just cut him out of the series like that. I also think that the actor considering the part is very arrogant on how he is еще buff than...
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Robert Pattinson, звезда of the blockbuster hit film Twilight isn't ready to concede to Joe Jonas in the fight for Camilla Belle's heart.

The 22 год old Лондон based actor went out of his way to make sure that Camilla Belle, 22, didn't forget about him. A Источник told US, "Robert was in Европа promoting Twilight and he called her to tell her he was thinking of her." The Источник reported "Camilla was thrilled! Robert is trying to keep her interested. And it's definitely working."

Camilla Belle stars in the Jonas Brothers Lovebug video and vacationed with Joe Jonas, 19, in Mexico, but due to a commitment...
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I found this and I wondered what everyone would think. Do Ты agree или disagree?

Carlisle's History-- It's clear that the Cullens operate with a different set of rules than most vampires. However, without knowing that it took two centuries of "torturous effort" for the clan's patriarch to perfect his self-control, или that now, nearly 300 years later, he's developed an immunity to the scent of human blood, Ты can't really grasp the struggle that the relatively young Edward faces each time he's near Bella. или for that matter, the way his actions put the entire Cullen coven at risk.

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posted by mrsblack_1089
This might make Ты feel a little, weird, just rate and Комментарий according to your feelings about it and I hope everyone enjoys, regardless of the slightly changed storyline...

Light streamed in through the window of our bedroom, reflecting off the yellow walls and turning them the beautiful color I had imagined they would be. I was lying on вверх of Jacob's chest, breathing in his woodsy-pine scent. He breathed steadily in and out, as calm as if he were sleeping, though he was awake, too. A pile of fabric was lying Далее to the bed. After a секунда of staring at it, I realized it was my nightgown,...
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Indigo has issued a press release stating their figures indicate that this год Stephenie Meyers' Twilight series did еще sales than J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series did last year, which included the final Potter book. Good timing for Twilight, of course, as the movie opens tomorrow. Haven't read the books? Don't fret, "Canada’s Twilight Saga headquarters" surely has plenty of copies left.

For more, read Mark's story (and interview with Meyers) on the occasion of the release of Breaking Dawn, the fourth and "final" book in the Twilight series.

Here is the full Indigo press release:

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Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart grace the cover of the new issue of Life & Style.

The on-screen couple recently lit up the red carpet at the Twilight premiere on Monday night with the rest of the cast.

An insider reveals the secrets behind the set about the couple to the magazine: “Kristen and Rob bonded from the moment they met. They got along so well that people were convinced they were secretly in love. She [Kristen] and Rob had a lot in common, and it didn’t take long for them to develop a very close relationship.”

The insider also had to share: “They were very touchy-feely around each other and they seemed to share a lot of inside jokes.”

Maybe there’s еще than just movie magic going on, but we highly doubt it. Kristen, 18, has been dating actor Michael Angarano for, as she puts it, “forever.”
ok i know this has nothing to do with TWILIGHT i was just bored and i got to Письмо my own stroy not to sell или nothing just becasue i was bored so i don't know if i should go on PLZ give me ur
opinion on what u think so..... yup here it is
o and yes i know i kept the name EDWARD and yes i know the girls name is close to BELLA so this was just for fun!!!


“I hate it here” I сказал(-а) in the most mad voice I could ever say As I looked back I could see my mothers face looking at me with a look that could just make Ты fell like killing your self. When I got to my room I could see that...
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posted by DefineDelicate
in the mood to be Болталка again. *sighs*

I wrote a Статья Last week on how Twilight found me, saying that the Cover did in fact haunt me.
but since i finally cave in and read. i realize that the Haunting is not over.

I'm Obsessed it's true, but this is turning scaryyyyy

I'm a Дисней Фан okay, majorly and well..i was watching "101 Dalma.." Ты know, anyways, i was watching it to get my mind off of Twilight for once...
and something just jumped up in my face i thought i would share.

one of the Charaters is named Jasper.
the "Call" that the Собаки do at night to send a message, is called

yeah...am i going insane? i think so..only i put in "21" with Jim surgess okay..and at the end of the movie he did something completely crazy he сказал(-а) a line from the Book.

"so, do i Dazzle you?"

I decided to turn off the TV and go to bed..sad thing is, the only thing i dream about is Edward.

should i be scared? O_______o
posted by vampiress015
Okay so I was watching an interview that Twilight Lexicon did with Taylor Lautner when they were filming the scenes in La Push.
(you can watch it here link)
Taylor talks about the general things, what they're filming etc. We also find out that he's giving the truck to Bella.
And then it gets interesting.
Near the end he mentions the werewolf transformations, and how he wants to know what he's going to look like. He also says that hair and make-up and wardrobe are having meetings with the director.
Hmmm..do Ты think that we'll see the Волколаки in this movie, или will there be a New Moon movie? Fingers-crossed!
Tell me what Ты think please.
I have recently visited Stephenie's Official site. I have become indefinitaly horrified.

Midnight Sun has been postponed indefinitaley.

Because stupid wh*r*es have Опубликовано up the beloved work of Midnight Sun that Stephenie had дана them with trust.

I am completely speechless with anger and sadness.

But, thankfully, and unfortunately, Stephenie has Опубликовано up the whole rough draft that was incomplete onto her Official site. I can't believe who would be so cruel as to not even care about the author's right and post up Midnight Sun with no authorization.

I deeply regret what has happened. I can't even imagine how hurt Mrs. Meyer is, but I hope she can come back from this awful experience.
"Carlisle!" Edward yelled as soon as he reached the door even though it wasn't necessary. By that time Edward's entire family had appeared out of nowhere of course, and converged in the living room.
"What is it Edward?" Carlisle сказал(-а) in a worried tone.
"We have a problem." Edward simply said.
"What is it?" Emmett asked, unworried.
"Charlie knows everything, about us, about the pack, everything. I'm ashamed that I didn't see it sooner. Bella, I'm so sorry." Edward told his family, and his bride-to-be. Who had this blank, morose look on her face.
"What do Ты mean?" Esme asked.
"I mean, that,...
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