36 lifetime gold
"you ever seen a leaf fall off a tree? it's a beautiful thing..." Cathal Parked
♥She is the darkness to your light♥
На Fanpop с June 2012
- Female, 25 years old
- 221B Baker улица, уличный in the tardis in the land of Camelot defending all citizens!, Camelot♥
- My Websites: hymerlinmorgana.tumblr.com/, https://www.tumblr.com/
- Favorite TV Show: MERLIN!♥, New Girl♥, Miranda♥,The Big Bang Theroy♥, Misfits♥,Doctor Who ♥Sherlock♥Outnumbered♥Happy Endings♥!Favorite Movie: Harry Potter♥,Parked♥,Becoming Jane♥ Water for Elephants♥STARDUST♥ NOW IS GOODFavorite Musician: QUEEN♥ AC/DC♥ FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE♥ THE SCRIPT♥TAYLOR SWIFT♥ ,Ed sheerhan♥, The Fray♥ Coldplay♥Snow PatrolFavorite Book or Author: Erm.... Way too many! but maybe my favourite book would deffo be TheGoldenHeart!
Моя стена

сказал(-а) о Колин Морган …
Any col Фаны here? Любовь him to BITS!!!!!!!!!
Опубликовано Больше года


сказал(-а) о Мерлин на BBC …
I think the fact that Merlin is gone makes my сердце sink:( xxxx WE Любовь Ты MERLIN! For some reason I keep feeling like Emrys is somewhere...but I am just a lil wierd so....yup!!
Опубликовано Больше года
