Sean Bodine

На Fanpop с June 2010

  • Male, 28 years old
  • New Jersey
  • Favorite TV Show: Tosh.O, MacGyver, вверх Gear, CHiPs, Vegas, Knight Ride, and Lupin III
    Favorite Movie: To Live and Die in L.A, Unstoppable, The Longest Day, The Empire Strikes Back, For Your Eyes Only, Where Eagles Dare, and Lupin III
    Favorite Book or Author: Ready Player One
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Мои клубы

Dedicated Fan in 21 clubs Dedicated (21) Die-Hard Fan in 15 clubs Die-Hard (15) Fanatic in 2 clubs Fanatic (2)

Моя стена

Seanthehedgehog сказал(-а) о Звёздные войны
I haven't written a Фан fiction on here in years, but I've been contemplating an idea for quite some time. Others have made fanart Показ various scenarios if звезда Wars were to take place in real life. So I figured, why not write different versions of the звезда Wars Фильмы to Показать what the events were like if they took place on Earth? Everything will be done in chronological order from Episode 1 to Episode 6. Опубликовано ·1 месяц назад
TimberHumphrey сказал(-а) …
nice background, my dude lol
i recently started getting back into Аниме again, and i couldn't help but notice how Аниме this chick looks. who is she? Опубликовано ·10 месяцев назад
Seanthehedgehog прокомментировал(-а)…
Kay. She's a character from Girls und Panzer. ·10 месяцев назад
TimberHumphrey прокомментировал(-а)…
sheesh! i finally got a chance to answer after 7 months LOL my bad, kinda forgot about it. but i've heard about that Аниме before. just haven't seen it yet. is it any good? ·2 месяцев назад
Seanthehedgehog прокомментировал(-а)…
Yes ·2 месяцев назад
TimberHumphrey прокомментировал(-а)…
interesting. might give it a watch soon ·1 месяц назад
Seanthehedgehog сказал(-а) о Болталка
CrazedSitcomfan has deleted all of his inappropriate pictures. He has agreed never to do that again. Опубликовано ·11 месяцев назад
TimberHumphrey прокомментировал(-а)…
lets see if he'll stay true to his word ·11 месяцев назад
Seanthehedgehog прокомментировал(-а)…
I'm sure he will. ·11 месяцев назад