На Fanpop с November 2010
- Female, 28 years old
- Australia, mate
- Favorite TV Show: The Mandalorian, Merlin, The Witcher, Would I Lie To You, Kath & KimFavorite Movie: Lord of the Rings, звезда Wars, The Princess Bride, Four Lions, Pirates of the CarribeanFavorite Musician: The Amazing Devil, SOHN, Aurora, Stromae, Hans Zimmer, Hamilton cast, Omnia, Loreena McKennit, The Moon and the Nightspirit, Mehdi SakiFavorite Book or Author: Harry Potter, GoT, Robin Hobb (The Farseer Trilogy; Liveship Traders), The Book Thief, The Shadowmarch series, Ranger's Apprentice
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Amazon, яблоко and Google pulling support for Parler: We're about to do what's called a pro gamer move. Опубликовано Больше года