176 lifetime gold
I gotta get back Hogwarts...
На Fanpop с January 2011
- Female, 33 years old
- Berlin, Germany
- My Websites: YouTube, MySpace, Tumblr
- Favorite TV Show: Glee, Bones, Doctor's Diary, Crimianl Minds, Big Time Rush, HIMYM, Grey's AnatomyFavorite Movie: Inception, (500) Days of Summer, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Charlie St. Cloud, Pineapple Express, Milk, Burlesque, The Dark Knight, & many more!Favorite Musician: Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Casper (Benjamin Griffey), Darren Criss, BTR, 30STM, Muse, Alicia KeysFavorite Book or Author: Birdsong (S. Faulks), The Picture of Dorian Gray (O. Wilde), The TWILIGHT Saga (S. Meyer)
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сказал(-а) …
how r u abbey? Immisses yu.n I know u and me both were not on but I missy Ты and thought bout yu everyday justnlike drake. K see yu later chicita
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