На Fanpop с November 2015

  • Female, 23 years old
  • ⚛ Kingdom of Corona ⚛
  • Favorite TV Show: Moon Lovers: Scarlet сердце Ryeo
    Favorite Movie: Tangled, Roman Holiday, Back to the Future, The Truman Show, Wreck-It Ralph, Inside Out, The Giver
    Favorite Musician: Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Puccini, Saint-Saëns, Yo Yo Ma, The Beatles, Alan Menken, Im Sun Hae, IU, BTS, VROMANCE, DAY6, B.I.G, A.C.E, EXO
    Favorite Book or Author: HP series, Black Stallion series, Bambi, King of the Wind, Black Beauty, Through the Looking-Glass, Fahrenheit 451, The Book Thief...
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NoNoobs сказал(-а) …
How much adult Bambi merchandise do Ты see? He’s made the laughing stock of Disney’s saccharine reputation because Дисней makes the Bambi films look like cutesy baby critter films. With cutesy “BIRD!” and ice skating from the child Bambi and less use of the adult Bambi. The Автор didn’t even sell the rights to Дисней he sold it to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and there was worse for him alongside that. Опубликовано Больше года
yorkshire_rose выразил(-а) мне благодарность за my comments
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Lavendergolden выразил(-а) мне благодарность за my answers
❤🧡💛Friendship is a garden for Цветы to bloom, Darkness is a sky for lanterns to grow, World is a canvas to test your imagination💚💙💜 Опубликовано Больше года